Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1210

Chapter 1210
Everything on the stone platform only happened in a short moment. In the eyes of most people, everything still only stayed at the moment when Helianyan drew the knife, but in the eyes of high-level practitioners, they had already seen another scene.

Just as He Lianyan drew his sword, Chen Zihan's sword had just been drawn out of its scabbard. The two stood facing each other and exchanged their swords politely, but in the next instant, He Lianyan's sword had already moved.

The knife is like a ghost.

What senior practitioners could see was that before Chen Zihan raised his epee, Helianyan's long knife had already appeared in front of him, slashing at his face.

But it was too late by the time the blade was seen.

No one could see He Lianyan's movement clearly, his man and his knife were so fast that there were no afterimages, but in an instant, he appeared in Chen Zihan's arms.

This is not a sneak attack, but it is more terrifying than a sneak attack.

Nothing is more terrifying than a person who was in front of you just now, appearing in your arms in an instant.

And this person was holding a sharp sword in his hand.

It's an embrace of death.

He Lianyan's calmness makes people suspect that he does not regard the person in front of him as a human being, but a faggot that can be chopped down at will.

Chen Zichu's blood froze all over his body for a moment, and he only had time to utter a mournful cry.

"Zi Han!"

At the moment of life and death, Chen Zihan can think very little, because he has no time at all, he is so close to the tip of the knife, so close to death, so close that the epee in his hand can't reach it, don't hesitate, he doesn't even Gaps for thought.

The only thing that had time was the sentence that he kept in his heart before he took the stage.

"Wait, in the battle, as long as you feel something wrong, such as a cold neck, don't hesitate to shout and admit defeat immediately."

Neck is cold, and goose bumps appear on the back.

Chen Zihan's eyes hadn't even seen the long knife in front of him clearly, the words had already floated in his mind.

If he hadn't been told so before going on stage, he probably wouldn't have reacted so quickly.

Before everyone in the audience saw Dao Feng, before he witnessed Dao Feng with his own eyes, those words had already blurted out from Chen Zihan's mouth.

"Admit defeat!"

It was just a short moment, just the difference between minutes and seconds. The examiner who was approaching the sidelines had no time to hear clearly, and there was no time to stop it.

A secret smile appeared on the corner of Helianyan's mouth, and the horizontal knife in his hand did not stop at all, but the next moment a gust of wind swept across the high platform.

No, not the wind, but the current.

Lightning flashed faintly in the water.

With a click, a hole was knocked out of the rock-solid formation, and the shape of a person could be faintly seen on it.

A big hand grasped Helianyan's wrist.

"Helen, stop here."

At the same time, a figure suddenly appeared behind Chen Zihan and pulled him away.

With a click, where Chen Zihan was originally standing, an extremely flat and smooth cut was made on the Dragon Scale Rock on the ground, which made the faces of the practitioners in the audience turn pale.

If the person standing there just now was a human body, it would have been cut out with such a smooth section.

And all of this was when someone stopped Helianyan.

Helianyan's eyes fell on the big hand holding his wrist, and his eyes slowly moved up, along the green clothes, and fell on the cold bronze mask of the man.

He smiled slightly.

"Li Ji, it's not good for you to be like this?"

Under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, Ying Baoyue looked at the blue figure standing in front of Helianyan, put his hand on his chest, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Chen Zihan listened to her words.

On the other side, Chen Zichu just passed through a thrilling adventure, his legs softened, and he sat on the ground directly.

He almost thought that his brother was gone just now.

Just as He Lianyan slashed that knife, Li Ji's figure suddenly disappeared from under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. The next moment he broke through the formation, grabbed He Lianyan's hand, and used his true essence to delay the opponent's knife speed.

Buy time for Ji Jiashu.

He Lianyan slowly raised his head, looked at Ji Jiashu who was standing behind Chen Zihan and was still holding his shoulders, and narrowed his eyes, "Three hit one, so this is the style of Central Plains practitioners?"

Ji Jiashu entered the formation after Li Ji, and pulled away Chen Zihan who was suppressed by the breath before the knife. He and Li Ji shot at the same time, avoiding the fate of Chen Zihan being cut in two.

At this time, he held Chen Zihan's shoulder, just staring at He Lianyan who was holding a saber and sarcastically speaking without saying a word.

"Examiner," He Lianyan turned his head with a smile, and looked at the stunned examiner at the side of the stage, "Someone interfered with my duel, and please examiner, please disqualify these two from the next duel."

"No." The next moment he looked at Ji Jiashu and smiled, with a dismissive smile, "Just cancel one. I forgot that one of them has already lost."

Ji Jiashu's fingers tightened slightly, Chen Zihan felt a bit of pain, and looked at Ji Jiashu worriedly, but Ji Jiashu relaxed his fingers, looked at him and shook his head.

"This..." Facing He Lianyan's complaint, the examiner at the side of the stage turned pale and was a little at a loss.

To be honest, everything happened so fast just now that he didn't even see what happened.

But it is a fact that Li Ji and Ji Jiashu broke through the formation.

"This is not a violation," a quiet female voice sounded from the audience at this moment, "Just now, the South Chu side had conceded defeat, but the Xirong side continued to use their knives. The real violation is the Xirong side."

Ying Baoyue calmly confronted He Lianyan on the stage, under those green pupils, her face was still calm.

"If you really want to cancel, you should cancel the results of Xirong's side."

"Nan Chu Fang surrendered first?" The examiner repeated hesitantly. He did hear someone surrender just now, but it was really difficult to judge which side was faster.

He looked towards the viewing booth for help, and at this moment a servant boy hurried up from the audience and handed a note to the examiner on the stage.

The examiner unfolded the test strip, his expression changed.

"Written by Master Guoshi?" He finished reading and looked at the girl in the audience with a complicated expression.

The national teacher actually admitted that what the woman said was correct.

The examiner took a deep breath, looked at Helianyan, "Mr. Helian, it was indeed Nanchu who gave up just now."

"Really, that means I violated the rules?" He Lianyan smiled slightly, "If Nan Chu is not convinced, it's okay to compete again."

"No need." Chen Zihan straightened his body and looked at Helianyan with a complicated expression, "You won."

Although He Lianyan's methods are cruel, but as a practitioner, he has to admit the opponent's strength.

It's just that Chen Zihan still has something to worry about.

"What's the name of that saber technique just now?" Chen Zihan stared closely at Helianyan's green pupils.

Thinking of the sword formula he heard just now at the edge of life and death, Chen Zihan seemed to have a big stone in his heart.

He had never seen such a horizontal knife, but he had heard his father mention it a long time ago.

As a general of Southern Chu, his father was once challenged at the Great Wall of Eternal Night, and then defeated by a strange sword technique, and a person who was good at using this kind of sword technique.

He is the general of Daqin.

(End of this chapter)

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