Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1100

Chapter 1100
"My lord, the stone-throwers are ready and scattered in the crowd. As long as you make a gesture, they can start right away."

In the crowded and noisy crowd, the masked boy stood beside Helianyan and spoke in a low voice.

"Rumors about this woman playing the qin and the people under the stage will not die or be injured have all been spread."

"Young master, when will you do it?"

He Lianyan quietly looked at the girl behind Ji Jiashu on the high platform, "Wait for her to come out from behind Mr. Chunhua."

Based on what he knew about her, she would definitely come out.

Feeling the anger of the people around him, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Helianyan's mouth.

Most of the people in this world are so stupid that they will fall short, but in such a hopeless world, she actually believes that she can swim against the tide.

She was doomed when she had such a foolish idea.

"You said, if I killed her, would Yafu be angry?" He suddenly said lightly.

The boy in black beside He Lianyan was taken aback, "My lord, you..."

He has been with He Lianyan for many years, but he rarely hears He Lianyan's questions, and He Lianyan obviously doesn't want to hear his answers.

The frozen brook once again appeared in front of his eyes, Helianyan smiled and shook his head.

"I think it's better for her to die here."

Die with ideals in mind, maybe she will be happier than what she might experience when she arrives in the north.

"My lord, are you..." The boy in black looked at Helianyan hesitantly, his lips twitched as if he wanted to say something, but at this moment, from the corner of his eye, he caught Ying Baoyue in the music shed looking from Ji Jiashu's eyes. came out from behind.


"I know," Helianyan stared at the slender figure, glanced at the north, and raised a hand.

But just when he was about to wave that hand, his hand suddenly stopped in mid-air.


The boy in black was stunned, but at this moment, he suddenly found that Ying Baoyue on the high platform had stopped in his tracks.


The crowd who were jumping and screaming angrily fell silent, and Chen Zichu and others who were submerged in the crowd struggled to show their heads, and also stared at this scene in a daze.

Looking at the girl who was being held back.

Just when Ying Baoyue was about to step off the high platform, a big hand suddenly stretched out from behind her and grabbed her wrist.

"and many more."

Ying Baoyue was startled, turned her head, and looked at the man standing behind her with an expressionless expression.

"Li Ji?"

The problem that he doesn't have this sound when he walks really needs to be corrected. It can scare people to death at critical moments.

Ji Jiashu was also a little surprised, Li Ji appeared so fast and acted so decisively that he didn't even react.

"Li Ji, what's wrong?"

Ying Baoyue looked at the man who was stubbornly grabbing her left wrist, and smiled wryly, "It's better not to touch my hand."

Although she sealed a few acupuncture points last night, couldn't he feel the heat?

"I have something to look for you." Li Ji said lightly.

"What's the matter?" Ying Baoyue looked at the examiner who was walking towards him behind Li Ji, and raised his chin, "Your competition is about to start."

After she finished speaking, the examiner's voice came from behind Li Ji.

"Mr. Zhaohua, what are you doing? Hurry up to the center of the stage, do you want to compete with music or dance music?"

"Play music," Li Ji replied without moving his hands or turning his head.

"Mr. Zhaohua wants to play a musical instrument?" The restless people in the audience were also a little distracted, "I wonder what kind of music Mr. Zhaohua will play?"

"No matter what you play, with Lord Chunhua Zhuyu in front, even Lord Zhaohua can't come back, right?"

"Although Mr. Zhaohua is good at cultivation, he has never been known as a talent before, right?"

"Yes, yes, of course Zhaohua-jun is also very good, but it just happened to be in a group with Chunhua-jun."

There were buzzing discussions in the audience, but more people looked at the three people standing very close together on the stage, confused.

"By the way, what are these three people doing? Why is the former Qin princess still on stage?"

The on-site examiner who was originally shocked by the music officer's injury also came back to his senses at this time, and regained his majesty.

"Mr. Zhaohua! What are you doing? Your fun battle is about to begin, hurry up and get ready!"

The examiner's eyes flicked across Ying Baoyue's body like a knife, "Irrelevant personnel leave the stage quickly!"

It is self-explanatory who the irrelevant person refers to.

Ying Baoyue smiled quietly, and reached out to pull her wrist out of Li Ji's palm, but she did not twitch after two twitches.

Li Ji never forced her to do anything, Ying Baoyue was stunned, and raised her head to meet those black eyes.

Only now did she see the difference in those eyes. They were as dark as ever, but they were extremely serious at this time.

"Do you know what it means for you to go down now?"

Li Ji paused and said, "If you go down now, don't even think about playing music in the Six Arts Competition. You were supposed to participate in the music competition, right?"

"That's right," Ying Baoyue nodded, touched the bamboo stick in his sleeve, "but it's okay, I'm better than others."

Although she is not a master of the six arts, she is also good at other arts, and she is also good at choosing rites.

"Why don't the irrelevant people stop!"

The examiner's angry voice came from behind, and Ying Baoyue smiled helplessly, "Let go, I really want to go down."

She played music for Ji Jiashu just on a whim. Although it caused a storm, she didn't regret it.

But Li Ji was unexpectedly stubborn this time.

"You didn't seem to dare to touch things with strings before." Li Ji looked her in the eyes, "Why?"

If you don't tell him the truth, it seems that he won't let go.

"Let me tell you this," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "there is no difference between bowstrings and zither strings to me."

The last successor of Yinsha in this world should be her master, and her situation is more complicated. The master does not let her touch Yinsha, but she learns without a teacher in the process of listening to the master playing the piano, because there is no teacher. Tong has never learned it, but has problems with control.

Just like her left hand now, it can be difficult to control sometimes.

This should be regarded as the sequelae of Yinsha.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, she will basically not play stringed instruments after the age of 15.

Ji Jiashu understood what she meant.

I also understand why I have never seen her play the piano.

He knows how gentle she is usually, because she is worried about hurting others by mistake, so she usually doesn't play the piano.

But it was she who broke the taboo for him.

All kinds of emotions surged in his heart, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"I understand," Li Ji said quietly.

"Now that you know the reason, can you let me go?" Ying Baoyue smiled.

Li Ji let go, and the examiner's urging sounded again.

"Master examiner, she is not an unrelated person." He said lightly.

Ying Baoyue was startled.

"What do you want to keep me for? You don't want me to accompany you, do you?"

She never thought about this possibility, after all Li Ji wanted to play music, not dance.

(End of this chapter)

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