Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 123 Wang Yang

Chapter 123 Wang Yang
The awakening state of a natural practitioner is usually at the age of five.

No later than eight years old.

Generally, children whose parents are practitioners can give up when they are eight years old and there is no sign of awakening.Proves that there is really no talent.

Therefore, the eight-year-old is also called the waste line among the family members. Zhao Guang has seen countless partners abandoned by the family at the age of eight.

However, just because of one person, the upper age limit of this waste line was broken.

Under the moonlight, Zhao Guang quietly looked at his elder brother beside him.

The person who broke this line was Li Ji.

Looking at the young girl in front of him, and thinking of the young man beside her, Zhao Guang always felt that more incredible things would happen in the world of practice in the future... But at this moment, Zhao Guang suppressed the chill in his heart and took a deep breath.

It was indeed his elder brother who changed the history of the awakening of natural practitioners.

It is said that he is the elder brother, but in fact Zhao Guang and Li Ji really got to know each other in the past few years. He has a special status in the family and is in a complicated situation. .

But even he, who is of a low status in the family, remembers that when he woke up at the age of six, he was so lively for the first time.

The servants talked a lot, saying that the third son had awakened, and the second son, who was four years older than him, hadn't yet awakened. He really was a waste.

That's right, no one thought of it back then.

Even now, people who don't know the true identity of the elder brother still can't think of it.

His elder brother who reached the fourth rank before the age of 20.

When I was ten years old, I hadn't awakened yet.

Just when everyone thought that he would only be an ordinary person in his life, when his brother was 11 years old, he suddenly awakened.

At that time, the whole family was in great chaos because of an accident. Zhao Guang was excluded and didn't know what happened to his elder brother. He only knew that he hadn't seen his elder brother for a long time, so long that he thought his elder brother was dead.

But when he saw Li Ji again, Zhao Guang suddenly found that his brother seemed to be a different person.

During the period of disappearance, Li Ji awakened and became a practitioner.

Zhao Guang still doesn't know exactly what happened that year, but during the time when Li Ji disappeared, this person seemed to have received other teachings, and his views on cultivation became different from his.

Under the moonlight, Zhao Guang heard Li Ji say to the girl, "I didn't become a practitioner just to watch a girl get killed."

Among the high-level practitioners, you are probably the only one who thinks this way...

Zhao Guang looked at Li Ji coolly.

However, at the next moment, he saw the girl on the opposite side startled again, and then smiled under the moonlight.

"I won't be killed," Ying Baoyue looked at Li Ji and said, "So you don't have to worry about it."

This is really...

Zhao Guang was stunned, the conversation between the two was too weird.

It's just...Under the moonlight, Zhao Guang looked at the slender back of the woman whose shoulder wound was still oozing blood, and clenched his fists.

She is really confident.

Ying Baoyue saluted again, and was about to turn around and leave again. She still had a lot of things to find before dawn, when the man's calm voice came from behind her.

"Aconitum, there is only this one in a radius of ten miles."

Ying Baoyue was forced to pause, and quietly turned her head to look at the flower in Li Ji's hand.

Aconitum is not a ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, how could there be only one plant...

However, there are not many near the swamp, and it is indeed hard to find.

Looking at the herbs in the man's hand, Ying Baoyue suddenly had a premonition that even if there were others, as long as he had the intention, he could pick them before her.After all, the five senses of high-level practitioners are different.

Being able to pull out one's own grass leaves others with no grass to pull out.

Ying hugged the moon and held his forehead, only to hear the man quietly say, "It's a favor."

There is no point in refusing, Ying Baoyue smiled, walked up to him and took the aconitum in his hand, accepting the man's kindness frankly.

"Thank you." Ying Baoyue looked at Li Ji and said seriously.

The man wearing the bronze mask nodded, turned around and walked into the depths of the night. Zhao Guang looked between the two of them in a daze, and then he regained his senses and chased after him.

Ying Baoyue waved goodbye to the backs of the two, looked at the aconitum in his hand, found a stone to grind it, washed the toxin in the Ludang Pool, and applied it to the wound.

Amid the stinging pain, she wrapped up the wound and walked into the reeds barefoot.



In the morning light, Gui Chen opened his eyes in a daze, but only saw a cloudy area in front of him.

The young man was startled, and sat up straight, only to realize that a large piece of reed was covering his body, which slid down one after another.

"you're awake?"

The girl sitting in front of the pile of dark objects turned her head, looked at him with a smile and said, "How did you sleep?"

He was not so much sleeping as he was exhausted and lost consciousness.

Gui Chen, who finally felt that he had come back to life, looked at Ying Baoyue and said with lingering fear, "It's pretty good."

"That's good," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled.

"What about you?" Gui Chen looked at the pile of black things on the ground, and at the girl sitting next to him who was busy with something, and asked hesitantly.

"Have you had a good rest?"

Ying Baoyue nodded.

Gui Chen frowned slightly, looked over her shoulder, "Your injury..."

"It has healed a lot," Ying Baoyue raised his shoulders and circled around, Gui Chen was a little surprised, it wasn't an injury that could move overnight.

Not only the injury, but the woman's physical strength and willpower...

"Okay, don't worry about these things anymore," Ying Baoyue's words interrupted Gui Chen's thoughts, "Hurry up and eat Chaoshi."

"Chaoshi?" Gui Chen looked at the black lump on the ground, "Could it be...these..."

"By the way, you and Gui Li rarely saw these when you grew up in the north." Ying Baoyue looked at him and laughed, then picked up one and handed it to him, "This is water chestnut, you can eat it."

Gui Chen stared at the black lump in his hand, opened it and found that it was actually snow-white meat, he bit it off and looked at the girl sitting beside the water chestnut pile, "You... all picked these up?"

"En." Ying Baoyue nodded.

When did this man rest?Gui Chen clenched his fists.

"But why did you pick up so many?" Gui Chen asked, only to see Ying Baoyue embracing a bunch of water chestnuts and walking towards the two horses beside the tree.

Feed them one by one.

Feed the horse?

Gui Chen's heart skipped a beat, none of them thought of this.

"There is still a long way to go." Ying Baoyue stroked the horse's mane, "I will be full to eat."

Gui Chen looked at her shoulder, and started to chew water chestnuts together with the horse.

As the sun rises, the two horses and four people set off again.

On the other side of the swamp, the chaotic pile of killers also rearranged and seeped into the reeds.

"Second brother, how far do you think she can go?"

Standing on the top of the mountain, Zhao Guang looked at Li Ji and asked quietly.

"I don't know," Li Ji looked at the mountain and said, "but..."

But it should be farther than the world expected.

But in the end, where can she go?Leaving this swamp, how would she avoid the pursuers?No, can she get out of this swamp before then?



However, just three days after this conversation ended.

Ying Baoyue and Guichen Guili, the four female officials from Yao, left Yunmengze, crossed the former Qin State line, and entered Southern Chubei County.

And in front of their eyes was the half of Wang Yang that belonged to Nanchu.

Lancang sea.

(End of this chapter)

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