Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 138 Yeh

Chapter 138 Yeh
It's not uncommon for aristocratic families to like women who are older than themselves, usually at most one or two years behind, but according to the rumors of the servants, the eldest son's first love back then seems to be more than one or two years behind him.

Thinking of this, Ji Jiashu gasped.

That brother actually...

There are rumors that the elder brother even recognized the older woman as a righteous sister, just so that he could be by her side.

Even if he was caught again and again by his father, the elder brother who was only about ten years old still ran smoothly, and even tried to swim across the Lancang Sea with his small body and almost drowned...

At that time, Ji Jiashu was about four or five years old, which was really not the age he could remember. The above contents all came from the rumors he heard when he was seven or eight years old.But in the past few years, people in the mansion have never talked about matters related to the eldest son, so he can't figure out whether these things are true or not.

However, looking at the man in black under the tree, Ji Jiashu couldn't connect his elder brother, who had been extremely calm since he could remember, with the rumored boy who was crazy about love.

"Brother, you..."

It was the first time for Ji Jiashu to hear his elder brother talk about his marriage. He didn't expect that the rumors he heard before could be traced. Looking at the man under the tree who looked like he had suddenly fallen into a dream, he was about to speak, but suddenly there was a golden light in the sunlight. stabbed his eye.

Accompanied by this golden light is the voice of a woman suppressing surprise.

"Second brother?"

"You actually opened the courtyard door?"

Ji Jiashu, whose eyes were dazzled by the golden hairpin on the woman's head, took a step back, barely able to see the person coming under the sunlight, and at the same time saw the injured expression on the woman's face with the maid.

Ji Qingyuan stood under the tree, looking coldly at the woman standing in front of the gate of Ji Jiashu courtyard who was first surprised and then injured.

It was a girl from Southern Chu wearing a scarlet gold phoenix walker on her head. She was wearing a red dress that Southern Chu women loved most. However, its exquisite workmanship and dark embroidery showed that this girl was in this mansion at least as the mistress of this mansion. position in the heart.

At this time, the girl looked at Ji Jiashu who took a step back inexplicably, with aggrieved face.

Ji Jiashu behind the threshold was at a loss.

What's going on here.

Ji Jiashu took a breath and said politely.


That's right, cousin.

Ji Qingyuan looked coldly at the girl who brought her maid to his courtyard without waiting for Ji Jiashu to speak.

The girl's name is Ye Jingshu, and she is Ji Jiashu's mother and the daughter of the younger brother of Mrs. Nan Chu's wife.

At the same time, she also has an important identity, she is also the third daughter of the current patriarch of the Ye family, the number one nobleman in Southern Chu.

Nanchuye family.

Ji Qingyuan squinted his eyes under the tree, this is a magical family.

The family is inherited by men, but the fortune of the Ye family originated from women.

The Ye family is a very famous family of relatives.

The current queen of Southern Chu, the main wife of the monarch Jiang Liang is the second daughter of the Ye family's generation, and it is even more terrifying to mention the eldest daughter of the Ye family back then.

Ji Qingyuan narrowed his eyes.

Ye Jingshu's eldest sister, the eldest daughter of the Ye family, was the wife of Ying Su, the eldest son of Emperor Taizu, and the eldest concubine of the emperor who married far away in Guiyang.

If it hadn't been for the premature death of the eldest concubine, the daughter of the Ye family might even be the mother of the world.

Although he died of dystocia in the end, the Ye family, which has a queen of Nanchu and a wife of a national teacher, still has a prominent position in the territory of Nanchu.

Ye Jingshu is the youngest daughter of the head of the Ye family. She will be 15 years old this year and has yet to leave the court. Countless people in Southern Chu are guessing who will marry the third daughter of the Ye family.

And just last year, Ye Jingshu's mother passed away. Worried that she would be wronged in the mansion, the wife of Nanchu Guoshi, who only had one son, took her niece to Nanchu Guoshi's mansion to raise her.

Just when Ye Jingshu entered the mansion, the people of Danyang City who had been guessing about Ye's daughter's marriage suddenly realized it.

Could it be that the Ye family's final plan is... not to let the fat and water flow into the fields of outsiders?

It's not difficult to guess, with the passing of the chief commander Lin Shubai, the status of Ji Mo, the most powerful national teacher in the mainland, has risen, and he has become the leader in the practice world.

Back then, when the prostitute daughter of the previous Patriarch of the Ye family married him, it was still considered a marriage, but at this time, the status of the Ji family has surpassed that of the Ye family.

Ji Mo has no concubines and concubines, and the only one in the Ji family who can inherit his position in name is Ji Jiashu, a legitimate son.

No matter in terms of family background, age, status, or appearance, the two people are very well matched.

Besides, cousin cousin is a good story in every sense, isn't it?

Is it a good story?
Ji Qingyuan looked at the young man standing behind the threshold of the yard, smiling wryly and stretching out a hand to stop the heroine's pace.

"Cousin." Ji Jiashu said calmly, "You can't go any further. My father ordered me to be grounded here, and no one is allowed to enter except the book boy."

"Anyone?" Ye Jingshu narrowed her beautiful eyes, "But I heard that Chen Zichu came here a few days ago."

"Zi Chu is my classmate," Ji Jiashu said quietly, "Father allowed me to study in the academy, so naturally I can meet my classmate."

"Really?" Ye Jingshu stopped in her tracks, she was a real noble daughter of an aristocratic family, and it was impossible for her to do stalking things.Just looking at the young man who was standing behind the threshold but kept looking at the tree behind him, she bit her lip slightly.

"But aren't you talking to someone who has nothing to do with you?"

Sensing the coldness in the girl's words, Ji Jiashu narrowed his eyes slightly, "Cousin, what do you want to say?"

"Cousin, you are the son of Ye's daughter, talking to some people is..."

Talking to the son of that kind of woman is demeaning.

Seeing Ji Jiashu's increasingly cold eyes, Ye Jingshu didn't say this.

"Forget it," Ye Jingshu closed her eyes, looked at the young man standing behind the threshold who accepted everything without resistance, and snorted slightly, "Do I have to wait for that woman to arrive in Danyang before I can see you passing through this threshold?" out?"

Ji Jiashu looked at her without speaking.

Ye Jingshu looked even more disappointed, but the next moment a smile appeared in her phoenix eyes, "Then I will tell you some news."

"What news?" Looking at the girl's smile, Ji Jiashu suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"My cousin must have known the news of the revival of the gods," Ye Jingshu smiled at him triumphantly, "but there is another news, I'm afraid no one will pay attention to it because of the big news!"

Ji Jiashu looked at the girl in front of her quietly, only to hear Ye Jingshu speak in a slightly excited tone, "Just three days before the spirit awakened, the convoy of the former Princess Qin was attacked in Yunmengze, and the convoy collapsed..."

Ye Jingshu looked into Ji Jiashu's eyes and said word by word, "The former princess of Qin, her whereabouts are unknown."

Ji Qingyuan under the tree and Ji Jiashu behind the threshold were stunned at the same time.

"Sure enough, cousin, you don't know yet," Ye Jingshu covered her mouth and smiled when she saw the expected effect, "It is said that the scene was very tragic, and the princess' life or death is unknown, but she is still alive."

Ye's first daughter narrowed her beautiful eyes, and dragged her voice, "A woman and so many soldiers and killers are in the reeds..."

Even if she is alive, she can't marry, right?


People should not spy on things that do not belong to them, otherwise they will be condemned by God.

Ye Jingshu looked at Ji Jiashu who was standing stiffly behind the threshold, smiled lightly, but said no more, turned and left with the pride of a maid and a family girl.

Take it as soon as you see it, and stop it when you click it. This is the daughter of the Ye family's control over the man's heart. If you come back next time, her things should return to her palm obediently.

Ye Jingshu was about to leave with satisfaction, but the next moment a cold male voice rang in her ears.


(End of this chapter)

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