Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1339 Illusion

Chapter 1339 Illusion
Unlike Li Ji, Ying Baoyue watched the people around her disappear one by one.

The first thing to rise was the heavy fog.

Thick fog approached from all around. Although the Misty Ridge was indeed foggy, the fog was almost pervasive, and the surrounding scenery was almost covered up. Ying Baoyue immediately became vigilant.

She lifted the curtain of the car to remind the driver to be careful when driving, but the next moment she found a terrified expression on the driver's face.

"Your Highness, Princess, it seems that this road has just been passed."

Ying Baoyue stared at the deja vu corner in front of him and realized what happened.

It's a ghost hitting a wall.

It was also encountered in the crowd battle of the Southern Chu Elementary Ceremony, and such an effect could be achieved through the pre-set formation and internal manipulation, but the formation in the Elementary Ceremony was prepared hastily compared to the current one.

Even though her state is now much higher than last time, she still can't feel the flow of this formation.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes. Even with the help of Chen Zihan this time, she might not be able to discover the location of the formation.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

At this time, Ji Ange and the others also noticed that something was wrong with the road ahead. Their carriage was originally the first one in the convoy to open the road, and the vehicles behind probably hadn't noticed that they had gone the same way several times.

"It's okay, I'll take another look."

Ying Baoyue let out a sigh of relief, she was basically sure that such a wonderful formation was created by Mu You.

In terms of formation, Mu You can be regarded as half of her teacher.

Although it was difficult for her to break the formation set up by the teacher, she was relieved to know that the formation was created by Mu You.

After all, Mu You is not a person who kills indiscriminately.

The ghosts hitting the wall in the elementary ceremony before was set up by the Xirong people to hunt and kill the practitioners in the Central Plains, but what is the purpose of Mu You's ghosts hitting the wall?
Ying Baoyue was in a sinking mood. If there was a formation trap on Misty Ridge, it should have been set up so that outsiders would not find out where the Mu family was, so they would retreat and leave.

But the formation of ghost hitting the wall will make the entrants trapped in it and cannot get out. Since it is to resist intruders, why is this formation formed to trap people in it?

In other words, this is a formation that is only aimed at their group.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath.

What is Mu You trying to do by trapping these people in it?
She looked around, probably to see them circle around here.

"Holding the moon," Teng Snake, who was leaning against the wall of the car, opened his eyes at this time, "Is it a ghost hitting the wall?"

Ying Baoyue nodded.

Teng She frowned, "Can you find the eyes? If you can't find them, how about I call out my real body and level the mountain?"

"Don't be so violent," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "We won't be able to live in that way, okay?"

"Then what should we do?" Teng Snake was impatient, Ying Baoyue was about to comfort her, but suddenly froze.

Because the woman in black who was sitting in front of her suddenly disappeared.

"Teng snake?"


Ji Ange and the others were also dumbfounded watching this scene, only then did Ying Baoyue realize that it was not an illusion of her eyes.

"Sister, aunt, did she disappear by herself?"

Even a god can't disappear out of thin air, and Teng She was still talking to her last moment, Ying Baoyue's heart was beating wildly, looking at Ji Ange just about to say something, but found that there was nothing around her.

Ji Ange also disappeared.

"An songs?"

"How about An Ge..."

The voices of other women sounded in the car, but some of them disappeared in the middle of speaking.

Ying Baoyue widened her eyes in a daze, watching the people sitting beside her disappear one by one.

"Jin Niang, Jiu Niang, Ah Li, Thirteen?"

Everyone disappeared at different times, but only a few seconds apart.

In less than a minute, the carriage was empty.

Seeing this scene, Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, calmed down her heartbeat, opened the curtain of the car and leaned out.

Sure enough, even the coachman had disappeared.

She looked at the carriage behind her, all the people in the convoy disappeared, and then the carriage disappeared, followed by a dozen carriages disappeared one by one, and finally only the one under her was left.


Ying Baoyue held the curse on her wrist that was hurting.

After more than ten years of retreat and practice, Mu You's ability seems to have improved.

The ability to set up formations is no less than that of Emperor Taizu. If he can be found, maybe he can ask him what to do with the curse in his hand.

I just don't know what I will encounter in the illusion this time.

Looking at the empty road ahead, Ying Baoyue sat quietly in the car.

When she was in the forest of the dead, she remembered that she had entered the illusion before Li Ji, but this time, she found that she was probably the last one among all the practitioners to fall into the illusion.

Generally speaking, the deeper the demon, the sooner you will fall into the illusion.

Ying Baoyue didn't know who was the first person to fall into the illusion this time, but she didn't quite understand why she was the last one.

The illusion in the forest of the dead brings everyone into her most painful memory, so what will she see in this illusion?
However, to Ying Baoyue's surprise...

Nothing at all.

There was a thick fog outside the car, and Ying Baoyue sat in the carriage and walked straight forward. There was nothingness in front of the car, and nothingness around her. Ying Baoyue lay on the window of the car, and had the illusion that she was flying through the clouds and fog.

Although she wouldn't get tired of looking at the clouds and mist outside the car all the time, Ying Baoyue was inexplicably uneasy.

Mu You brought them into the formation to let them enjoy the scenery?

Ying Baoyue still remembers the unforgettable memories of the last time she fell into the illusion, but why is there nothing this time?

She got out of the car and sat in the front of the car, looking at the fog ahead in a daze.

The wheels rolled forward, and after an unknown amount of time, she suddenly saw a different scene.

"here it is……"

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide, looking at a hillside that appeared in front of her.

This hillside always feels a little familiar. It doesn't look like a barren hill in the suburbs, but more like the back hill of some aristocratic family's house.

With a creak, the carriage stopped in front of the hillside, and Ying Baoyue turned around to look at the familiar mansion behind the hillside, and finally understood where it was.

Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion.

The mountain in front of her is actually the back mountain of Nanchu Guoshi Mansion!

The next moment, only hearing a creak behind him, Ying Baoyue turned around abruptly.

A young man in Yuebai's homely clothes walked out from the back door of the National Teacher's Mansion and walked quietly up the hill.

Looking at the familiar handsome face of the young man, Ying Baoyue was stunned, "Jia Shu?"

She stepped forward quickly, "You are also trapped in..."

But the next moment Ying Baoyue's voice stopped, and he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Ji Jiashu didn't wear the human skin mask she carved on her face, and the clothes on her body were not the one she wore when she boarded the car early in the morning.

The person in front of him is not Ji Jiashu.

Or rather, it wasn't the Ji Jiashu she knew.

Sure enough, as Ying Baoyue thought, the boy's clothes fluttered in front of her as he walked out of the backyard, as if he didn't see her at all.

Ying Baoyue followed behind him, watching Ji Jiashu climb up the back hill step by step, leaning against an old tree, and started stargazing.

She suddenly understood something.

At this moment, she watched the young man in front of her lightly put her palm on the tree trunk, and chanted a poem.

Ying Baoyue's mind was shocked. This passage is "Songs of Chu·Shao Si Ming".

After reciting the poem, Ji Jiashu knocked on the trunk and called out, "Teng Snake? Are you there?"

Hearing this title and Ji Jiashu's tone, Ying Baoyue was struck by lightning and finally understood what happened.

The person in front of him was wearing thin clothes, the summer clothes that Ji Jiashu often wore in Southern Chu, but now it was winter, and everyone had already put on cotton robes.

The person in front of her was indeed Ji Jiashu, but not the Ji Jiashu she had seen before.

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the young man leaning on the tree in front of him.

this person.

It was Ji Jiashu before meeting her.

The illusion is based on people's memories, and it is impossible for her to have seen Ji Jiashu at this time.

In other words.

She entered Ji Jiashu's illusion.

 Wonderful?Did anyone expect it (laughs)
(End of this chapter)

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