Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1247 Choice

Chapter 1247 Choice
Heavy snow covered the scorched village, with blood and flames flying. Meng Shi remembered holding her unconscious sister and staring blankly at the woman standing in the middle of the flames.

This is her first encounter with her.

Under the blood-stained snowflakes, she seemed to have met the god who saved her.

In just an instant, all the dozen or so riders who entered the village first died.

But Meng Shi still remembered that there were more than a dozen cavalry behind her, and when she was nervously waiting for the cavalry behind to rush in, she found that there were no shouts from the Western soldiers around at some point.

The follow-up cavalry who were originally outside the village did not come in. Instead, a white horse rode lightly into the village.

There was also a woman sitting on that white horse, and Meng Shi found that the armor on this woman was actually silver, with a lot of blood splashed on it.

The silver-armored woman rode to the side of the sacrificial pillar, took off the helmet on her head, and her black hair flowed down. Meng Shi opened her eyes wide and saw that there was a vermilion mole between the silver-armored woman's eyebrows, like plum blossoms blooming in the white snow.

"Mei Niang, are you done with the rest?" The girl who drew the sword first sat on the horse and turned her head, "I planned to outflank it with you."

"Then don't rush so fast alone, what if you get hurt?" The woman called Mei Niang seemed to be very angry, but when she saw her and her sister slumped on the ground, Mei Niang was stunned.

"This kid is..."

"I heard her voice from a distance," the girl sitting on the horse smiled gently, "so I thought of taking a look first."


Meng Shi remembered that she was stunned.

She only remembered that her mind was all about protecting her sister just now, she didn't scream or say anything.

Why did this person hear her voice?

"What's the sound? You should feel the breath, right?" Meng Shi noticed that the woman in silver armor was looking at her with a complicated expression, "A practitioner can be awakened even in such a village."

But the next moment, the silver-armored woman focused all her attention on the girl on the black horse, and said angrily, "But even so, you shouldn't have charged so fast just now! You just broke through and your realm is still unstable. If you get out Accident, what do you ask me to do? You ask Yinchanwei..."

The silver armor woman's words came to an abrupt end, because the girl on the black horse raised a hand.

"I know I was wrong. The Xirong cavalry has been cleaned up, but there are still things that haven't been done here."

The silver-armored woman was stunned, and looked around at the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty at the altar in the village, her eyes became cold.

"I even forgot about these scum. Could it be that the villagers here..."

"There are still two alive in the east of the village, hiding in the pigsty, and the others are all dead." The girl on the black horse closed her eyes, and opened them the next moment, "These two will be handed over to you, Mei Niang."

The woman in silver armor nodded with a complicated expression, "Understood, it's just these people..."

She glanced at the trembling military officer beside the altar, "Ah Yue, I remember that this person is the brother-in-law of General Ershi, be careful."

"I know, but military law is military law," the girl on the black horse nodded, "I will give them a happy ending."

The girl in silver armor rode her horse to the east of the village, and there was only the girl on the black horse left beside the altar.

She rode close to the altar and jumped off the horse.

Unlike the woman covered in silver armor before, she didn't wear any armor on her body, she was dressed in rough clothes, and she looked no different from ordinary herdsmen.

But watching her dismount and lead the horse approaching, the dozen or so Northern Wei soldiers scattered around the altar seemed to have seen the god of death approaching.

There was a sound of armor rubbing behind him, and the formerly arrogant Northern Wei officer was trembling all over.

" broke the boundary again?"

"I thought you knew about this," the girl leading the horse said calmly, "otherwise, why did you run so fast when you heard the warlord came?"

"Impossible, you were already at the fourth rank before. Could it be that you..." Meng Shi watched in astonishment as the tall Northern Wei officer knelt down behind her with a plop, as if being pressed to the ground by a giant palm.

"Well," the girl nodded, "Do you feel like you can't stand up? I'm now at the Heavenly Rank."

"How is it possible? How old are you? No, Heaven Rank cannot attack ordinary people. You will be hunted down by the cultivation world. You..."

"As long as I don't use the power of the heavens to deal with you," the girl said lightly, "Besides, what qualifications do you have to say such a thing as a soldier attacking ordinary people."

The girl approached slowly, raised the sword in her hand, and a bright red flame ignited on the sword.

Meng Shi looked at the sword obsessively. She remembered the flames burning on the sword. She was fascinated by the sword the first time she saw it, and the flames on it dazzled her.

But the next moment, she suddenly felt a giant hand strangling her neck.

"Don't come here!" The officer knelt on the ground and strangled the girl's neck and shouted hoarsely, "If you take a step closer, I'll break this kid's neck!"

"Children can't compare to adults. They will die if they touch it. Do you think your speed will be faster than mine?"

The girl stopped.

"You all do it to me, she's alone! We're all going to die when she does it!" the officer shouted at the other soldiers.

The surrounding soldiers who had lost their fighting spirit all stared wide-eyed, grasped the sword in their hands, and slowly approached the girl from behind.

Meng Shi remembered that she was frightened and stupid at that time, but she only felt that the officer had some brain problems, so he actually took her as a hostage.

You must know that a pariah like her is not worth mentioning in the eyes of big shots, how could someone...

The next moment her eyes widened, because the girl really didn't come close.

More than a dozen soldiers held their weapons and approached her viciously from behind, but the girl just glanced back.

"what do you want?"

"Give me your horse! Then stab yourself with a sword and cut off the meridians in your right hand!"

Hearing the man who strangled her make such a request, Meng Shi thought he was crazy.

How could anyone agree to such an outrageous request, but in the next moment, countless drops of blood flew through the pupils of the little girl.

Blood splashes.

"it is good."

The flaming sword was pierced into her body by the girl without hesitation.

how come……

Blood continued to flow from the girl's right hand, and Meng Shi clearly remembered that it was the hand she held the sword just now!

The soldier behind the woman and the officer who restrained her were stunned for a moment, and the next moment the man opened his eyes wide in surprise and laughed wildly.

"Hahaha! Sure enough, I didn't expect Princess Zhaoyang to be as mentally ill as rumored, and to do it for a mere pariah..."

The man's laughter stopped abruptly.

Meng Shi also froze in place.

A snowflake fell from her eyes, and she suddenly discovered that the snowflake melted in mid-air.

No, it's not a snowflake.

It turned out to be flames.

A fire as silver as moonlight.

Just when the man relaxed his vigilance, a silver snow fell on the altar.

"Fire Technique Sixteen Swords."


Meng Shi heard the girl speak softly.

Accompanied by her voice, every silver flame brushed across the necks of the soldiers.

Plop, plop, plop.

All the soldiers behind her fell down in an instant, and Meng Shi felt that the man strangling her neck also lost his strength.

" could you..."

"I forgot to tell you," the girl who stabbed her right hand with a sword in her left hand quietly watched the man with a stiff smile on her face and said softly, "I can use a sword with both hands."

Blood gushed out from the back of his neck, and the man fell down like a heavy bag with a plop. Meng Shi sat blankly in the pool of blood, just staring blankly at the woman in front of her who bled because of her.

It was snowing heavily, and in the world, only the two of them were still alive.

The next moment, she was pulled into a warm embrace.

"Sorry, I scared you," the woman pulled her out of the man's arms that had lost temperature, and hugged her into her arms.

The 15-year-old girl bowed her head and smiled at her.

"My name is Lin Baoyue, what's your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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