Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 133? Talking about Dreams

Chapter 133 Talking about dreams
Ying Baoyue stopped and looked back at the woman in black standing quietly in the cave.

Even if he looks like a human again, this is still a god who lives with the sky and watches countless dynasties change in this continent with cold eyes.

Ying Baoyue stared quietly into Teng Snake's eyes, "What do you want to ask?"

"Ask about your next plan." Teng Snake said.

"Deal with this marriage first, and then advance to revenge," Ying Baoyue looked at Teng Snake and said, "I will die if I don't advance in this life."

So there is nothing wrong with this plan.

She stretched out her wrist to reveal the scar, looked at Teng Snake and said, "I forgot to ask you, can you solve this curse?"

Teng She looked at her and said, "This is a curse made by humans. Gods don't need to curse people to kill people, and they don't need to torture people in this way."

So talent is complicated.

Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled, "Forget it, by the way, in your opinion, how long can I live?"

Looking at the still young woman, Teng Snake said softly with a complex expression, "About a year."

"Sure enough," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "that man is pretty accurate."

Although she knew from the beginning that Li Ji was right.

Teng Snake looked at the woman who wrapped the cloth back around her wrist.Nothing was forgotten, she knew from the beginning that the curse came from the hand of man, and she didn't intend to ask herself for help.

This man is really...

After tying up the cloth strips, Ying Baoyue looked up at the dazed woman, "So what do you want to ask when you stop me? Do you think I don't want revenge?"

After all, it's okay for Teng Snake to feel that way when she dragged such a body along such a stupid path...

"I never doubt that you will take revenge." Teng Snake looked at Ying Baoyue and said coldly.

Even if this woman doesn't care about her own death, Teng She knows better than anyone else what Lin Baoyue can do for Lin Shubai, even if she doesn't avenge herself, she will avenge her master.


"If you really only wanted revenge, you wouldn't be here now," Teng Snake looked at her and said coldly, "you wouldn't refuse my help either."

Shao Siming and Da Siming have been entrenched in Qin for many years, so it is impossible for them to have no influence at all.

Regardless of whether they have been cleared or not, most of these forces have accumulated in the north.

Qin's greatest enemy was in the north, and the chief commander Lin Shubai died at the northernmost... on the Great Wall of Eternal Night.

Whether she is looking for help or investigating the truth, if she wants to take revenge as quickly as possible, she should go north instead of south.

but south...

"I've said it all, I'm kissing the princess now, and I still need to kiss Nanchu, and the Mu family is going home..." Ying Baoyue smiled, but her words were interrupted by Teng Snake again.

"I promise you, if there is no god to fight, I will never make a move."

Teng Snake looked at Ying Baoyue and said word by word, "So tell me, what do you want to do?"

Baoyue will not lie in front of her.

At most, nothing will be said, or, not everything will be said.

Teng Snake stared at Ying Baoyue.

This is not Ying Hao's daughter.

The girl in front of her was the child she had grown up with since childhood.

Everyone in this world slanders her and her master.

But only she knew who those two women who walked out of Chudi Weimo were.

Compared with the high-ranking Da Si Ming who competes in the world, Lin Baoyue, the young Si Ming, is often overshadowed by her master's halo. In addition, she has a good temper. Those stupid female officials in Guiyang City even think that she is cowardly and can be bullied. .


Teng Snake looked at the thin back of the girl standing at the entrance of the cave.

She didn't say it out, the reason why she stopped the girl just now was because the moment she went out, a trance-like snake in front of her always felt that this figure was familiar.

"Book white..."

Teng Snake murmured.

She used to always see this girl standing behind the most powerful woman in the world.

But at this moment, she found that the young girl's back looked like her master's by herself, and she could make herself look away.

Teng Snake's eyes narrowed slightly. In the lake before, she also felt Shubai's breath before waking up, but when she woke up, she found that the person who woke her up was not Shubai.

But embrace the moon.

At this moment, the figure turned around completely, and Ying Baoyue looked at the dignified god and smiled.

"You want to ask me why I went to Nanchu?"

Teng Snake knew that this person was taking words out of context, but the first question was indeed here.

"That's right," Teng Snake looked at her and said coldly, "Don't tell me anything about marriage, you are not..."

Even if it is for advancement, it should be faster...

Teng Snake was excited for a moment, and was about to continue talking, but she didn't believe that this woman wanted to marry her, could it be that she...

However, just as Teng Snake's thoughts took off, the girl in front of her turned around and looked at her and spoke softly.

"Back then the king..."

Hearing this title, Teng Snake trembled and stopped suddenly.

Then Teng Snake looked at the girl in front of him and said quietly, "Back then, when the king unified the six kingdoms, Southern Chu was the last one to subdue, wasn't it?"

She's at.

Say something?
There were countless guesses in Teng Snake's mind, but it never occurred to her that this girl... No, it would be better if she didn't even dare to guess like that.

King.Teng Snake's heart skipped a beat when he heard this name.

This is the name of Emperor Taizu Emperor Yingdi before he unified the world, and only the soldiers of the Qin army who participated in the unification battle are still used to calling it this way.

Unification battle.

Does she want to...

Looking at the shocked Teng Snake, Ying Baoyue smiled.

She didn't plan to say it because she felt that even the gods would not accept it.But she didn't expect Teng Snake to see the clues, so she didn't intend to hide.

Teng Snake was right, she really didn't just want revenge.

Revenge, revenge is naturally to be reported.

But since she has become a practitioner.Since she became a princess for the sake of the Gui brothers and sisters.

Since she has paid and will have to pay countless prices for this identity, her path is not limited to revenge.

Ms. Yao would not know that the sentence she heard on horseback back then did not refer to an ambush.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Teng She asked in a daze, seeing the girl who looked more and more like her master.

Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled.

She is a real princess now, but she will never forget whose apprentice she is.

Who do they think she is?
Master spent his whole life on Tongyi's great cause and her.

It's fine if she's dead, but if she's alive, no one is allowed to destroy her.

She doesn't just want revenge.She also wants to take back what Master guarded, and even go further.

Ying Baoyue looked at Teng Snake and said, "Emperor Ying is dead, isn't he?"

In the same year as she died, the empire he founded also fell apart, and his descendants had no dignity.

The empire was shattered, the Seven Kingdoms stood in abundance, and the troubled times came again.

"In the eight years since I died, I actually went to another place," she looked back at Teng Snake, "I don't know if you have heard a word."

Ying Baoyue looked at Teng Snake and said quietly.

"The six kings are complete, and the four seas are one."



(End of this chapter)

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