Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1220 Love

Chapter 1220 Love

Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue to be powerful.

This strength is deeply rooted in the hearts of every Daqin practitioner.

Because of her power, she was fearful, and almost no one dared to attack her in her heyday.

Even though Princess Zhaoyang once challenged the authority of the royal family, and even publicly assassinated the prince in the hall, Daqin Yuxun still did not dare to deal with her.

This is not only because her master is the Imperial Practitioner, the imperial edict to execute Princess Zhaoyang has already been issued, and the patriarch of the Ying clan has issued a hunting order to the whole clan, ordering that the chief commander is not allowed to intervene. I personally ran to the Imperial Prayer Province to find someone to execute, but all the immortal officials in the entire Imperial Prayer Province looked at me and I looked at you, but in three months, no one was found who was willing to execute Princess Zhaoyang, and even dared to arrest him her people.

It dragged on for three months, the ranking battle was over, Princess Zhaoyang became the young commander, and no one dared to kill her.

The old patriarch of the Ying family almost died of anger at home, and finally swallowed his anger and wrote to Emperor Taizu, expressing his willingness to change the hunting order to exile or confinement.

But exile is generally exiled to the Great Wall of Eternal Night, which is no different from letting the tiger go back to the mountain. As for the confinement... even Lin Baoyue of the Great Qin Imperial Palace can enter and exit without being noticed, and confining her in the courtyard is simply a joke.

In the end, it was Da Si Ming who proposed to simply treat the cloud forest as the fiefdom of the goddess and let her live in it forever and not go out.

Hearing that they were only imprisoned in the cloud forest, they, the Silver Cicada Guards, felt relieved at the border. Originally, they thought they would go to the execution ground, but if it was the cloud forest, their generals would be fine if they stayed for ten years .

It should be so.

But such a woman who is as powerful as a god has lost half of her soul.

In the end what happened?
Li Chunlan didn't know, just like she didn't know why the situation at the border would turn upside down in just one year.

If it was the original Lin Baoyue, even five thousand soldiers would not be able to stop her, but now she is only half as strong as before.

This gave those people the guts to get their hands on her.

Li Chunlan stood outside the cloud forest and watched Lin Baoyue. She had to exert all her strength to hold back the tears in her eyes.

The secret report appeared strangely, and I don't know who sent it. Li Chunlan didn't believe it at first, and she didn't understand why the people above believed it, but now she was standing in front of her, and Li Chunlan realized it.

What the secret report said turned out to be true.

Only those who used to be by her side day and night understand that Lin Baoyue has become a goddess. It stands to reason that her aura should be strengthened, but her aura now is weaker than when she was in the heavenly rank.

She did suffer a severe blow.

Who did it?
Li Chunlan's chest under her silver armor rose and fell violently, and she tried her best not to yell out these words.

She almost forgot, now a traitor.

Li Chunlan smiled wryly.

She no longer has the qualifications to shout this sentence.

"Secret report?" Ying Baoyue quickly reacted from the initial shock, and a murderous aura suddenly rose from her body, "Who sent the secret report?"

Even her master didn't know about this matter, so how could anyone else know?
"I don't know," Li Chunlan clenched the sword in her hand and pointed at her, "I only know, General, you must not step out of this forest today."

Ying Baoyue's eyes had completely turned cold.

"But today, I have to go out."

"Unless you surround the forest, I can always find my way out," she said with a smile.

Li Chunlan smiled wryly, "General, don't do this."

In this case, she can only kill her.

"The order I received is that if you resist, I will kill you on the spot to prevent future troubles."

"To prevent future troubles?" Ying Baoyue smiled, she bent down and took out a small dagger from her lap, "Do you mean to fight me?"

A look of pain flashed across Li Chunlan's pupils, "General, if you insist on crossing over here today, you will only be offended."

The three thousand soldiers burst out with a huge murderous aura, and the lieutenant standing next to Li Chunlan revealed a secret smile.

The transfer order he accepted was not only to look at this little girl, but also to take the opportunity to sneak attack after the little girl led them to find Lin Baoyue and cut the weeds.

If the little girl is not willing to do anything, they will kill the little girl and rush forward.

The original role of this little girl was to lead the way and shake the mind of the leader of Yinchanwei.

Now that Li Chunlan was willing to do it, they saved the effort of killing her.

"Do you think that I don't have a sword, and I only have half of my skills left, so I can't walk through here?"

Ying Baoyue looked at the black armored soldiers behind who were eager to try, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This smile was cold and calm, she held the dagger in her backhand, and brought it flat to her chin. The next moment, the eyes of the three thousand soldiers suddenly widened in shock.

From the dagger that was only two inches long, a bright red lotus fire burst out like a scorching sun.

"Impossible!" Lieutenant Hei Jia exclaimed in astonishment, "The Red Lotus Sword is obviously not in her hand!"

"Do you think I can't kill people without the Red Lotus Sword?" Ying Baoyue smiled slightly, and the next moment she put away her smile, a trace of coldness appeared in her eyes.

"I once swore not to light the red lotus inside the Great Wall, but now, I can only break my vow."

"Listen up, the three thousand soldiers behind," she said lightly, "Anyone who stands in my way will burn their souls to pieces."

"If you are afraid now, put down your weapon, there is still time to escape."

"I have already warned you."

There was a hint of fear in the eyes of a black armored soldier, and the pupils of the black armored lieutenant shook for a moment, and the next moment he gritted his teeth and waved his hand.

"Don't listen to this demon girl's bluff. If you kill her, even if you hurt her with a sword, you can get the title of Marquis! Confess my wife and son! Give it to me!"

Li Chunlan couldn't stop her, seeing the black-armored soldiers rushing towards the sarong girl like a tide, she could only rush forward with all her might.

Standing in front of the dense crowd of soldiers, she only had time to take one last look at the girl.

She looked at the girl king and they smiled slightly and spoke softly.

"Whoever stops me will die."



Very hot, very hot.

Pain spread all over her body, and Ying Baoyue felt that the flames entered her flesh and blood bit by bit, eroding her tendons, but she couldn't take her eyes away from the picture in front of her.

Blood and fire splattered, and that night, even the thick fog outside the cloud forest was dyed red.

Swords, guns, swords and halberds, countless broken weapons stuck on the blood-soaked black soil, climbing up birds, beasts, insects and ants.

Countless heavy corpses fell, and countless burned soldiers screamed.

The screams tore through the air, and the world was like a purgatory.

Three thousand soldiers encircle and suppress one person.

In the end, many of them fell under the swords that each swung at each other.

"Demon... female..."

Lieutenant Hei Jia was slashed by his adjutant, clutching his injured left leg, he looked at the girl still standing in the mist in astonishment, trembling all over.

He originally thought that a cultivator was nothing special, his fists were no match for a hundred hands, and under the siege of many soldiers, no matter how powerful a practitioner was, he could only be captured with nothing.

However, with the help of dense fog and moonlight, the girl shuttled through the fog like a ghost, and the soldiers swarmed forward and slashed. Every time they hit, they uttered the screams of their companions.

The girl's blue cloth dress was already stained red with blood, but she still stood there like an invincible monster.

Didn't she say that she has been weakened by half?
For the first time, Lieutenant General Hei Jia felt He Wei's fear and despair rising from the depths of his soul.

"No, it can't be just you people," Ying Baoyue held a bloody dagger, stared blankly at the scattered corpses on the ground, and suddenly looked at the bruised Li Chunlan opposite, "Could it be..."

At this moment, the earth shook suddenly in the distance.

Li Chunlan, who was lying on the ground, stared blankly, knowing that her previous guess had come true, tears mixed with blood flowed from the corner of her eyes, raised her head with difficulty, looked at Ying Baoyue and smiled.

Li Chunlan raised the hand hidden in her bosom, and tremblingly untied her armor.

"That's right... General, we people... are just in the lead..."

It's just a vanguard used to suffer death and consume her strength.

The people above didn't believe that she was a young general who only ranked 36th among the Lingyun [-] cavalry, and they didn't believe that ordinary soldiers could do anything to Princess Zhaoyang.

It would be best if it succeeds, but if it fails, there is still a real killer move waiting for her.

A team of hundreds of well-prepared high-level practitioners is rapidly approaching.

What these people have to do is to hold back her footsteps, to be cannon fodder to suffer death, and to be sandbags to stop her.

"That's how it is." Ying Baoyue clenched the dagger in her hand, her eyes flickered for a moment, and then she became decisive. She looked at Li Chunlan who was lying on the ground, knelt down and brushed the wound on her back, "Your wound It's not serious, I'll help you wrap up your wound, you hurry into the woods, go north into the woods, there's mine..."

"There is mine..."

With a snap, Ying Baoyue stood in the depths of time, watching the dagger in his hand fall to the ground.

More and more crimson blood flowed out from under Li Chunlan's body, gathering into a pool of blood like a stream.

Ying Baoyue remained motionless, staring stiffly at Li Chunlan's hand that plunged the long sword into her abdomen.

With a slight click, the armor on Li Chunlan's body slipped off, revealing the green cloth dress inside.

The same dress as Ying Baoyue's.

"Sister, I'm not leaving."

Li Chunlan raised her hand with difficulty, and stuffed the hilt of the sword into Ying Baoyue's hand.

"What are you doing..."

For the first time in his life, Shao Si Ming, who was always so calm, couldn't function his mind.

"The one who is going to leave is you..." Li Chunlan gasped for breath, blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, "Young Commander will die here."

Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue this year.

And so is she.

The age is just right.

The height, body shape, and bodies that have exhausted their true energy are all exactly the same.

It's just perfect if I scratch my face.

A happy smile appeared on the girl's face, and she looked up at the girl lying in front of her, "General... sister, don't blame yourself, they gave me poison that can only live for three days..."

When she came, she was not prepared to go back alive.

She was very happy that it could come in handy in the end.

"I have something I haven't told you all this time," Li Chunlan caressed the face of the girl in front of her with a bloody hand, showing a final smile.

"Except for sister Mei Niang, all the time."

"I like you the most."

 For the first time, I cried while writing.

(End of this chapter)

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