Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1347

Chapter 1347
All this happened so quickly, Ji Jiashu watched in astonishment as Chunyu Ye's figure was swallowed up by the fog behind him, and Mu You's figure completely disappeared along with the broken chessboard.


Ji Jiashu stood alone in front of the empty stone table with a confused look on his face.



Mu You's figure disappeared in the formation like a bubble.

But at the same time, in a room full of ancient books deep in a mansion, an old man opened his eyes.

The old man lowered his head, looked at a stone plate on his lap, and sighed long.


A childish call came from the side, and a little girl with horns pierced came out from behind the pile of books and looked at him worriedly.

"Ah, it's Wen Ning."

Mu You looked up at his granddaughter, "Why are you here?"

"Mother is very worried about you, and said that grandpa, you seem to have come back early."

"Evidently she is not a practitioner, but her intuition is still as sharp as ever," Mu You sighed, "Maybe it is because the mother and child are connected, and she is aware of the whereabouts of her children."

Xu Wenning bit her lips tightly, "Sister Ying and the others are already here? Grandpa, don't make things difficult for sister, can you let them in?"

Mu You looked at the stone plate on his lap and sighed, "Now it's not a question of me letting them in or not."

The old man's expression became serious, "Wen Ning, go and call your fifth uncle, eighth aunt, sixteenth uncle and seventh cousin."

Xu Wenning opened her eyes wide. After she arrived at Mu's house, it took her half a year to memorize most of this large group of uncles, aunts, cousins, and cousins. Several people are descendants of the Mu family with the highest level of practice.

"Grandpa?" Xu Wenning was very disturbed, "Did something happen?"

"A foreign enemy has invaded," Mu You said in a deep voice, "I'm going to activate the mountain protection array later, and the family needs to rely on you, uncles, aunts and cousins ​​to protect it."

"Foreign enemy?" Xu Wenning's chest rose and fell, "Are you from Xirong?"

"It's hard for you to be so young, but you can think of it," Mu You looked down at her.

"I heard that the people of Xirong disappeared in the decisive battle of the middle-level ceremony. Everyone said that they secretly returned to Xirong," Xu Wenning said in a low voice, "but my granddaughter has been thinking, what if they didn't go back?"

There is no better place for Xi Rong to hide than the former Qin Dynasty.

Mu You glanced at his unrelated granddaughter approvingly, "You are right, but there is another possibility."

The old man's eyes were heavy, "What if they just came back from the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

Xu Wenning's forehead twitched, thinking of the upheaval in the Northern Wei Dynasty that he had heard from his mother these days, his little face flushed.

"Could it be that……"

"Okay, you are still young, no matter how extraordinary your aptitude is, you don't need to think too much," Mu You stood up holding the stone plate, and placed his big palm on the top of the little girl's head.

"The Mu family won't be overthrown by a few Xiao Xiaoxiao." The old man looked at the stone plate in his hand, "Besides, someone has already stopped them for us."


Xu Wenning suddenly raised his head, and the next moment his eyes were attracted by the stone plate in Mu You's hand, and he saw that it was covered with many lines, and there were countless light spots floating on those lines.

"Grandpa, this is..."

"This is the horoscope," Mu You's eyes darkened, looking at a staggered orbit above, with three light spots swimming on it.

"Just now, the fates of three people intertwined."

"Staggered?" Xu Wenning looked at the brightest star on the horoscope, his heart pounding, "One of these people is sister Ying?"

Mu You nodded.

"Then...then what's going to happen here?"

Mu You was silent.

Ying Baoyue was pulled into Li Ji's dream, which he could barely understand, but Chunyu Ye would also enter into it, even he didn't expect it.

He didn't know what was going to happen.Ying Baoyue's entering other people's dreams will not disturb the original owner, but Chunyuye is different.Once he enters, it may have a huge impact on Li Ji's dream.

The worst possibility is that the dream turns into a nightmare.

"Grandpa?" Seeing Mu You who was silent, Xu Wenning stuttered in fright.

"Wen Ning," Mu You looked at her, "Do you believe in fate?"

Xu Wenning hesitated for a moment and nodded, but shook his head again.

"Oh?" The old man looked a little playful, "You little thing, what do you mean?"

It stands to reason that people with ill-fated lives are more likely to believe in fate.

"Grandpa, I don't believe it." Xu Wenning bit his lips tightly, "Fate may allow me to meet my sister."

"But she was the one who chose to save me."

It's her, not fate.

Mu You was startled when he heard this, and then stroked her head in relief.

"You're right," he looked at the three interlaced stars on the astrolabe, "so what you have to do now is to trust her."

Not just her, but the man who shaped that environment.

I believe that even in their dreams, they can defeat all nightmares.



Ji Jiashu stood alone in front of the fog. Just as Chunyuye was sucked into the fog, the original white fog instantly darkened and became as black as a cloud.

"This is……"

The dark mist formed a sharp contrast with the bright light group surrounding Chen Zichu and others.

An ominous premonition rose in Ji Jiashu's heart.

He had just experienced the illusion, and he knew that what Mu You showed them in the illusion were happy memories, and there was no malice.

But at this time, the mist that contained Li Ji, Ying Baoyue, and Chun Yuye had turned into an extremely ominous color, and it was really hard to feel that the people in it could see any sweet dreams.

Ji Jiashu suddenly stretched out his hand towards the fog group, and was pushed out again, and he barely fell down with his sword on the ground.

"Hug the moon..."

Looking at the increasingly violent fog in front of him, Ji Jiashu clenched the hilt of his sword tightly.

What happened here?


Contrary to what people outside thought, Ying Baoyue was in Li Ji's illusion at this time, and did not see Chunyuye's figure.

She still stood outside the fence with Li Ji as always, watching Li Zhao and little Li Ji's life together.

The life of the two is ordinary but warm. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, Ying Baoyue watched Li Zhao's face become more and more smiling, and little Li Ji became more and more lively and cheerful. become more and more carefree.

He was also two heads taller than he was at the beginning, and he could already see his tall and tall appearance, and the wooden mask couldn't hide his face. Every time he went out, someone tried to lift his mask intentionally or unintentionally. Li Zhao reluctantly began to make him a bronze mask.

The boy's appearance was changing, but what didn't change was the way he looked at Li Zhao.

From the ignorant and throbbing at the beginning, to the firm and gentle later.

It seems that as he grows older, he understands more and more what exactly he wants.

Ying Baoyue could also sense that Li Zhao should have realized that Li Ji's puberty had arrived, and began to avoid him intentionally or unintentionally.

And as little Li Ji grew taller, Ying Baoyue became more and more uneasy.

Because she felt that time should come soon.

But Li Ji's dream seems to have no end.

Li Zhao had already died eight years ago, so the day when Li Ji and her parted ways should be coming soon. Such memories are definitely not a happy dream for Li Ji.

But why hasn't Li Ji's illusion ended yet?
At this moment, the clouds and mist in the sky became pitch black, the clouds overwhelmed the top, and there was a faint sound of thunder in the clouds.

"It's going to rain, sister, don't you want to collect the clothes outside?"

After Xiao Li Ji finished practicing the sword, he looked at Li Zhao who was quietly sitting on the steps holding the sword in his hands.

She has been sitting here all afternoon, looking up at the sky.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing," the woman sitting on the steps turned her head. The next moment, she seemed to have made some decision, looked at Xiao Li Ji and smiled, "You have been here for almost a year before you know it, you said Today is your birthday, do you have any gift you want?"

Little Li Ji felt a little guilty. He didn't remember his own birthday, so he arbitrarily set the day before Zhao Guang's birthday as his own.

But speaking of it, tomorrow is Zhao Guang's birthday again, and it is also the day when he was kidnapped from the Soochow Palace a year ago.

"A Ji?"

"Well, birthday gift, let me think about it... I don't have anything I want..."

Xiao Li Ji came back to his senses, suddenly his eyes lit up, remembering the joke he used to make when he was a child, he stared at Li Zhao with burning eyes.

"Then sleep with me tonight?"

He had asked this question many times before, and Li Zhao had also refused it countless times. It had become a joke between them, and Xiao Li Ji usually just had fun with his mouth.

However, he did not expect that Li Zhao patted his knees and stood up, speaking calmly.


 Xiao Li Ji: I'm just saying...

(End of this chapter)

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