Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 105 The Horn

Chapter 105 The Horn
By the way, Ying Hao.

Looking at the disgusted eyes of the man in front of her, Ying Baoyue realized why Ying Su came here at this time.

Ying Baoyue caressed the cloth strip on her wrist. Before Ying Su joined the battle, the Guiyang City family and officials all speculated that she would marry Ying Hao in the end.

In the eyes of all the officials of the family, although the national teacher is displeased, it is impossible for her to completely turn against the emperor, and as an apprentice, she will endure humiliation and marry at least one of them in the end.

No other man would dare to marry her, and it is not allowed to follow the example of the national teacher and not marry for life, even if she escapes into Buddhism.

Then her final destination could only be Ying Hao.

After all, Emperor Ying is more than 30 years older than her. Although Ying Hao is absurd, at least he has a good skin. The two are also similar in age. As an unmarried girl, she will definitely choose Ying Hao.

Although he disobeyed the emperor's will, the chief commander Lin Shubai could at least bear this part of the pressure.

It is not illegal for the emperor to rob civilian daughters, but if he wants to rob his daughter-in-law, the hat of personal morality will be deducted, and the national teacher will have a righteous reputation if he wants to turn against the emperor.

The lesser of two evils, if this matter persists like this, she will definitely let go and choose to marry Ying Hao on her own initiative.

After all, this can also avoid embarrassing your master, can't you?

Everyone thinks so.

Probably Ying Su thought so too.

But no one knows, she didn't have this plan from the beginning, she was not prepared from the beginning...

self sacrifice.

Ying Baoyue looked out of the gradually desolate window, her eyes lit up like lights, as if she could still feel the warm embrace of that woman and everything she taught her.

It never occurred to her to sacrifice her happiness for such a situation.

Master didn't bring her up just because she wronged him.

Nor is it because of her wronging herself to fight so far.

For your own good is a nonsense.

If she married Ying Hao for the so-called good of Master, she would have put a knife in Master's heart.

When it really came to the point where there was no way to force it, when the sky was about to kill me, she and her master broke through the sky.

So what?

What's more, a mere marriage is not a hopeless situation.

Others can't understand how the two masters and apprentices depended on each other to survive until now.

All the officials of the aristocratic family could not understand the absolute trust between their two masters and apprentices.

She will never act rashly without a better solution.Ying Baoyue knows better than anyone else, and Master also knows that it is absolutely impossible for her to fall in love with Ying Hao.

It is impossible for her to marry Ying Hao, but... what about Ying Su?



Ying Su's reasons back then were not unreasonable.

After all, the discord between the eldest son of the emperor and the second son of the emperor started a long time ago.

Ying Su and Ying Hao are at odds.

The government and the public know it.

The two were originally half-brothers with very different personalities, no... that probably couldn't be considered very different, the two brothers' personalities were completely opposite.

In today's words, it means that the three views are not in harmony.It's only natural to dislike each other.

It is said that the two grew up fighting each other since they were young, and Ying Su suffered a lot as the eldest son.After both of them became fathers, the conflicts between the brothers not only did not ease, but intensified.

Because the relationship between Ying Hanri and Ying Xun is also very bad.

She had never seen that scene, but Master told her about it later.After she handed Ying Xun back to Ying Su, Emperor Ying enthusiastically arranged for his grandchildren to meet for the first time.

At that time, Ying Hanri was three years old, and Ying Xun was two years old. They were still little carrots who could just walk and talk, but they didn't expect that they would fight when they met for the first time.

The speed at which the two children turned their faces was so fast that the surrounding palace people didn't hold back for a moment.However, both of them are boys, looking at this scene, Emperor Ying, who has always raised children in a rough way, said a word and asked the two boys to fight.As a result, no one dared to do it, and the two children, who together were only five years old, were beaten into a daze.

Ying Hanri is one year older than Ying Xun, tall and long-legged, so he naturally has the advantage in a fight.It is said that Ying Xun was beaten badly at that time.

But what Master really wants to tell her is later.

The master told her that after Ying Xun was pushed to the ground by Ying Hanri, the corner of his mouth was bleeding and he got up from the ground, he did not go to his father who was standing beside him.Instead, he rushed out of the main hall and ran to the Imperial Prayer Province with a pair of short legs.

At that time, all the palace people didn't know what happened to the little emperor's grandson, they all thought he was just running away. After all, how could a two-year-old child know the way, but only Ying Su and the master knew.

He wanted to find her.

Find her to avenge him.

But she is not there.

In the end, Ying Xun was dragged back by Ying Su.

Ying Hanri was injured, so he could go back to the palace and cry as much as he wanted in the arms of his mother and concubine. He had someone he could cry and act like a spoiled child.

However, Ying Xun did not.

Not since childhood.

Ying Su forbids Ying Xun from looking for her.

Ying Xun is forbidden to tell about his relationship with her.

A child has no memory ability, and when he is three years old, he will no longer remember her.

Because of this incident, Ying Baoyue always thought that Ying Su had something to do with her.

And she fully understood his resentment.

She has saved many people since she was a child, so she has always understood a truth, if you fail to save all people, then for the remaining people alive, you are not a hero, but an enemy.

In the ravaged village of Xirong, she had rescued many children, but because the adults would take the lead in protecting the children, often when she arrived, the parents of the children were already dead or seriously injured, so among the children rescued by her, almost Most will hate her why she didn't come sooner, their parents wouldn't have died if she had come earlier!

This sounds very unreasonable, but after seeing more, she knows that this is also human nature.

Those who saved the child but failed to turn it into a pregnant woman would even be considered as deliberately only focusing on the royal blood and disregarding human life.

If the news about her saving Ying Xun but not becoming the eldest concubine of the emperor spread, there would definitely be such rumors between the government and the opposition, so the master immediately blocked all the news and directly erased all the records of her contact with the eldest son of the emperor that day.

Just act like nothing happened.

She hadn't been in the delivery room, tried treatment, saved a baby, watched a mother die, nothing happened.

Compared with the possible slander, Ying Su's reaction was actually much gentler and more polite.Although cold, but never said anything excessive to her.Even if he didn't allow Ying Xun to contact her, she felt nothing.It doesn't matter to her even if he hates her, not to mention that he is his son after all.

But she really didn't expect that Ying Su didn't forget what happened that day and wanted to repay her kindness.

Because his behavior made her think that he hated her, she really couldn't immediately think about his other thoughts about her.

Rather, it is because the grievances between him and Ying Hao are more convincing.

Ying Su said that he wanted to repay his favor and did not want Ying Hao to get what he wanted.

She actually believed it.

Under the circumstances of the year, it was indeed the best choice that could make everyone better.

Then on the Great Wall, the two of them reached an agreement to marry.

Thinking about it now, she was really inexperienced and had zero EQ in her previous life, so she actually believed the words Ying Su prepared for her.

Until she paid a huge price for it.

After reaching an agreement with Ying Su, she originally planned to return to Guiyang City with Ying Su to be married by Emperor Ying.However, at that moment, outside the Great Wall, the horns of the Xirong people suddenly sounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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