Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1356 Conversation

Chapter 1356 Conversation
"Well, it's me."

Xu Wenning raised his head, his face was covered with tears.

Ying Baoyue reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of the little girl's eyes, looking at her with mixed feelings.

The long-lost girl in front of her was Xu Wenning who was adopted by Murongyin back then.

But compared to the sallow and thin face when he was first taken to the home courtyard, Xu Wenning's cheeks have become white and fat now. The clothes on his body look simple, but the material is very careful in the dark, and his eyes have become radiant. It can be seen that she is doing well in Mu's house.

Xu Wenning's eyes possessed intelligence and maturity that other children did not have. At this time, she looked like a young lady from a family who grew up in a boudoir.

It's just that the originally dignified little girl was crying out of breath in Ying Baoyue's arms.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Ying Baoyue stroked her hair slowly, Xu Wenning grabbed her skirt more and refused to get off.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded watching this scene, but the most dumbfounded was Mu Qi standing behind the gate.

"you you……"

Mu Qi pointed at the sister who was the most well-behaved and the most close to the practitioner in Mu's family, and his fingers were trembling a little, "Wen Ning, how could you treat an outsider..."

"You are an outsider!" Xu Wenning turned his head angrily, "Without Sister Yue, I would have died a year ago! You don't have my sister anymore!"

"Cousin Seven, you actually stopped Sister Yue from letting her in! I don't want to recognize you anymore!"

At this moment, Cousin Seven's heart is about to break.

With a crash, Ying Baoyue seemed to hear the sound of something breaking, looking at Mu Qi who was staring blankly at Xu Wenning, she laughed a little.

"Alright, Young Master Mu Qi is also performing his duties."

Ying Baoyue touched Xu Wenning's head and raised his head, looked at Mu Qi seriously and said, "Master Mu Qi, this is really not the time to gossip, I have already passed your grandfather's test, if it is not necessary, please hurry up and let me go Let's go in."

"I didn't stop you from going in," Mu Qi sneered, staring at the void under the threshold, "You guys don't want to jump..."

"Cousin Seven, you won't forget how to set up the spiritual steps, right?" Xu Wenning raised his head from Ying Baoyue's arms and looked at him angrily, "Or should I set it up?"

"Spiritual rank?" Ying Baoyue was startled, and Mu Qi jumped up as if being stepped on, "It's not that I don't match! Without the blood of the Mu family, you can't get to the spiritual rank at all, okay?"

"But wouldn't it be enough to have only one companion?" Xu Wenning retorted.

"Hmph, but is there a Mu in this group?" Mu Qi sneered, wanting to say something, a boy and a girl had already walked out of the team.

"we are."

Gui Chen held his younger sister's hand, and looked at his cousin with a complicated expression.

"You may not know me, but my mother is your aunt."

"Are you..." Mu Qi narrowed his eyes.

"I am the son of Guichang, the great Sima of the former Qin Dynasty," Gui Chen said quietly, "My mother's name is Murongyin, and I returned here half a year ago."

"I see," Mu Qi's expression suddenly became complicated.

"Okay," he sighed, pointing to a stone under Gui Chen's feet.

"Put a drop of blood on this stone."

"Brother?" Gui Li was a little scared, but Gui Chen had already pierced his finger with the tip of the sword without hesitation.

A drop of blood sizzled on the stone.

There was a snap from above, and Ying Baoyue and the others looked up.

Standing behind the threshold, Mu Qi clasped his hands together, changed his gestures a few times, then separated suddenly, and shouted, "Open!"

Suddenly there was a rumbling sound from under the feet of everyone, and the surrounding stones shook quickly.

"This is……"

The scene in front of them shocked Zhao Guang, Chen Zichu and the others speechless. They saw several boulders scattered outside the threshold seem to be manipulated by invisible forces, soaring into the air one after another, and then arranged in an orderly manner in the air, one by one The column falls before the high threshold of the Mu family, forming a natural step.

"It turns out that this is the spiritual level."

Ying Baoyue sighed.

Those rocks are too heavy for several people to lift up, but they can be manipulated by the blood of the Mu family to form a natural barrier.

"Is this how the Mu family usually come and go?" Ji Jiashu also admired it very much. From this point of view, the Mu family is indeed heavily guarded and the formation is strict. No wonder the former King of Qin couldn't find its location.

The formation method of the Mu family is indeed brilliant.

"Okay, come in."

Seeing the stones lined up suddenly, although Mu Qi's face was still a little ugly, he still waved to everyone under the steps.

Ying Baoyue put Xu Wenning down, took her by the hand, and walked to the gate of Mu's house.

The crowd filed in, stepped over the threshold, and the door slammed shut behind them.

"By the way, those Xirong people are behind, wait..."

Li Ji and Ji Jiashu walked towards Mu Qi and wanted to talk about it, but the other party waved his hand at him, "Since we have reached the boundary of our Mu family, our Mu family will solve it on our own, don't bother Mr. Zhaohua and Mr. Chunhua. .”

Li Ji nodded, but Ji Jiashu was slightly taken aback, looking at Mu Qi, "You know me?"

"Mr. Chunhua may not remember, but we participated in the primary ceremony in the same year," Mu Qi looked at the young man from Nanchu in front of him, and said calmly, "But I used an alias at the time, so it's normal for you not to remember me."

Ji Jiashu was startled, looking at the young man's face, a shadowy figure floated in front of his eyes, "Are you...Fang Liang?"

Mu Qi was slightly surprised, with a smile that was not a smile, "It's rare that Mr. Chunhua remembers me."

Ji Jiashu stared at him deeply, "You had hoped to be among the top three back then, but you withdrew before the final round of the match. I naturally remember you."

"Really? That's because I didn't hide it well," Mu Qi shrugged, "Grandpa just asked me to try my skills and leave, but I didn't expect to leave an impression on people."

"Unless you have nothing to compare with," Ji Jiashu said, "otherwise the pearl will not be dusted."

"Compared to Mr. Chunhua, what kind of pearl am I?" Mu Qi sneered.

"Then why didn't you participate in the intermediate ceremony this year?" Ji Jiashu couldn't agree with this, and asked instead.

"Hmph, what is there to participate in this year's Intermediate Ceremony?" Mu Qi glanced at Ying Baoyue with a somewhat displeased expression.

Sensing the contempt in the other party's eyes, Ji Jiashu felt a little uncomfortable, but before he could speak, a moderate shout suddenly came from behind the two of them.

"Seventh brother!"

The two turned around, only to see a white-haired old man walking out with a cane from behind the house.

Mu Qi was startled, and hurriedly bowed down, "Grandfather, you are back."

Mu You glanced at him coldly, "Evil! I also let you go out to see the world, but I never expected you to grow into such a ignorant appearance!"

Mu Qi's forehead was sweating, but he was not dissatisfied with being reprimanded like this.

"Grandson is wrong, grandpa, calm down."

Ying Baoyue stared at the boy kneeling on the ground with an admiring expression on his face, and found that although the boy spoke harshly, he did respect his grandfather very much.

Mu You snorted heavily and looked at Ying Baoyue.

The two looked at each other quietly.

Mu You said, "Come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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