Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1337 Trap

Chapter 1337 Trap
The woods fell into a dead silence, and all the birds, beasts, insects and fish in the forest were scared to move because of some kind of huge coercion.

"Really?" Teng Snake replied slowly, the vertical pupils shining brightly in the dark night.

"If that's the case, this person is really thoughtful and bold."

"No, I'm afraid it's not audacity," Teng Snake sneered, "it's a big picture."

Dare to attack the Eight Beast Gods, and even plan to continue for more than ten years, this is not enough to be the ruler of a country at all, it is to subvert the entire mountain and sea continent.

"This is just my guess," Ying Baoyue said, "It's also possible that I am scaring myself."

"I hope so," Teng Snake glanced at her, "Unfortunately, I still don't remember what you said you missed when you were young."

It's not so much a crow's mouth, it's because Lin Baoyue is too sharp and intelligent.

"This idea is indeed bold, but it's not impossible if you think about it carefully." Teng Snake narrowed his eyes, "Brother Qinglong's breath, I really haven't felt it since eight years ago."

"You call Azure Dragon God... Brother?" Ying Baoyue was taken aback when she heard this, she had never heard Teng Snake call like this before.

"It's just a casual call, I gained my sanity too late, and I haven't seen him much," Teng Snake sighed, "But no matter how weak he became later, Qinglong God is the boss of the Eight Beast Gods. "

The head of the four spirits in the sky, but in the end he disappeared without a trace.

Before the Qinglong God, she never believed that the ancient gods would die, but after the Qinglong God's accident, she also began to think about the death of the gods.

Originally, she thought that the demise of the Azure Dragon God was a natural change in the world, but now she was shocked to find that someone might have done it.

Teng Snake clenched his teeth.

"You're right. If someone really targeted the Eight Beast God, it should be the Azure Dragon God as the first target."

First Qinglong God, then Yinglong God, and then... her.

Lin Shubai should have severely injured that group of people back then, and arranged her to sleep in the Lancang Sea.

Then after she fell asleep for seven years, the group of people who had been hiding their strengths and biding their time for seven years started to act again.

"So, Xuanwu God is the next god to be attacked?"

"Looking at it like this, I only lost my wings, which is pretty good," Teng Snake suddenly sneered, "What do you think of Xuanwu God now? Could it be that the tortoise's shell has already been pulled out?"

"There's no need to be so pessimistic," Ying Baoyue's gaze sank, she took a deep breath, and looked into Teng Snake's eyes.

"If it is human beings who attack the gods, then in this case, it is also human beings who can protect the gods."

Teng Snake's eyes trembled slightly.

"Your master...shubai her..."

"It's just my guess, but if something like this really happened, I believe Master would do it." Ying Baoyue stroked the cheek of the woman in front of her who was about to cry, "Master should have protected you back then."

In the same way, as the son of Xuanwu God, Xu Canghai would protect him if someone really attacked Xuanwu God.

"There is something I haven't told you yet," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "I think the last god who was attacked was not Xuanwu God."

"When I was in Nanchu before, I found that there was something wrong with Suzaku God."

Teng Snake widened his eyes.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were deep. When Nanchu Jimo and Shangui were fighting across the air, she vaguely heard Shangui mention that something happened to Suzaku God.

As the four spirits of the sky second only to the Azure Dragon God, when the Suzaku God was fighting the White Tiger God, she did notice that the Suzaku God's strength was not as good as before.

Ji Mo was in seclusion all day long, and was unable to track her down, which might have a lot to do with the abnormality of Suzaku God.

"Even Suzaku God..." Teng Snake could no longer restrain his shock, and felt a sense of crisis that he had never felt before.

"Something must have happened, but Ji Mo controlled the situation," Ying Baoyue let out a breath.

"Then he can still come in handy occasionally," Teng Snake's eyes flashed a look of disgust, but she turned serious the next moment, "However, that group of people probably haven't got the Azure Dragon God yet."

Even the weakened Azure Dragon God can deal heavy damage to Suzaku God.

If the Azure Dragon God falls into the hands of those wolfish and ambitious people, the consequences will be disastrous.

"By the way, is the Azure Dragon God really that strong?" Ying Baoyue suddenly became curious when she heard the words. When Emperor Taizu unified the whole land, she was rarely on the same battlefield as Emperor Ying, so she had never seen this legendary The strongest god that swept across the world.

She never imagined back then that she would be tied to this strange god after her death.

"Very strong," Teng Snake let out a breath, "I don't know why, I think he can hurt me even if he has only one breath left."


Ying Baoyue was startled when he heard this.

But how could such a powerful god suddenly disappear?
"Then do you think that Azure Dragon God is really dead?" She pursed her lips.

"I don't know," Teng Snake shook his head, "I remember that his divine body is indeed old, but I don't think he died so easily."

But if the Azure Dragon God didn't die, where did he go?

As such a powerful god, who can hide his tracks?

"Speaking of where the Azure Dragon God went, shouldn't I ask you?" Teng Snake looked at Ying Baoyue with a playful look in his eyes.

"I woke up these days and heard those mortals say it," Teng Snake said with a smile, "but our Master Shao Si Ming lost the Azure Dragon God."

According to the apocalypse before the Azure Dragon God disappeared, Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue to be the last human being to see him.

"Stop praising me," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "After hearing what you said today, I feel even more that I have no ability to do this at all."

Even if she moved her fingers towards Qinglongshen, she would probably lose half of her life.

She was indeed daring in her previous life, but she probably wasn't so daring.

"Okay, put aside the matter of the Qinglong God, now you know why I forbid you to go to the Northern Wei Dynasty." Ying Baoyue said seriously, "Teng Snake, don't go, you can't have an accident."

Teng Snake reluctantly nodded, looking at the tattoo on Ying Baoyue's collarbone.

"But you also have to make sure that you don't get into danger. If you are dying, I don't guarantee that I can bear it."

"I know," Ying Baoyue reached out and hugged the other's cold body.

"I will return."

Take your wings and come back from the north.

She said silently in her heart.

The two walked towards Ji Ange side by side.

"But it's okay for me to accompany you in the former Qin Dynasty, right?" Teng Snake said, "The Mu family you are going to go to tomorrow, I often see people disappearing in that mountain."

"Disappear?" Ying Baoyue was taken aback.

"There should be some kind of trap set up outside the mountain," Teng She frowned, "That mountain is full of strange gossip, and I can't see through it."

"You must be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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