Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 121 Late Night

Chapter 121 Late Night
Midday on the moon.

No one expected that this assassination in the swamp Ludang, which was supposed to be a one-hit hit, unexpectedly entered the middle at the same time.

A state of not being up or down.

Seeing more and more muddy practitioners dragged back by other killers in the open space that was blown out, Zhao Guang was powerless to be surprised.

Among the large number of dowries scattered on the ground, there are still practitioners piled up at this time.

More than half of them were knocked unconscious by the explosion, and a small and growing group went after the girl.

But now they are basically in this state of being dragged back by their companions.

One look at the distressed appearance and knew that he had fallen into a swamp.

Those who were in the center of the explosion were the most courageous group of assassins, and the meridians of the low-level ones were directly blown off.Those with a higher realm, such as the seventh rank, should have been able to protect themselves with a barrier, but because the explosion happened too suddenly, they were still seriously injured.

Now Zhao Guang finally had time to think about the whole explosion, but no matter how he thought about it, he had to marvel at the subtlety of the explosion.

What is subtle is not the explosion itself.

But by surprise.

The woman paralyzed her opponent to the greatest extent, so that the killers who surrounded the carriage had no defense in order to grab credit.

For any one person, the lethality of this explosion would not be so great.

Because that woman, after all, is only ranked tenth.

This rank is really too confusing.

Such a war was waged at a tenth rank.

And looking at the killer being dragged back, Zhao Guang knew that the war was still going on.

The woman seemed to have fled, but in fact she was still fighting back.

"Second brother, these people..."

Standing on the top of the mountain, Li Ji said quietly, "I was led into the swamp by her."

He knew it.

Zhao Guang let out a breath.

This woman is unarmed, but the terrain of Yunmengze is her weapon.Those people took advantage of the terrain to ambush her, but unexpectedly brought her the biggest weapon and barrier.

No, it's just that they didn't expect it.That's what the woman planned from the beginning.

Leaving the guards, she was even more at ease.

"So what is Qianqin sending someone to escort her for?" Zhao Guangliang said, "Give her a horse and let her go directly."

"Without the target of marrying off the convoy, she wouldn't be able to deal with so many killers at once," Li Ji said flatly.

A ring within a ring, each ring of her strategy is indispensable, and at the same time fit precisely.

Zhao Guang was startled, then nodded.

But the eyes of the man beside him were dark.

Not everyone can play against such a headwind and take advantage of every environment around them, even if it is adversity.

"Second brother," Zhao Guang said, rubbing his stomach, "what do you think she is doing now?"

Li Ji glanced at him and pondered slightly.

The man opened his mouth in a daze.

"Probably...have dinner?"



The smoke and dust from the explosion were still floating above Yunmengze.

However, at the junction of the reeds and the dense forest shrouded in heavy night, under a big tree, there are three focused teenagers and girls squatting.

Guichen Guili stared intently at the extinguished fire on the ground, with a serious expression and serious eyes.

Under the faint charcoal fire, Gui Li raised his head to look at the woman squatting opposite him, and asked solemnly, "Are you ready?"

Ying Baoyue raised her head to look at her equally seriously, picked up the branch in her hand and poked the mud eggs in the charcoal fire, then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "This is fine."

Gui Li's eyes lit up with a scorching light, and he looked longingly at the three...huge mud eggs placed in the charcoal fire.

Ying Baoyue pushed a burnt black mud egg with a tree branch and brought it to the two brothers and sisters. Gui Chen wrapped his hands in a leaf and carefully smashed it. Suddenly, the tempting fragrance rushed out from the crack along with the steam. !
Gui Li swallowed sharply, and Gui Chen took a deep breath, peeling off the outer layer of mud and scorched duck feathers like Ying Baoyue opposite him, revealing the pink and shiny meat inside.

The meat is fragrant and mouth-watering.

Ying Baoyue crushed the coarse salt in her bosom with a stone, then filled it with leaves and handed it to Guichen Guili. Guichen Guili opened his eyes wide in surprise, and then dipped the fresh duck meat with a little salt and sent it to Guichen Guili. Bite down sharply.

"Hmm..." Gui Li's eyes lit up, and he narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

Gui Chen looked at the duck in his hand in surprise, and looked at the girl opposite in disbelief.

"Is it tasty?"

The boy nodded sharply.

Really fragrant.

He didn't expect to eat such delicious food in this swamp.

"It's all thanks to you," Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chen and said, "Eat more of the ducks you caught."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at the female officer who was leaning against the big tree behind her and said, "Aunt Yao, are you feeling better? Can you eat?"

Officer Yao, who just finished vomiting, wiped her lips with a leaf, her face pale.

She had no appetite at first, but when she smelled the tangy aroma in the air and looked at the brothers and sisters happily eating the delicious duck meat, for some reason, her stomach suddenly let out a very ignorant growl.

The originally pale-faced female officer flushed with blood, and her face instantly flushed.

Ying Baoyue looked at her and laughed, broke away the second boiled clay egg, dipped the peeled duck meat in coarse salt, wrapped it in leaves, and handed it to Officer Yao, "Try it?"

Ms. Yao's face became even hotter. She felt that she had lived back for nearly 30 years, and that she would not have the face to see the nanny who raised her after she died...

Lose someone.

She actually wants His Highness to come down to take care of her one day...

"This is you and the duck wrapped in mud, eat it quickly," Ying Baoyue seemed to know what she was thinking, "you don't need to care about anything at the moment of life and death."

She looked at the bamboo tube containing salt in her hand, "As long as people have salt, they can live."

Really yes.

While Gui Chen was feasting, he looked at the calm-faced young girl with his clothes wrapped around her shoulders.

Just follow her, really as long as there is salt, she can live.

After following her out of the encirclement and leading countless waves of pursuers into the swamp, he discovered that she had actually been shot by an arrow.

And the girl didn't say a word along the way, and when she stopped, she pulled out the arrow. Whether he returned or the female officer was in a panic, she didn't know what to do, but she actually found a tree and smiled at them. .

"Let's have dinner."

After living with her for so many days, he already knew that this woman often said some strange things, and he also knew that the dinner she was talking about was dinner.

But he was worried at that time that he didn't know when the pursuers would come again, but he didn't expect that she would still be in the mood to eat, so he froze in place.

It was the woman who brought them here and told them the terrain around here so that they don't have to worry about being attacked.

Then dragged the duck he had forgotten about from his horse.

Then, Gui Chen watched her directing them to fetch water, to light fire, to wrap ducks in mud, the order was unimaginably orderly.

This woman really did what she said.

Gui Chen thought it was an excuse but didn't expect... She said that if she eats roast duck at night, she really eats roast duck.

After such a life and death journey, you can still eat roast duck at night.

Still in this particular way.

Just when he was worried about whether building a fire would cause pursuers, she covered the fire with leaves, and could roast duck with mud without an open flame.

Gui Chen watched her wash the wound with water and a little salt, and sprinkle the medicine in the bamboo tube in her bosom.

She said she didn't bring anything, but she had everything she should have brought.

The most he can do is to contribute a piece of clothing.

Not even able to ask how her injury was, Gui Chen narrowed his eyes, feeling that this woman would not tell him the truth.

Noticing his gaze, Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "Sleep quickly after eating, there is still a long way to go tomorrow."

There are still many dangers to go.

Gui Chen took a deep breath and forced himself not to think too much, as she said, this is a life-and-death situation, all he can do is to maintain his strength, at least not to hold her back.

The charcoal fire in the fire was gradually completely extinguished, and just when the last red light disappeared, the exhausted young girl and the female officer leaned against the tree and fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at the sleeping faces of the three, Ying Baoyue covered them with reeds and branches, and looked up at the bright moon in the sky.

Then she walked into the dense forest.

With the moonlight in the sky, she kept searching in the rock cracks and tree roots.



Hearing the familiar call of the boy in his mind, Ying Baoyue continued to search with it as an accompaniment.

My fiancé is really persistent. She hasn't responded for a month, but she still calls every night.

The moon rose higher and higher, but the flower-shaped medicinal herbs did not appear for a long time. The severe pain in the shoulder and wrist came at the same time. Ying Baoyue leaned against a dead tree and exhaled slightly.

However, when the moonlight shines on her.

A flower in the shape of a butterfly was suddenly lifted in front of her.

Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback, and raised her hand to look at the owner of the hand.

 Aconitum: a perennial herb with beautiful flowers like butterflies and high ornamental value.The rhizomes and leaves are poisonous. Clean the poisonous parts and mash them up and apply them on the wound to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. It can also quickly dissolve wound congestion and make the wound heal quickly.

  The ancients called dinner or food. Before the Qin and Han Dynasties, people only ate two meals a day.Due to underdeveloped agriculture and limited food, even two meals have to be treated differently. "Mozi Zashou" records: Soldiers eat two meals a day, and the food intake is divided into five levels.The first meal is called "饔", and it is eaten when the sun reaches the southeast (in the middle of the corner).The second meal is called "飧" or "shi", and it is eaten at Shen time (around four o'clock in the afternoon).

(End of this chapter)

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