Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1245 Meng Shi

Chapter 1245 Meng Shi
"Sorry, I seem to have said something wrong."

Li Jinniang's voice interrupted Meng Ge's thoughts, she raised her head, and saw Guili and Li Jinniang were watching her worriedly.

"It's okay," Meng Ge smiled, "Although I have no parents since I was a child, I was raised by my elder brother."

Just thinking about how to change the topic, Meng Ge's eyes lit up, "My elder brother is on stage!"

The battle between He Lianyan and Li Ji was over, and Meng Shi stepped onto the stone platform.

Seeing Ying Baoyue walking in front of Meng Shi, Li Jinniang and Guili also became nervous.

Meng Shi is like a sharp sword out of its sheath, even from such a distance you can feel his sharp aura.

"Your brother..." Li Jinniang tightened her hands slightly on her knees, "He's really powerful."

Combined with what Meng Ge just said, Meng Shi and she really came out of the backcountry. Although Meng Shi is a man, he and Meng Ge are actually the same age as twins. It is hard to imagine how such a young child brought another child up to now.

"Well," Meng Ge looked at the sister standing in the center of the battle stage, who was the focus of attention, "she is indeed very powerful."

Even though she was born of a compatriot, her sister is different from her.

Sister is her god.

From small to large.


"Burn them!"

"Burn the demon girl to death!"

Going back to the morning when the snow fell heavily, Meng Ge still clearly remembered the coldness of the snowflakes falling on his body and the scorching tear of the flames ignited under his feet.

The five-year-old had no idea what happened. She was obviously sold to a big family in the village by her father yesterday, so why was she tied up in the square at the head of the village this morning?
She stared wide-eyed at the villagers surrounding the square, many of whom were familiar faces she had seen before, but at this moment, those uncles and uncles were holding burning torches in their hands, looking at her and her sister with unprecedented enthusiasm and disgust.

"I just said why our village is so unlucky! There are so many villages around and Xibing soldiers have only robbed us in the past few years. It turns out that there are these two broom stars!"

"That's right, since they were born, there have been more and more soldiers from the West!"

"The officials from the Great Wall have already said that everything is the fault of these two girls! It's the curse of the twins!"

Great Wall?


Meng Ge couldn't understand the word.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at the village chief, who was always showing off in the village, standing outside the fire, nodding and bowing in front of a soldier in black armor, "My lord, do you think this arrangement is okay?"

Meng Ge recognized that person. She remembered that her sister had told her that the people in armor were soldiers on the Great Wall of Eternal Night, and they were soldiers who guarded them, the people on the border.

But why, these master soldiers who were supposed to protect them, wanted to burn them to death?

"Well, that's right," the middle-aged man in armor nodded in satisfaction, "If there is any bad sign, it should be burned, so that I can explain it to the higher-ups."

Confession?Explain what?
The applause of the villagers came from all around, and the people in the village seemed to have gathered here. Meng Ge stared wide-eyed and looked for her father in the crowd, and then she saw it, saw the middle-aged man with a sallow face hunched over and hid in the crowd.

He also held a torch in his hand.

No one will protect them anymore.

There has never been such a person.

"The Xirong soldiers are still twenty miles away from here, hurry up!" The middle-aged military officer patted his belly, "After burning these two scourges, maybe the Xirong soldiers will change their course!"


Meng Ge struggled on the wooden frame, but compared to a finger-thick hemp rope, the five-year-old's strength was negligible.

For such a reason, she and her sister are going to die?
"Cough, don't, don't!" She coughed and screamed desperately in the snowflakes all over the sky. The snowflakes choked into her mouth, and the bone-chilling coldness penetrated into her lungs. torn.

"A song!"

Meng Ge heard her elder sister desperately calling her, "Are you okay?"

"Mother! Mother!"

Meng Ge didn't know who she should call, and at the last moment, she found herself calling for the mother she had never met.

"A song!"

"Don't be afraid!"

Meng Ge looked up with tears all over her face, and saw that her sister who was tied across from her was also struggling, but she was not as flustered as she was. She just turned her wrist tightly, and the wrist tied by the hemp rope was already bloody.

But even so, she didn't give up.

Meng Shi, her sister.

"My mother is gone, but my sister is here!"

Meng Ge stared blankly at his sister who was also tied to the fire, but bit her lip and stared at her.

"What an evil brat," the black-armored military officer under the fire frowned, "Do it! Burn it for me!"

Before Meng Ge could see his sister's face clearly, the torches came all over the sky.

Those villagers who watched their birth and would only run away in the face of the Xibing soldiers, at this moment, sprouted great enthusiasm, and threw torches into the fire under their feet one after another, and some old people were still muttering.

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault for attracting Xi Rong soldiers, and burning you to death to avenge my son..."

Meng Ge didn't understand why she had such an unbelievable idea at that time, and she didn't understand it until she grew up.

It is obviously easier to throw a torch to their two five-year-old children than to take revenge on the fierce Xibing soldiers.

The border villages have been eroded by war for many years, but those hatreds cannot be resolved.

Their two helpless young children, as uncommon twins and aliens in the crowd, are the best targets to transfer hatred.

At that time, even she almost thought that everything was their fault.

If they were burned to death, wouldn't the Xibing soldiers not come?

"Wait, what is that?"

However, just as the flames blurred her vision, smoke and dust rose from outside the village, and the vibration of the iron hooves stepping on the ground made the villagers and soldiers who were throwing torches vigorously just now frightened.

"The Xirong people? That's impossible! Aren't they looting the village twenty miles away?"

"Why did you come so soon?"

Along with the sound of the hooves of the horses, there was also the strange screams of excitement from the Xirong people.

"My lord?" The village chief hid behind the military officer, and asked with a sieve all over his body, "What should I do, haven't these two brats been burned..."

"What to do!" The middle-aged military officer turned around suddenly, and suddenly stabbed the village chief behind him to death with a sword.

"Master Captain?" The two subordinates who followed him were also dumbfounded, "Who are you?"

"Burn all these thugs, and then let's leave!" The middle-aged military officer scolded, "You think I have nothing to do to burn these two brats? I heard that the warlord will be here soon. If we know that we have no resistance The official position of the Xirong people can't be kept!"

Burning these two witches is just an excuse to gather all the villagers!

The villagers in the audience had already started screaming and running away, and the eyes of the middle-aged military officer showed a ruthless look.

"While all these troublemakers are gathered here, they are all slaughtered and set on fire. Afterwards, they say that it is the village where the Xirong people were slaughtered. It is too late for us to arrive!"

Hearing the military officer mention the warlord, the two soldiers glanced at the menacing Xirong cavalry outside the village, gritted their teeth, and began to massacre the villagers.

Compared to fighting Xirong cavalry, killing a few untouchables is nothing!
"It's too late, set fire! Anyway, this group of old, weak, sick and disabled can't run very far!"

A raging fire ignited in the village, and the soldier who lit the fire took one last look at the wooden frame that had started to burn before, "Captain, then these two brats..."

"It's just a witch, why hasn't it been burned to death?"

Meng Ge watched as the middle-aged military officer walked up to her and kicked the wooden frame over.

Watching her wooden frame fall to the fire, Meng Ge's eyes turned blood red in an instant.

"A song!"

At this moment, another flame seemed to light up around her.

what is this sound?
Meng Ge didn't know, she only knew that there was a warmer flame covering her.

But from that moment on, she lost consciousness.

Later she found out.

at that moment.

Her sister Meng Shi.


(End of this chapter)

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