Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 129?

Chapter 129
But at the next moment, Gui Chen's eyes flickered again, and those vertical pupils were gone.The woman squinted her eyes and looked at him. Those eyes were no different from ordinary people, only a little darker than ordinary people.

Gui Chen opened his eyes wide and wanted to look again, but the girl in the woman's arms stretched out her arms around her neck, and the woman naturally lowered her head.

"You scared him." Ying Baoyue exhaled helplessly in her ear, and said softly, "Take it away."

"Hmm..." The woman in black looked at her and narrowed her eyes, "Who is this man, your new man?"

Can you stop using such an easily misunderstood term?

Ying Baoyue took a sip of water again, looking at her face, the woman in black thought about her words, "A new man you met?"

Next time hopefully you choose the right words in the first place.

Although she knew that the speaker had always followed instinct.

Well, instinct comes first.

But please forgive her for not having as good a mental quality as Master.It's better to say that she is not used to it, she is still a minor.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and hugged her neck tightly, "That's right. We haven't met each other for long."

"Hmm..." The woman in black dragged her voice and glanced at the earrings next to her ears, "It's really lucky that you gave him the earrings."

"Otherwise, you man... the man you just met is already dead." The woman in black said coolly.

This pair of earrings was originally made to prevent her from accidentally killing the children of the Ying family.Although she has always wanted to kill it.

Of course, if it is at a very close distance, this pair of earrings will not work.

The woman in black looked at the slender and fragile girl in her arms.

This person can live until now only because she is her.

"If that's the case," the girl in her arms climbed onto her shoulder and stared at her very seriously, "I will consider killing you too."

Check it out, it's like a fake.

Even if they changed their shells, if they dared to threaten the gods like this, they would have been that master-student pair for thousands of years.

Ying Baoyue stared at the woman in black, "Master has put a restriction on you, you are not allowed to kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Okay, okay," the woman in black raised her hand, "No one around here is dead."

She said innocently, "However, a dozen assassins fainted in the grass over there. They are not dead but their meridians have been cut off. When they wake up, they will probably lose their minds and lose their memory."

"Oh, those, let them ask for their own blessing." Ying Baoyue exhaled, and patted her on the shoulder, "Hold me up, Guichen and the others should be terrified."

"Where's the kid on the mountain over there?" The woman in black looked at her, "That's quite high, I always feel a little weird, catch him..."

"Stop, stop," Ying Baoyue held her face that she wanted to look up the mountain to the north with both hands, "That's someone I know too, let's leave it alone. Besides, you can't catch it."

"How do you know I can't catch it?" A trace of indignation flashed between the eyebrows of the woman in black, and her vertical pupils flashed, "I..."

"Okay," Ying Baoyue hugged her neck, "I still have business to talk to you, let's do business first."

The woman in black closed her mouth in dissatisfaction, and walked up the cliff with Ying Baoyue in her arms.

Gui Chen stood up unsteadily from the ground, looked at the girl hugging the woman's neck not far away, and the two were talking at a very close distance, a little dumbfounded.

When he carried her back, this woman would take the initiative to distance herself. It was the first time he saw her so close to a... person.

Of course, this should be a human...

Looking at the woman in black who was getting closer and closer, although she didn't do anything, Gui Chen could only feel the hairs on his back stand on end.

If she hadn't held Ying Baoyue in her arms, he might have followed his instinct and turned around and ran away.

Although he didn't know where his instinct came from, Gui Chen gritted his teeth and remained still, even forced to walk towards the woman.

At a distance of one foot between the two, he stopped and looked at the woman in black not far away.

Then Gui Chen found that he couldn't describe this woman's appearance.

She was very beautiful just as he saw it at first sight, but it was an indescribable beauty. Even when he tried to recall the woman's appearance in his mind, he felt nothing but it existed in front of his eyes, but Can't remember!

This is……

"Mingyue..." Gui Chen restrained the wild speculation in his heart, and put all his attention on the girl in the woman's arms.

Seeing another arrow wound on her shoulder, the boy clenched his fists, "I..."

"It's good that you are all alive," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, looking at Gui Li and Ms. Yao who had opened their eyes behind Gui Chen and heaved a sigh of relief, "It's good that everyone is alive."

"Your Highness..."

Officer Yao, who had just woken up, struggled to remember on the ground, looked at the strange woman who suddenly appeared in front of her in astonishment, "This is..."

Facing the three pairs of suspicious eyes on the ground, Ying Baoyue waved her small hand without guilt.

"This is my friend who I said earlier lived in the lake...nearby."


Li Ji on the mountain in the distance raised his head speechlessly.

Ghosts believe you.

However, the picture in front of him has already surpassed his imagination, and even as long as he thinks about it, it hurts like a needle prick in his mind, so he can only stop here, and he will probably lose this memory soon.

The moment the woman in black turned her head, Li Ji abruptly withdrew his gaze, shielding his five senses.

"Hmph, I escaped pretty fast." The woman in black laughed, "Boy, stay away."

No one knew what she was talking about, nor did they know that the next moment a man on the distant mountain picked up his younger brother on the ground and withdrew hundreds of miles away in an instant.

Ying Baoyue glanced at her helplessly, but also knew that what she did was right.

Because, the next conversation between them is not allowed to be snooped by anyone.

"I haven't seen this person for a long time, and I want to catch up with you, Gui Chen, take Gui Li and Aunt Yao to rest here."

Ying Baoyue looked at the stiff siblings and female officer on the ground and smiled, "There won't be any pursuers around here for an hour."

Gui Chen nodded stiffly, and then watched the woman in black holding Ying Baoyue as she walked towards a cave under the cliff.

Lady Yao and Gui Li collapsed on the ground, staring at their backs in a daze, but the next moment Gui Li suddenly screamed.

"elder brother!"

Gui Chen turned his head abruptly, only to see his younger sister looking up at the footprints on the ground in horror, "She...she didn't..."

Gui Li's unfinished words were blocked in her throat, the little girl looked at her brother who covered her mouth and opened her eyes wide.

"Don't look and don't tell."

Good boy don't watch.

Gui Chen took a deep breath and lowered his head, looking at the empty ground.

He knows.

It's not that woman...

Are there no footprints?

what a big deal...

Gui Chen supported his forehead, and the next moment he sat down on the ground.

calm down.

He is also a person who has gone through great storms.

Just get used to everything.



"You obviously have feet."

Ying Baoyue, who was placed on a stone by a woman in black in the cave, said speechlessly, "Why are you scaring children..."

She looked at the woman with black hair and vertical pupils sitting across from her, smiled helplessly, and called out that name.

"Teng Snake."

"Just kidding," the woman named Teng Snake turned around, leaning against the stone wall and smiled at her, "Long time no see."

Looking at the girl with an unfamiliar face, the woman's face turned cold, "You're not dead."

"Long time no see," Ying Baoyue looked at her quietly, "You're not dead either."

There was a moment of silence in the grotto, the two women looked at each other quietly, and then a lonely smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

None of them died, but there was another person who was there with them, the one who connected them.

But it's gone.

The next moment, Ying Baoyue put away her smile, and looked seriously at the god clone who had finally returned to her familiar appearance.

"Tell me, what happened seven years ago?"

(End of this chapter)

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