Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1075 Punishing the Heart

Chapter 1075 Punishing the Heart
Under the oppression of the wolves, most of the war horses could not move an inch, only the disciples of Beihan Pavilion ran forward with ease.

If only Xirong people's horses could run, other practitioners would not be so eager, but seeing the Beihan Pavilion disciples also run away at this time, many people's eyes turned red.

"How is this going?"

"Move me quickly, trash!"

Anxious shouts resounded in the racecourse, and many practitioners even whipped the horses under them vigorously, but even though they were bleeding, the horses under them still couldn't move, even if they barely stood up, they would stagger and fall.

The breath of Xuanwu God summoned by Xu Canghai not only helped Xu Bingqing and the others, but also brought more suppression to the war horses who were already stimulated by the wolves.

The suppressed mourning of the horses echoed in the racecourse.

stop, stop...

Looking at the practitioners who were lashing their horses regardless, Ji Jiashu couldn't suppress the anger in his chest. He looked up at the wolves in all directions and the Son of God who looked down on all living beings in the distance, and his chest was filled with unspeakable anger.

With such power, this person did not use it to drive away the wolves, but only used it to protect his daughter and disciples.

"Master of the Northern Wei Dynasty!" Dongfang Yi, who was trying her best to maintain the order of the scene on the high platform, had no time to pay attention to him, but immediately noticed what Xu Canghai had done.

"What's wrong?" Xu Canghai looked calm, "I didn't make trouble."

He glanced at Dongfang Yi lightly, with mockery in his eyes.

Dongfang Yi was taken aback.

Xu Canghai didn't say that sentence, but as the Son of God, he already understood.

"My strength is for my use."

This is Xu Canghai's way.

Dong Wu's god son is him, Dongfang Yi. He is the one who protects everyone and bears all the accidents in the field.

Not Xu Canghai.

Xu Canghai has no obligation to help, but for the Son of God who has climbed to the top of ten thousand by strength, absolute power is the justice in this world.

Looking at the man who was staring at all beings on the racetrack with indifferent eyes, Ji Jiashu closed his eyes, not knowing how to describe his mood.

Before coming to Soochow, he had seen such eyes countless times.

from his father.

"Only absolute power can solve everything," my father's indifferent reprimand sounded in my ears, "The strong prey on the weak, put away that sympathetic look, only if you are strong enough, you are qualified to want so many things, and you are qualified to be angry."

Those who are not strong enough are not qualified to protect what they cherish.

Ants are not worth living.

This is the normal thinking of the Son of God.

Those who don't think so are already dead.

Ji Jiashu didn't think his father was right before, but now, he found that he was powerless to refute.

What's wrong?
Power is the power of others, and he has no power to decide how others use it.

Ji Jiashu looked at the saddled racecourse, with unspeakable emotions in his eyes.

Why is he so weak?
If he had his father's strength...

"I've surpassed you!" At this time, Xu Bingqing's excited cry sounded not far away. Ji Jiashu heard the sound and looked over, and found that Xu Bingqing, who was running in the front of Beihan Pavilion, had already surpassed Ying Baoyue!

"Hahaha! Just whine about your own powerlessness right here!" Xu Bingqing didn't hide his pride at all, and rushed to the front position, enjoying the thrill of a horse.

The attention of everyone in the stands was immediately attracted by the sassy-looking woman.

"Look! The Holy Maiden has surpassed the former Princess Qin!"

"Sure enough, Beihan Pavilion has a strong foundation! Compared with the saint, the former Qin princess is still far behind."

"It's all about opportunism. I guess it's because I won yesterday that I was a little bit flustered? The saint is more stable and focused on this game."

"After all, the saint's family has a long history, and with such a father and talent, it is natural to be steady and steady."

"Just now I have been rushing to the front, and I didn't keep it for a while..."

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Zhao Guang couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, but he grabbed Chen Zichu who was about to punch the people around him.

"Don't stop me, these indiscriminate fools..."

But Zhao Guang did not let go, "They are not indiscriminate."

"What did you say?" Chen Zichu suddenly turned around and asked aggressively, with betrayed anger in his eyes, "Could it be that you think the same as them?"

Chen Zichu felt that he couldn't swallow his breath.

Why is it so difficult for her to be recognized, but she is always the first to be questioned?

"Do you think they are really praising Xu Bingqing?" Zhao Guang said lightly, "They are just flattering her father."

Chen Zichu froze for a moment, his fist raised in mid-air became stiff.

Zhao Guang didn't look at him, but looked at the racecourse shrouded in oppressive air.

The sky, which had been cloudy since the morning, seemed to be even lower now.

"Although you don't necessarily admit it, this is the reality," Zhao Guang said quietly, "Don't you ever rely on your own father?"

It doesn't matter whether Xu Bingqing is strong or not, the important thing is that she is Xu Canghai's daughter, that's enough.

It is not a problem for Xu Canghai, who is incapable of cultivating, or not talented in cultivating, in front of the powerful Xu Canghai.

Even if it is the other people who are angry at the horse farm at this time, what is the use of being angry?I'm afraid they are all angry that they don't have such a father.

Many of the sons of the aristocratic family can come here because of the shelter of their fathers, but it's just that their father is not as strong as other people's fathers.

"But, but..." Chen Zichu was speechless.

But at this moment, a calm voice came from beside the two of them.

"But not everyone wants that kind of father."

Zhao Guang and Chen Zichu turned their heads, and it was Gui Chen who had been silent all the time who spoke.

Gui Chen didn't look at the group of mourning horses, but just stared at the girl on the racecourse.

"She hasn't given up yet."

Nor was she angry.

Everyone outside the arena followed Gui Chen's eyes in a daze, and found that many practitioners in the racecourse had given up and rolled off their horses one after another, but only Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu were still on the horses, Ying Baoyue straightened her back and whispered something to the horse under her seat.

The old horse under her was covered with sweat, stood up and fell down again and again, and she also bumped up and down with the horse's back.

This scene looked extremely tossing and weak, and many aristocratic families only felt that this struggling posture was extremely ugly.

It's better to just give up, there is still a bit of pride.

Many sons of aristocratic families straightened their clothes and left proudly, leaving that unyielding girl behind, feeling somewhat satisfied in their hearts.

The Xirong cultivator in front had almost arrived at the racecourse, and Xu Bingqing, who followed closely behind, clenched the short-tipped bow in her hand. Even if she couldn't catch up, her eyes still showed excitement.

Being able to leave that ex-Qin woman behind for fame and fame, even if she didn't get the top spot, would be enough fun. Anyway, who can beat the Xirong people in riding and shooting?

The clouds over the racecourse became even lower, and Ji Jiashu felt a little breathless.

He looked at Ying Baoyue, who was constantly encouraging the dark horse under him, with some unbearable eyes.

He closed his eyes, and was about to get off his horse and walk towards her, but at this moment, he saw a small snake suddenly emerge from Ying Baoyue's sleeve, crawled onto her shoulder, and looked towards the sky.

The little snake's black eyes flickered, as if seeing something unbelievable.

It widened its eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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