Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 136 Southern Chu

Chapter 136 Southern Chu
"Young master? What's wrong with you?"

The school boy sweeping the floor in the yard turned his head abruptly when he heard the sound, and looked at the young man in Tsing Yi who was sitting on the porch holding a scroll.

Ji Jiashu closed the book and raised his head, "It's nothing."

The boy rubbed his nose, "Maybe it's getting colder."

"Really?" The book boy who was sweeping the floor against the sun was confused and looked up at the sky, "But it's August now."

"Yeah," Ji Jiashu didn't know why he sneezed suddenly, "I think the fishermen and boys are playing in the Lancang Sea at this time."

"That's it," the book boy looked at the pond in the courtyard with longing, "It must be cool by the lake in this hot day."

"You can go soak in the pool for a while after sweeping the area," Ji Jiashu looked at the sweaty little boy and laughed, "But don't take off too much, I told your good sisters not to enter the yard for a quarter of an hour."

"Really?" The little boy was overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed to Ji Jiashu, "Wang Zhong, thank you Chunhua!"

"Okay," Ji Jiashu laughed at his funny appearance, "don't call me that at home. Cough later..."

Ji Jiashu sneezed again.

"My lord?" The book boy looked at him worriedly, "Did you catch a cold? It's still cold in the morning and evening these days, but you always run to the back mountain in the middle of the night..."

The book boy looked sad, "My lord, what are you doing all the time going to the back mountain at night?"

Ji Jiashu looked at him and smiled, "It's just to watch the stars."

"Really?" Shutong Wang Zhong grew up with the well-known Chunhua Jun. He knew that his son was obsessed with cultivation, but he had never seen him running to the back of the mountain every day, and not staying until midnight. return.

The servants in the mansion all spoke slightly, if it was the sons of other families, they might think they were bewitched by evil spirits, but how could it be possible for the son of his own family who is famous for his clear mind?
Seeing the faint blackness under Ji Jiashu's eyelids, Wang Zhong didn't dare to say a word to any of his servants.

Because he grew up with his master and spent the longest time together, for this noble son who is always calm, self-possessed and has perfect emotional control, he may be the only one in this world who can somewhat perceive the emotions of this Chunhua Jun.

It has to be accumulated to a certain extent.

The master's ability to control emotions is too strong, if it hadn't been accumulated until now, even he would be hard to detect.

Being strong enough to be noticed by him proves that it has been lingering in the master's heart for a long time.

And Wang Zhong noticed that emotion was disappointment.

Wang Zhong bowed his head and looked out of the corner of his eyes at the young man sitting on the porch holding a scroll in his hand.

Since the young master was grounded by the master, the young master has never resisted at all, except to go to the academy according to the prescribed route, he just stays in the porch and reads all day long, and the servants and guards who let the master leave home to retreat and guard the mansion all heave a sigh of relief.

However, the young master is a well-known gentle young master in the whole continent who knows the general and well-versed in etiquette. No one is worried that Mr. Chunhua will do something out of the ordinary.

The son is filial to his relatives, and the overall situation is the most important thing in everything.

It was also because of this that everyone in Chu in southern China felt sorry for him.

The pearl and beautiful jade of Nanchu, which is dear to them, will be contaminated by the dust of the former Qin Dynasty.

The same is true of Wang Zhong, but when he felt distressed, he found that the master who was originally calm, seemed to have faint disappointment in his eyes every day when he came back from the back mountain.

He clearly remembered that in the past, especially in June, the young master would be faintly excited when he came back from the back mountain, and sometimes he would go into the study to flip through the books, and even practice swords in the middle of the night.

However, each time I came back, I was more and more disappointed.

Even so, the young master still went to the back mountain every night.

However, as a certain day approaches, the young master's expression becomes more and more forbearing...

And that day... was the day when the former Qin son came.

Under the scorching sun, the little book boy held the broom tightly, as if holding the truth.

Wang Zhong is very sure, because the day when Ji Jiashu's mood began to become disappointed is almost exactly the same as the day when the former Qin princess was found!
So this is the truth about the son's loss!
"My lord..." Wang Zhong looked at Ji Jiashu sadly, "You must take care of yourself..."

Ji Jiashu looked at the book boy who was staring at him with inexplicable compassion. Although he didn't know what the boy was thinking, he also knew that he hadn't gotten a response from Teng Snake these days, and the boy had noticed his loss.

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, he was still not steady enough, he had to restrain himself more.


"Why didn't you answer me?" The young man who was trapped in the small room but still had clear vision quietly raised his head, looking at the vast sky and murmured.

"Young Master?" Wang Zhong's voice came again.

"It's nothing." Ji Jiashu regained his senses and smiled at him, "Did you hear from Mr. Chen and Mr. Xu introducing the scenery of the trip recently?"

Wang Zhong was taken aback and then nodded, the young master was obviously going to get married, but two of his friends suddenly went on a long trip recently, fortunately they would often send some letters to relieve the young master's boredom.

"Where are those two people?" Ji Jiashu put down the scroll and asked seemingly casually.

"Mr. Chen said that he is going to the border," Wang Zhongdao, "Mr. Chen also complained that it is too easy to get lost with Mr. Xu."

"Really?" Ji Jiashu laughed, "Fortunately, it's still within the expected time."

Now that the letters have all been delivered, Chen Zichu and Xu Yishan may be taking a bath in Lancanghai now.

Even though Chen Zichu took Xu Yishan to delay the trip, after all, there were two men riding horses, so they couldn't be too slow. According to the normal time, they should be able to pick up the ex-Qin princess before she entered Qinnan County.

After all, it is such a huge wedding convoy, maybe it will be slower, probably...

"Quick! Send this letter to Liu Xianguan!"

"Where are Yuchi's staff members! The National Teacher asked him to go!"

"Something went wrong! That one is awake!"

At this moment, Wang Zhong paused when he saw Ji Jiashu who was speaking, and moved his ears. Before he could ask, even Wang Zhong felt countless panicked footsteps outside.

The Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion shook in an instant.

Ji Jiashu narrowed his eyes and stood up from the corridor.

"Wang Zhong." The originally gentle boy suddenly became serious, "Go outside the door and find out what happened."

Wang Zhong dropped his broom and ran out in a hurry, just in time to bump into another boy who was running in.

"Hiss!" Wang Zhong glared at the boy opposite, "Ji Si, you don't have eyes!"

The kid named Ji Si got up, and before he could say anything, his eyes widened suddenly, "My lord!"

Ji Jiashu, who was still under the corridor, came in a flash and stood in front of the two of them.

Even though he was grounded, he was still one of the most powerful practitioners in Southern Chu.

Ji Si was the ear arranged by Ji Jiashu outside the courtyard. Seeing him running in so eagerly, Ji Jiashu asked, "What happened outside?"

"Master came back with a message and summoned many immortal officials and staff to Zihua Cave."

Zihua Cave is the retreat place of the Southern Chu State Teacher. Ji Jiashu knew that his father was challenging the advanced level one, and he would never call his subordinates if there was no major incident.

(End of this chapter)

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