Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1088 Choice

Chapter 1088 Choice
"Hey, did you hear that?"

"I heard! During the examination at Hanshan Academy, the former Princess Qin and Mr. Chunhua were in the same examination room. They were looking around at Mr. Chunhua's side for a while. All the young masters have seen it with their own eyes!"

"Yes, a young master surnamed Zheng from Tonglu Academy next door said he saw it too!"

"Someone actually said that he saw it with his real name? Then this matter really can't escape!"

"Really? But Mr. Chunhua actually let her copy?"

"After all, he has the status of a fiancee, Chunhua Jun has outstanding virtues and has always been soft-hearted..."

"But how did the former Princess Qin become number one?"

"I heard that the old general who was reviewing the papers liked those flashy tactics the most, but the former Princess Qin wrote those, so I fell in the old general's eyes..."

Less than an hour after dawn, all kinds of specious rumors spread to all the restaurants and teahouses. Every citizen in Ruyang City who went out to buy food pricked up his ears. Some people are spitting and talking.


In the hall of Shi'an Yuan, listening to the whispered report from the outer guards, Chen Zichu slammed a steamed bun onto the plate.

"Those bastards talking nonsense!"

"Zi Chu!" As one of the rumors, Ji Jiashu's face was not very good-looking, but he still let out a breath, and patted Chen Zichu's shoulder in a warm voice, "Don't vent your anger with food."

"Sorry," Chen Zichu looked at the dozen pairs of eyes at the table, picked up the steamed bun and stuffed it into his mouth.

"It's okay, thank you," Ying Baoyue said sincerely, looking into his eyes.

No matter what she encounters, she now has someone who is really angry for her.

Xu Yishan sat beside Chen Zichu without saying a word, but Ying Baoyue took a closer look and found that the surface of the soup in Xu Yishan's hand was slightly boiling and surging.

This is really the angry way of the water mage.

"Senior brother," Ying Baoyue laughed, pointing to the bowl of soup, "If you don't drink that bowl, it will be broken."

"Oh, good." Xu Yishan, whose muscles were tense all over his body, was taken aback for a moment, then relaxed, and drank the soup that was tumbling in the bowl at hand, but he coughed because he drank too quickly.

"Brother?" Ying Baoyue was stunned, stood up and reached out to pat him on the back.

"I'm fine," Xu Yishan pushed her back, "You better think about your own affairs."

There was a dead silence around the table.

Today, it was said that there would be a big battle, and Ying Baoyue suggested that everyone come to have a meal together, but just halfway through breakfast, the news came.

"It's too late to stop it now." Li Ji, who was silently drinking porridge at the table, suddenly raised his head and said lightly, "Someone deliberately spread this rumor throughout the city."

Ying Baoyue squeezed the chopsticks tightly, her eyes were as bright as stars.

"I know," she nodded.

Many practitioners have not been notified of the new rules released last night. As a result, what was hotly discussed in the streets and alleys of Ruyang City this morning was not the newly revised rules, but the cheating case of the military art exam that had already ended. It's too strange.

"The matter of cheating can be easily resolved as long as the detailed process of the joint trial of the three divisions last night is announced," Zhao Guang took a deep breath, "but it's too late now."

Last night was an overnight trial, and today is another mid-level ceremony. The Jianzhang Palace does not hold a morning court. It is estimated that many participating officials were still awake last night.

Even if they got up, there might not be many officials willing to speak up for Ying Baoyue.

As for the rumor about Ying Baoyue copying Ji Jiashu's paper, even the details are well-made up, and the two happened to be in the same exam room in the Art of War exam. There are too many coincidences, and it is difficult to clarify in a short time.

"Then let's just watch these people slander my sister?" Gui Li's face flushed with anger, "Don't talk about it, I will go out with sister Jinniang and sister An Ge to talk to those people later! Anyway, we will not participate in the middle-level ceremony today , let’s go to the street and say, Song Jizi, please give us some nursing uncles.”

Ji Ange nodded, already thinking that even if her brother stopped her, she would take out the money at the bottom of the box and hire someone to clarify.

However, she did not expect that the person blocking her was Ying Baoyue.

"Open your mouth to spread rumors, and run away to refute them," Ying Baoyue stood up with a calm expression, "I accept your thoughts. The rumors in the teahouse are well-known. I guess even the witnesses have been found, and you didn't even go there." use."

"Sister, what are you talking about?" Ji Ange looked at her in astonishment, "This is ruining your reputation!"

Even if fame can't be eaten, in today's competition, reputation is a matter of life and death.

"Baoyue, you haven't forgotten what the rules of today's Six Arts Competition are?" Zhao Guang frowned and looked at Ying Baoyue.

"No matter how blind the people are, they will never vote for a practitioner who is rumored to have cheated in the middle-level ceremony!"

Zhao Guang was in a complicated mood.

He didn't know who was behind this rumor, but this rumor really seemed to be tailor-made for this rule.

Even if there is a lack of personal morality, those who don’t care just don’t care, but rumors of cheating are different. Even the most unprincipled people will not vote for someone who may have cheated in the middle-level ceremony!

"I know," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and put down the rice bowl he had eaten, "but now there is only one hour left before the Six Arts Competition."

No matter how clarified it is, it will not be in time, which is why rumors will spread at this time.

The Six Arts Competition is just around the corner, and it is the time when the people in the city are excited, no one will believe what they say, and they may be thought to forcefully clarify the results of the Six Arts Competition.

After the Intermediate Ceremony is over and the people calm down, this rumor may be clarified, but by then the voting has ended.

Very brilliant plot.

No matter what angle you look at, she is like a bug in a spider web, trapped to death.

"Thank you for worrying about me, but we will be rivals later," Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "Instead of worrying about me, why don't you all think about which art to choose after you go to Hanshan Academy."

The new rules were delivered to each participant's residence before breakfast.

The Battle of the Six Arts was held in Hanshan today. Each practitioner chooses one of the six arts to present in the arena, and the people vote to determine the ranking.

You can only choose one of the six arts, and this choice is extremely important. Hearing Ying Baoyue's words, all the teenagers immediately became thoughtful.

Each of them has at least two or more specialties. In the past, the six arts were allowed to choose several. When they can only choose one, it is really difficult for everyone to choose which one to choose.

After hasty preparations, it was time for everyone to go out.

Xu Yishan, Chen Zichu and others were thinking about the upcoming competition, and stepped out of the door with heavy hearts, but Ji Ange, Guili, and Li Jinniang looked at Ying Baoyue worriedly.

Just as she was about to step out of the threshold, Ji Ange suddenly grabbed the corner of Ying Baoyue's clothes.

Ying Baoyue turned her head and saw that the girl's eyes, which resembled the most important person in her heart, were looking at her intently.

"Sister," Ji Ange asked softly, "What do you want to choose? What should you do?"

What can she do?What else can be done?

Being criticized by thousands of people and having so many powerful opponents, Ji Ange felt desperate for her just thinking about it.

Ying Baoyue looked into those eyes, but smiled.

"I'm not the only one on the mountain, I'm on the mountain when I come," Ying Baoyue looked up at the rising sun in the distance.

"Trust me, I have a way."

(End of this chapter)

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