Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 112

Chapter 112
"She... what did she just do?"

The former Qinnan County is densely covered with mountains and forests. Among the mountains hundreds of feet away from the wedding convoy, a pair of brothers stood on the top of the highest mountain.

Zhao Guang took off the bamboo tube for looking into the distance, looked at the direction of the girl next to the convoy in the distance, looked up at the thunder light covering the water, and stared blankly at the silent brother beside him .

Shock can't even describe his current mood. The young man threw the bamboo tube to the ground, looked at his brother who could see there without the bamboo tube, and grabbed Li Ji's arm suddenly.

"She...she just created a practitioner?"

Zhao Guang did not expect that he would catch up with the wedding procession of the former Qin Dynasty and his princess after chasing a large number of cultivators in Guiyang City, and even more that he would see a scene of acquired cultivators that could shake the entire cultivating world by mistake. born.

And this birth came from the hands of that girl.

He didn't see this woman directly when she broke through the boundary last time, and he had been dubious about it, but this time he saw it directly and couldn't help but believe it.

This time the scene was even more shocking. If it was the woman who made a breakthrough last time, this time he actually saw an ordinary person become a practitioner at the moment the woman raised her hand?
"It's impossible..." Zhao Guang felt the surge of vitality in heaven and earth in disbelief, "How could a practitioner be artificially created?"

This will shake the foundation of the entire cultivation world!

"It wasn't made by her." Facing his incoherent younger brother, Li Ji's dark eyes under the mask were still so calm and bottomless, "It should have something to do with the boy himself, and the woman must have found some trigger."

Li Ji's pure black pupils looked into Zhao Guang's eyes, making him calm down from the shock.

"She didn't make that," Li Ji repeated while looking at his younger brother. Not only could he see the scene just now, he could even hear what the woman said, and she was right.

"That is indeed the original power contained in that young man's body, but..." Li Ji paused.

"Just?" Zhao Guangxin, who had finally calmed down, mentioned it again.

Li Ji looked at the girl who was standing in the mud in the distance but gave off a sense of spotlessness, and waves appeared in Gujing's calm eyes.

"It was truly a miracle she caused."

Making the impossible possible is a miracle.

"The last ordinary person who was able to break the barrier in his teens," the man said indifferently, "In the past 30 years, there should be only the chief commander."

Zhao Guang was shocked.

He knew what his brother wanted to say, and in less than a month, two ordinary people broke through at such an "advanced age"!
And if there is anything in common between these two people, it is that they are both related to that woman.

"What trick did she find? What if she..." Zhao Guang looked at his quiet brother and opened his mouth but choked in his throat.

What if this woman could do this to a large number of ordinary people?The consequences are horrifying.

Although the elder brother said that she couldn't create practitioners, he wasn't very afraid of her breaking through the realm alone, but she was able to make other people break through, so he couldn't help feeling chills from the bottom of his heart.

"You don't have to worry about that," Li Ji looked at Zhao Guangdao, "Even if there is a trick, the conditions for becoming a practitioner will never be so simple."

In the woman's simple actions just now, there must be a lot of invisible games and costs.

"If it was so easy to create, the world would have been in chaos long ago." Li Ji said lightly, "There is always something in the way of heaven."

In the calm voice of the man, Zhao Guang felt certain.

The way of heaven is always.

And the division of power in this world cannot be shaken.

He looked at the quiet elder brother who seemed to understand something, and said loudly as if trying to calm himself down, "No matter how special, that woman is only ranked tenth!"

The rank of genius doctor is just an entry level. Although the physical fitness has been greatly improved, it is only an auxiliary function, and there is no direct means of attack in front of real practitioners.

In the world of practitioners, level ten is nothing.

Wanting to understand all this, Zhao Guang took a deep breath, picked up the bamboo tube on the ground again, and stared at the figures of boys and girls in the swamp with complicated expressions.

No matter how tricky this woman is, she can't shake anything with a mere tenth rank, even...

They couldn't save their own lives.

"I didn't expect that the movement of a large number of practitioners in Guiyang City that my elder brother asked me to investigate would actually leave with the departure of this woman."

Carefully observing the surrounding environment, Zhao Guang let out a sigh and frowned.

"Second brother, why are there so many practitioners chasing her since this woman is only waiting for rank ten and can't make waves?"

The eyes under Li Ji's mask looked at him with helplessness, "Aren't you also chasing her?"

Zhao Guang froze all over, wishing he could throw the bamboo tube to the ground, "Is there nothing I can do?"

He didn't want to run after her!Looking at his brother's eyes, Zhao Guang's mouth was very bitter.

Li Ji was forced to come here by him, and he could understand the look in his eyes. Thinking about it this way, his recent itinerary really seemed to be chasing after that princess.

But he is really not!

Alas, Zhao Guang sighed in his heart, clenched the bamboo tube tightly in his hand, and as the bamboo tube moved, the boy's expression became serious.

He did not come after the princess.

The reason why he is here is precisely because of the mission he received before coming to Guiyang.

The eldest brother mentioned in the letter that there were a large number of practitioners in Guiyang City, which was exactly the task of his Guiyang party to investigate.

However, on that night ten days ago, he and his elder brother parted ways with the girl in Efang Palace. When he returned to the city and prepared to investigate the large-scale movement of practitioners, he was shocked to find that with the next day's sun As a result, a large number of practitioners in Guiyang City disappeared.

This matter was very abnormal, nothing happened at the city gate, and there was no news of a large number of practitioners leaving the city. So many practitioners from the outer city disappeared in the early morning, as if they had evaporated.

With the help of Li Ji's keen senses, he managed to catch up with a few breaths of practitioners after thirty miles away from the city.

These cultivators did not know how to go out of the city.

And that morning, if anything else happened in Guiyang City.

It's the wedding convoy with the princess, and it's out of town.

Zhao Guang held the bamboo tube solemnly. If he could have thought it was a coincidence at the time, he could no longer regard it as a coincidence when he followed the road and caught the trace of the convoy at the end of the swamp.

A large number of practitioners who left Guiyang were scattered like mud cows into the sea, scattered into countless shareholders, and it was extremely difficult to track.

If Zhao Guang hadn't known in advance that they had appeared together in Guiyang City, it would be impossible to treat them as a group of people.

But today, the multi-strand cultivators who had been wandering around finally gathered.

In the most complicated terrain, the densest forest, and the darkest swamp, Zhao Guang, standing on a high place, watched the breath of those people he had followed for ten days, finally confirmed his guess, and couldn't help sighing.

"I didn't expect that the unexpected gathering of practitioners would actually be chasing this princess."

Li Ji stood beside him silently.

The wedding procession has started again, and the direction of the carriage is heading towards the edge of an extremely low-lying swamp.That was the only way the carriage could go, but there were countless twists and turns surrounded by the reed-strewn swamp.

Yunmengze in Nanjun is a place without a road.

Under the cover of reed bushes, no one knows what happened on the path.

Standing on the top of the mountain, one can see an extremely frightening scene, like countless ants encircling a huge monster with countless roads, the wedding procession is in the open, and countless practitioners and killers are in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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