Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1398 Concealment

Chapter 1398 Concealment
The sun went down and night fell over the forest.

In a dense forest to the north of Misty Ridge, practitioners groaned in pain.

General Lang held the spring water from a distant mountain stream and looked at the Xirong killers who were lying on the grass in the forest with their helmets and armor removed, licking their wounds with missing arms and legs, a gloomy look flashed in their eyes.

The situation of these remnants and defeated soldiers was not the worst. He looked at Chun Yuye, who was leaning on the tree with his face flushed with burns, with a solemn expression.

"My lord, why are you getting up again!"

General Lang quickly ran to Chunyuye's side, pushed him down again, and put him in a prone position on the grass.But by this time there were bright red bloodstains on the tree trunk.

"My lord!" General Lang shouted angrily, "Your back is injured, didn't the humble officer tell you to lie down as much as possible before leaving?"

"It's so noisy," Chunyu Ye struggled to raise his eyes, "I'm not dead yet, lying on the turf like a dead dog is too embarrassing."

"My lord, now is not the time to be brave." General Lang clenched his fists tightly, "The wound on your back has already hurt the internal organs, and it will fester if it continues like this."

"It's nothing," Chunyu Ye grabbed a herb from the ground, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed roughly, "I've suffered injuries worse than this, and I'll be fine tomorrow morning."

General Lang's expression still did not relax. He had followed Chunyu Ye for many years, and he had never seen Chunyu Ye suffer such a serious injury except in the torture hall of the Buddhist monastery.In order to ensure that the victim would not die, the torture hall had medicine to heal no matter what the injury was, but this time Chunyuye was actually injured in a real battle.

"Hiss," Chunyuye sat up cross-legged again at this time, with his arms on his knees, and turned his head to look at the wound on his back, "Don't be so sad, my wound looks deep, but Li Ji That kid did not put poison on the sword, this sword will not hurt me at all."

Hearing that the sword was non-toxic, General Lang was relieved, but at the same time he was more vigilant.

Such a long distance, the sword is not poisonous, but it hurts the Twelve Kings of Xirong so much, how powerful is this?
Recalling that Li Ji suddenly appeared in front of the hillside from a distant highland before, a strange look flashed in General Lang's eyes.

That's not like the speed that mortals can have.

What's more, Li Ji and Chun Yuye are old rivals, and they have fought countless times in the past. Even though Li Ji has ascended to the heavenly ranks, General Lang has never seen Chun Yuye suffer such a serious injury under his hands.

That power is really extraordinary.

General Lang frowned and thought, but he didn't notice that a pair of green pupils were staring at him quietly.

"Alang," Chunyuye's green eyes quietly looked directly into General Lang's eyes, "Have you been with me for ten years?"

General Lang was shocked when he heard the words, and immediately knelt down on his knees, with his forehead on the ground, "Yes, it has been ten years."

"Don't be so nervous," Chunyu Ye said calmly, "I just have something to tell you."

"My lord, just tell me."

"When I came out this time, there was actually something I knew very well." Chunyu Ye rolled his eyes around the big man's face, "Have you been tipping off the Zen Academy?"

General Lang's shoulders trembled, and his whole body fell on the ground trembling. So Chunyu Ye knew it a long time ago?
He was desperate, Chunyu Ye had always been extremely cruel and merciless to those who betrayed him.

Chun Yuye's hand touched the handle of the knife, and General Lang closed his eyes, knowing that his head would roll off the next moment.

However, to his surprise, Chunyuye's fingertips brushed across the handle of the knife, as if brushing away a piece of dust.

"According to my rules, your head should have fallen by now," Chunyuye looked at the trembling General Lang, "But I have to say, you have taken refuge in a good master."

"If I kill you like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain to the Buddhist monastery when I go back."

General Lang was sweating profusely, as if he had been fished out of the water.

Whether it was Chunyu Ye or the Buddhist monastery, they were all equally terrifying.

"Speaking of which, I am also a member of the Zen Academy. It is not a problem for you to report to them. After all, the people I bring out are all members of the Zen Academy."

"It's just that I was seriously injured today," Chunyu Ye changed the subject, "You must not report it to the lord."

General Lang was stunned when he heard this.

Is this what Chunyu Ye ordered him to do?
Although Chunyuye was seriously injured and most of the killers he brought were lost, their mission this time could be said to have been a disastrous failure, but General Lang was not worried that they would be severely punished if they went back.

Because although the punishment in the Chanyuan is cruel, it doesn't just depend on the result. If any accident happens during the mission, as long as you report the situation truthfully, the punishment can be reduced.

Just like when he and Lang chased and killed the former Qin princess, although they also lost countless people, the former Qin princess was later proved to have unusual abilities. He only stayed in the torture hall for seven days, and his life was safe.

Although they were about to be defeated this time, as long as they reported Li Ji's abnormal state and unusual sword strike, General Lang was sure that they would still be able to offset their merits and demerits.

But Chunyuye refused to report his injury, which meant that he was going to hide Li Ji's anomaly.

Why is that?
"My lord, why are you doing this?" General Lang asked, very puzzled.

Li Ji and Chun Yuye were old enemies, and this time Li Ji almost killed him, but Chun Yuye wanted to hide from the monastery what Li Ji had done, which was extremely contradictory.

"Don't worry about why," Chunyu Ye took off his mask and glanced at him indifferently, "You are the only one who can clearly see how I was injured, if you dare to reveal a single word, I will definitely let you die without a burial. "

Seeing Chunyuye take off his mask, General Lang's heart trembled, because taking off the mask meant that Chunyuye was serious.

If Chunyuye found out, he would really crush himself.

"Humble job... the humble job knows."

General Lang fell on the ground and kowtowed tremblingly.

"Just remember it," Chunyu Ye raised his head, looking at the endless night in the forest.

"The things to be done in the former Qin Dynasty are also done. Let's rest here tonight and rush to the Northern Wei Dynasty early tomorrow morning."



Silent night.

The bonfire in the middle of the dense forest has been burned out, and the tired Western soldiers are sleeping in the open space, snoring loudly.

Chunyuye also leaned against the tree trunk and closed his eyes. General Lang was lying beside him, his eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand catties, but he still held on to vigil vigil.

At this moment, a black crow jumped onto the branch of a tree opposite the two, and its black eyes watched the two under the tree from top to bottom.

A wisp of blue smoke drifted from the extinguished bonfire, straight to General Lang's nostrils.

Smelling a familiar smell, he trembled all over and opened his eyes wide.

The moment he opened his eyes wide, he saw the eyes of the crow.

Great fear suddenly swept his heart.

The crow fell from the tree and hopped away into the depths of the woods.

General Lang slowly got up as if possessed by a demon, and followed the crow.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the crow stopped.

General Lang stopped and looked at a big tree in front of him.


A man in a black robe turned out from behind the tree trunk.

In the dark forest at night, this scene was so weird that it was unimaginable.

The visitor looked at him, and his thin lips parted slightly.

"Who hurt Chunyu Ye today?"

(End of this chapter)

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