Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1229 Dharma Protection

Chapter 1229 Dharma Protection
"Tai Ah Sword?"

The immortal officials outside the viewing pavilion changed their colors one after another when they heard the words, and the highly respected immortal officials couldn't hide their astonishment and blurted out.


This is impossible.

What kind of sword is Tai'a Sword?

Tai'a sword is the No.1 sword in the world.

Countless cultivators grew up looking up to its brilliance, and many cultivators lost their trace of the sword even before they grew up, leaving only legends.

There has been no news of such a powerful sword in the practice world for seven years. Previously, the practice world generally speculated that the sword might have been destroyed.Because this sword has an extremely powerful aura, even if you want to hide it, it is not something ordinary people can do.

Now this news is tantamount to a legend that has appeared in the world alive, and the young practitioners didn't even react.

Only the word "sword scabbard" made everyone calm down a little.

If the Tai'a sword really appeared in this world, tomorrow's mid-level ceremony might be incomparable, and the entire practice world will immediately start fighting for this sword, and maybe the second-level battle will start earlier.

"What's the situation?" Zhao Muren stopped the messenger who was stuttering, "Say it clearly, what are you shaking!"

It's just that when he said this, he didn't realize that the hands under his sleeves were also trembling slightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The messenger fell to the ground, and said with a pale face, "Just now, a semaphore was hung on the head of Ruyang City."

Because the national teacher and the king both moved to the cold mountain, in order to ensure that there would be no accidents in Ruyang City, Zhao Muren had arranged for soldiers who understood semaphore to guard the city.

The semaphore is a way of conveying messages through different flags and flag groups, and it is also created by the frightening female national teacher.

When Zhao Muren saw this way of conveying news at the Great Wall of Eternal Night for the first time, he was astonished. Immediately after returning to Soochow, he summoned practitioners who were good at far-sightedness and a group of forbidden troops to organize the semaphore of Soochow. team.

Although the distance between Hanshan and Ruyang City is not close, as long as they stand on the top of the mountain, high-level practitioners who are good at far-sightedness can still see the flag hanging on the top of Ruyang City.

In this way, important information about what happened in Ruyang City can be transmitted here instantly.

"What did the flag say?" Zhao Muren asked sharply.

The Immortal Reporter's knees trembled while he was kneeling on the ground, and he stammered, "One person, go into the city and bring Tai'a sword and scabbard."

The semaphore can only convey short words, and can only convey the phonology, but no one will mishear the phonology composed of the three characters.

Because there is no sword in this world that has the same pronunciation as that sword and a different word.

No one dared to name his sword the same pronunciation as Tai'a Jian.

"So that breath is really..." Zhao Muren took a deep breath and looked at Dongfang Yi beside him.

The white-haired old man closed his eyes and nodded slowly.

At that moment just now, almost all the practitioners felt that aura, just relying on a scabbard to trigger such fluctuations, only one person's sword in this world can do it.

That is the sword of the human god.

It is not easy to hide Tai'a Sword's sword energy, but once it appears, it cannot be blocked.

"Why was it discovered after entering the city?" Zhao Muren clenched his fists, his face was a little ugly. Although Ruyang City was not like Danyang City, it was guarded like an iron barrel by Ji Mo, but it was also guarded by Ji Mo every ten steps, and was surrounded by countless A city that high-level practitioners pay attention to.

"It should be that some expert hid the breath of the scabbard along the way." Dongfang Yi looked at the immortal official kneeling on the ground with a complicated expression, "Did the semaphore say who sent it?"

The immortal official who was kneeling on the ground trembled, raised his head palely, hesitantly said, "I said...but..."

"I said why didn't you just say that?" Zhao Muren was furious, "Are you trying to deceive the king?"

"No, no, Your Majesty, I don't dare, it's just..." The Immortal Reporter was so frightened that he fell on the ground, sifting through the chaff, "It's just that I'm worried that I'm wrong..."

"It's okay, you just say it's okay," Dongfang Yi stopped the furious Zhao Mu and said humanely, "It's the old man's duty to judge whether the fairy officials are right or wrong."

"My lord," the messenger summoned up his courage, "the semaphore says it's a mountain ghost."

The other immortal officials gasped.

"It's actually Lord Mountain Ghost? Has he gone down the mountain?"

"Is it true that the Tai'a sword was hidden by the mountain ghost? But didn't he deny that Tai'a sword was in his hand before he was beaten to death?"

"Is it true, as the rumors say, that the mountain ghost murdered Da Siming?"

"The northern practice community estimates that the Xiling Snow Mountain will be leveled..."

Dongfang Yi understood why the fairy official said he was worried that he was wrong.

"That's impossible," the old man said calmly, "It's impossible for the mountain ghost to go down the mountain. He's not in Soochow now."

If the god son of a country can appear in another country so quietly without being discovered by him, the Soochow National Teacher should also be replaced.

"Then what is this..." Zhao Muren looked suspicious, he hadn't been so impetuous for a long time.

"The person with the scabbard is probably the emissary who claims to be the mountain ghost," Dongfang Yi said, "Before His Majesty hadn't decided on the word "envoy" in the semaphore, they couldn't type it out."

"I see," Zhao Muren heaved a sigh of relief, but frowned again, "but this messenger..."

"Did Your Majesty forget?" Dongfang Yi looked at the practitioners gathered by the stone platform and the four people surrounded by the practitioners, and said slowly, "Tomorrow is the last day of the Intermediate Ceremony."

"The mountain ghost announced to the mainland before that it would give a lottery to the leader of the middle-level ceremony. The lottery is a relic of the big commander and the young commander."

Dongfang Yi's eyes were slightly dark.

"He has fulfilled his promise."



While everyone was talking about the aura that came out at the end of the semi-finals, a group of teenagers were exceptionally quiet.

The middle-level ceremony is not over yet.

Two of the semi-finalists who will face off against each other tomorrow are among their group.

Zhao Guang had already received the news in advance that the lottery promised by the mountain ghost might be the scabbard of the Tai'a sword, so he wasn't too shocked, but even he didn't expect that someone could quietly make that famous sword scabbard. The scabbard of his sword was brought to Ruyang City.

I just don't know who did such a thing...

Zhao Guang thought about this all the way, and he and the others rode in a carriage through the brightly lit streets to the front of Shi'an Yuan.

"Finally home."

Ying Baoyue jumped off the carriage, followed by Ji Ange, and Zhao Guang also jumped off, but when he saw the person who came out to meet them, his knees gave up.

"your Highness."

Even though the things had been delivered, that unfathomable man was still carrying the bamboo basket for some reason.

Ji Da bowed to Ying Baoyue, raised his head, his eyes were deeper than the sea.

"are you ready?"

Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Da who was standing at the door, and nodded.

"Please protect me."

She spoke softly.

(End of this chapter)

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