Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1208 Absolute

Chapter 1208 Absolute
"start a feud……"

Ji Jiashu's already stiff body became even stiffer.

Ying Baoyue looked at him with a smile, "Have you forgotten our relationship?"

They have the status of a fiancé couple.

Because of this marriage contract, she was restrained, but she was also protected. From Nanchu to Dongwu, she was protected by this marriage contract many times. People can't just be protected without fulfilling their obligations.

Ji Jiashu understood what Ying Baoyue meant from Ying Baoyue's eyes.

Even if it was out of name, she would definitely avenge him.

Ji Jiashu supported his forehead.

He originally thought that he and Ying Baoyue were just an unmarried couple, and the marriage contract was not a good match between the two surnames. Many aristocratic families didn't take it seriously, and who would avenge their unmarried husband-in-law?But at this moment Ji Jiashu remembered an anecdote that he had heard from Ji Qingyuan before.

It might be better to say that this incident is quite famous in the entire practice world, but the protagonist of the incident is a person who is extremely important to his elder brother, which impressed Ji Jiashu even more.

Nine years ago, Lin Baoyue, the head of Zhaoyang County of the Great Qin Dynasty, died unexpectedly because of the accidental death of her fiancé-in-law, the eldest son of the emperor, Yingsu.

Although the second son of the emperor did not die in the end, the Princess Zhaoyang, who later became Shao Siming, also forged a deadly feud with the later Crown Prince Ying Hao. The crime of becoming a goddess is offset, but being deprived of military power can only live in seclusion in the mountains.It is said that the prince once sent people into the mountains to lobby, saying that as long as Princess Zhaoyang apologized and surrendered, he promised to persuade his father to return the military power to her.

This matter was shelved later because Emperor Taizu was critically ill. No one knew what Princess Zhaoyang's final answer was, but it made the young Ji Jiashu realize that there are really women who can do that for their fiancé-in-law.

After all, they both have the same name.

Do all women from the former Qin Dynasty behave like this?
Ji Jiashu was in a trance for a moment.

Although this incident was a huge blow to his elder brother Ji Qingyuan, but Ji Jiashu was watching from the side at that time, but there was a trace of longing in his heart.

When he grows up, he also wants a fiancée like this.

But he was only six years old at the time, and it would make people laugh out loud if he said such a thing, so he hid his thoughts as a child in his heart.

Thinking about it now, it was indeed a child's cranky imagination.

Ji Jiashu never imagined that his wild thoughts would one day become a reality.

He clenched the Chunlei sword in his hand, looked at the girl under the stone platform with a calm expression but as firm as a rock,

"You want to add another enemy to me?" Ying Baoyue looked at him with a smile.

He did not want.

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, smiled slightly, and sheathed his sword.

The young man's aura of real energy could be freely retracted, and in just one breath, the tense atmosphere on the stage disappeared.

Meng Shi was slightly startled by this ability to control breath, and looked at the blood-soaked young man opposite him, "You..."

"You won."

Ji Jiashu stared at the unexpected girl from the Northern Wei Dynasty opposite, and lowered his head slightly, "Ji Jiashu of Southern Chu, admit defeat in this match."

Meng Shi put away his sword, stared at the indifferent young man opposite him, cupped his fists and saluted, "Accept."

The first round of the semi-finals of the Intermediate Ceremony is over.

Meng Shi, the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty, advanced to the top four.



What began as a brutal battle ended peacefully.

"When, when, when."

When the bell rang for the end, many people hadn't reacted yet.

But for senior practitioners who understand, the eyes of the two teenagers walking down from the stands are already different.

"The 17-year-old semi-finalist..."

"He actually defeated that Ji Jiashu..."

"It's really a dark horse this year. I don't know which family is standing behind this boy from the Northern Wei Dynasty? Is he married?"

"Let the family pay attention, I remember that the direct branch still has an unmarried daughter..."

The eyes surrounding Meng Shi became more enthusiastic than ever, but she remained calm, walked to the tree where the practitioners of the Northern Wei Dynasty were standing, and began to wrap herself without saying a word.

The other defeated practitioners of the Northern Wei Dynasty looked at her in awe, but few people could notice that Meng Shi only treated the wounds on his limbs, and never took off his clothes to treat the wounds on his chest and back.

"I can't do this," Mo Hua walked to her side, staring fixedly at the wounds on her chest and back, "Shall I apply some medicinal powder to you from the outside?"

Meng Shi's eyes flickered, "The wound and clothes are clotted with blood, so it's hard to take off."

The implication is that she didn't want to take it off on purpose.

"I know," Mo Hua pretended that he didn't understand anything, and squatted down, "I just applied some medicinal powder from the outside."

Meng Shi turned to look at him and nodded.

"I don't know who will be in the next match."

At this time, Ji Jiashu also walked back under the osmanthus tree. Although he conceded defeat, none of the other practitioners who were watching around dared to underestimate him, and their gazes were still full of respect.

Because in the last battle, Ji Jiashu had fully demonstrated his strength, which was far stronger than everyone expected.

If it weren't for this Meng Shi fighting with his life, the final result is still unknown.

At the same time, many people's eyes also fell on the young girl who stopped this all-death battle with just one sentence.

The crazily influx of heaven and earth energy from Ying Baoyue stopped at the moment Ji Jiashu conceded, but everyone still remembered the thrilling scene just now.

Just the precursor of breaking the realm can keep the vitality of heaven and earth away from the four-level and five-level practitioners in the battle, which is not something that ordinary sixth-level practitioners can do.

The first thing Ji Jiashu did when he returned to the tree was to check Ying Baoyue's body.

"It's stopped, I'm fine," Ying Baoyue put his left hand behind his back, "The next game is about to begin."

Everyone raised their heads one after another. Ji Jiashu's name had been erased from the wooden sign, and the examiner had drawn a new lot.

"First place in the second game of the semi-finals!"

The teenagers under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree raised their heads.

"Xirong Helianyan!"

"He Lianyan?" Chen Zichu was stunned, "According to the order of victory in the quarter-finals, shouldn't the second round go to Her Royal Highness?"

Could it be that Ying Baoyue was going to confront He Lianyan?
Ji Jiashu was also shocked, but at this moment, the examiner drew a second lot.

"Xirong Helianyan is right."

"Chen Zihan, a disciple of Southern Chu Jixia Academy."

"Zihan?" Chen Zichu was speechless in surprise, Zhao Guang turned his head, "It should be because the order of Zihan and Murong Feixing was changed in the previous round, and the order of winning the quarterfinals could not be drawn accurately. Then it's all messed up."


The battle is going chaotic.

Ying Baoyue raised her head and looked at Helianyan who was on the stone platform.

Except for the amazing shot on the first day, Helianyan has always shown absolute overwhelming power in the battle.

And what about this one?

(End of this chapter)

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