Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1342 Cohabitation

Chapter 1342 Cohabitation
Ying Baoyue was startled, then nodded after thinking about it.

"If you say that, it's true."

Hearing this, Mu You sat quietly at the table. After the Year of Destiny, he hadn't been so surprised for a long time.

He had never heard such an answer even from a person who had a smooth life, let alone the girl standing in front of him, let alone a smooth life, she had a rough life.

The old man's eyes fell on the wrist of Ying Baoyue's left hand, and his eyes were deep, "Even if you are tied to this curse, don't you feel that fate is unfair? Don't you want to go back to the time when there was no such curse?"

"You can really see it?" Ying Baoyue touched her wrist and said calmly, "Since this curse has grown on me, it is something I have to face. No matter how painful it is, it is also a part of me."

"You..." Mu You had almost nothing to say, but the next moment his expression became gloomy, and he said quietly, "What about your master?"

Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank.

Mu You understood, he didn't know how Ying Baoyue was reborn into this world, but once she was reborn, the most difficult thing to face would be the news of Da Si Ming's death.

Mu You originally thought that Ying Baoyue would return to the time when he met Lin Shubai in the illusion, just like the avatar of the god not far away.

But Ying Baoyue didn't either.

"I really don't want to face Master's death," Ying Baoyue said softly after a moment of silence, "I wish she was still alive countless times."

"But I know that if Master is still alive, she definitely doesn't want me to be like this."

The girl standing by the stone table raised her head, "She took me out of the cloud forest and gave everything for me, hoping that I would grow up happily and live a good life."

If she dies, she also hopes that those who remember her will live like this.

So she can't cry.

She can't regret it.

Because this is what Master hopes, her life.

Even though she has no parents and a peaceful childhood, she is very happy both in her past life and this life.

In her previous life, she met Master, Ying Su, Lin Wangong, Song Zhai, Mu You, Chen Yan, and many others, and in this life, she also met Gui Chen, Jia Shu, Li Ji, Zhao Guang, and senior brothers.

In the worst of times, she was never alone.

"Mu You," Ying Baoyue looked at him, "Master's death is something I want to solve, not something that traps me."

She is always moving forward.

The memories of her and Master are the treasures she keeps in her heart, not a fantasy that will trap her.

Mu You looked at the girl with clear eyes and no tears, and took a light breath.

It's really her.

So, she is unique.

"I have created this formation for 20 years," the old man sighed, "You may be the first one who has already explored it before entering the formation."

Ying Baoyue laughed and patted her head, "But this may also be because I am a person with amnesia now."

"I don't have memories of most of the year before I died," she confesses.

At the same time, because she was in the forest of the dead back then, the regret she couldn't let go of in her previous life had dissipated.

Win Su.

Ying Baoyue touched her heart, until now, that person is still protecting her.

Seeing her expression, Mu You was slightly taken aback, and let out a long breath, "Even so, you are still very powerful."

"No wonder you can practice so fast," the old man sighed, "Your Taoism is clear enough."

"I'm not the only one with a clear heart." Ying Baoyue frowned, looked at the light ball behind her, and his eyes filled with anger again, "Everyone will have their own nostalgic memories in their hearts, not everyone is trapped because they are greedy for the past."

Just like Ji Jiashu and Ji Ange, in Ying Baoyue's view, there is nothing wrong with liking the peaceful life in the past, which does not mean that they are dissatisfied with the status quo.

"I know," Mu You smiled, "You don't have to take my situation too complicated."

As Ying Baoyue said, people's obsessions can also be divided into big and small, and some are just small complaints. As long as you are determined, it is easy to get out.

What's more, Ying Baoyue broke into the illusion of this group of people just now, speeding up the process virtually.

The old man looked behind Ying Baoyue, "Are you so sure that they will be trapped forever?"

Ying Baoyue was startled, and at this moment she suddenly saw slight fluctuations in Ji Jiashu's light cluster.

"Jia Shu?"

The female voice in the tree was a little puzzled, and the boy leaning on the trunk suddenly began to look around.

"Jiashu, what's the matter with you? Keep talking," the female voice in the trunk kept tempting him, but Ji Jiashu was a little absent-minded.

"I seem to hear someone calling my name."

"I seem to have a lot of important things to do..."

"The elementary ceremony and the intermediate ceremony should also be very happy."

"Wait, I still have to go to the high-level ceremony with did the road go?"

Looking at Ji Jiashu standing on the back hill showing confusion and bewilderment, Ying Baoyue opened her eyes slightly.

"Well, that little guy looks like he's about to wake up," Mu You laughed. "There are other happy things in his heart, but this has something to do with you breaking into his dream first."

"I can still hear your voice in an illusion, this little guy is not easy."

"This is a soul boy with a clear heart," Mu You sighed, "I never thought that Ji Mo would have such a son."

After Ji Jiashu, other groups of light also fluctuated one after another. Looking at the people who were gradually awakening, Ying Baoyue showed surprise on his face.

"That's right," Mu You nodded, "For them, being with you now is also very fulfilling."

It is this fulfillment and happiness that allows everyone to get rid of the illusion.

When he set up this formation, he wanted to test the hearts of this group of people. Even though he believed in Ying Baoyue's vision, even he didn't expect that she could have such a strong cohesion in this life when she was in such a low level.

"Embrace the moon!"

Ji Jiashu in the distance had escaped from the illusion and came to his senses. He saw Ying Baoyue standing at the end of the road at a glance, and ran towards her with strides.

Ying Baoyue completely relaxed, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

But the next moment she caught a glimpse of the fog closest to the stone table out of the corner of her eye, and felt uneasy again.

She hadn't seen Li Ji since before, could this fog be...

"Mu You, didn't you say that everyone can be happy in this formation?" Ying Baoyue's chest heaved slightly, pointing at the fog, "Then what's going on with this fog?"

It is precisely because it is a happy memory that it is not afraid of being seen by others, but this fog has resisted letting others approach it from the very beginning.

"Tell him," Mu You's expression became complicated, "this little guy was actually the first one to disappear."

"Earlier than Teng Snake God."

Ying Baoyue was startled, the first one to disappear meant the deepest obsession.

"The obsession can be deeper than the gods, which is not common."

Mu You said slowly.

"What exactly did he experience in the illusion, the old man can't see through."

"I've tried this fog before, but I can't get close."

"But the old man is an outsider after all." Mu You stared into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "If you can't get close, it's probably because he doesn't want you to see him for a reason."

Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback, but regardless of the reason why he couldn't get close, if Li Ji couldn't find it all the time, wouldn't it mean that he would be trapped inside forever?

Thinking of what Mu You said just now that her voice could make everyone break through the illusion faster, Ying Baoyue stared at him.

"Then how do I get in?"

Mu You shook his head, "I don't know, I'm afraid it needs a special opportunity."

Ying Baoyue was speechless, looking at the thickening fog, she suddenly became nervous.

"Embrace the moon!"

At this time, Ji Jiashu had already arrived at the stone table, and stretched out his hand to Ying Baoyue, "Can you see me?"

Probably he took her as a phantom, Ying Baoyue laughed and reached out to him.

But when the fingertips of the two touched, a mist suddenly rose behind her, and a strong force pulled her into the mist beside the stone table! "

A chess piece fell to the ground, and Mu You stood up abruptly, looking at Ying Baoyue who disappeared in front of Ji Jiashu.

This is……

"here it is……"

The field of vision in front of her eyes suddenly became white, Ying Baoyue stared blankly at a small courtyard emerging from the clouds and mist, and outside the fence of the small courtyard, she saw that familiar figure.

"Li Ji?"

So, she finally entered Li Ji's dream?

The next moment Ying Baoyue was shocked to find that Li Ji was also a bystander in his dream.

Looking at the tall man standing outside the fence, Ying Baoyue followed his gaze.

By the window in a small courtyard house, a woman is combing a little boy's hair.

This is……

Ying Baoyue was stunned.

The memory of Li Ji living with a woman when he was a child?

 What kind of weird pictures are these?

(End of this chapter)

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