Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 141 Ice and Snow

Chapter 141 Ice and Snow
Ying Baoyue did not expect that her second breakthrough would be under such circumstances.

Just when she troubled the person to freeze the ice as originally planned, she heard the awkward voice of that person along with the sound of the ice freezing.

"do not die."

"I will."

She nodded, and then she heard the sound of shattering and healing again, and a familiar yet unfamiliar breath invaded her body. When she felt that breath, she froze for a moment, and then her eyes became a little hot.

The way of heaven is always.

Even the eight beast gods cannot interfere with the advancement of human cultivation.

There is only one way to break the boundary on the way of practice, and that is to meet the conditions for breaking the boundary.

She had heard about the method of breaking through the ninth level from Gui Chen, but she didn't think much about it.

Never thought that after many years, this friend of hers would give her such a precious surprise at this time.

Let the beasts be impressed, but no one dares to imagine and no one will think that the beast god is also a beast.

When the ice and snow dissipated, Ying Baoyue looked at the melting snowflakes in her palm and showed a nostalgic smile, a boy's voice came from beside her.

"Mingyue, congratulations on your advancement to level nine."

Ying Baoyue looked over and saw Gui Chen looking at her with a complicated expression, "You are already my senior."

Ying Baoyue smiled, both to him and to herself.

After becoming a practitioner for a month, she advanced again.

And now, she is already a practitioner of the ninth rank.

"However," Gui Chen smiled, "You have long been my senior."

Ying Baoyue walked up to Gui Chen and patted him on the shoulder, "You will be soon too, you don't need to worry."

He still has a long, long time.

Gui Chen scratched his hair and nodded, but then the boy raised his head and stared into Ying Baoyue's eyes in puzzlement, "But Mingyue, I have a question."

"What's wrong?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"Well," Gui Chen took a step back for some reason, looked around her, confirmed that there was indeed nothing following her, and then looked at her and opened his mouth in doubt.

"I remember that at the ninth level, you must subdue the beast to advance, but what kind of beast did you subdue, Mingyue? Why don't you see anything around you?"

Before Gui Chen, it was not uncommon for practitioners of the ninth level to parade through the market with their tamed beasts, but this was the first time he saw a practitioner of the ninth level who had nothing around him.

If there are, there are only two horses behind them at most, but these are obviously not divine beasts...

"This..." Ying Baoyue was taken aback.

"What are you convinced by?" Gui Chen asked eagerly.

Ying Baoyue held her chin, she should not be subdued or tame... She will never understand the relationship between them.

Looking at the thirsty eyes of the young man in front of him, Ying Baoyue said tentatively, "Beast God?"

What?Gui Chen was shocked and suspected that his ears had misheard, and the next moment he heard the girl in front of him quickly change her words, "Oh no, it's a divine beast."

Gui Chen breathed a sigh of relief, the cold sweat on his back almost turned to ice.

beast god.

divine beast.

The difference in the meaning of these two words is very scary, okay?

No no, it must be the latter, looking at the thoughtful girl Guichen's head shaking like a rattle.

Seeing him like this, Ying Baoyue laughed, walked towards the horse behind him, touched his neck and said, "I was bitten by a snake in the lake just now, but it was not injured. Maybe that was the beast that accidentally hit it." It was probably because of this that he accepted me by mistake.”

"Really?" Gui Chen asked suspiciously, but the next moment the boy focused his eyes and found a tiny black pattern appeared on the woman's neck near the collarbone, like a small snake, and also like a tattoo.

But this pattern was fleeting, and the next moment there was only the woman's snow-white skin.

"Where are you looking?"

Hearing the laughter of the young girl who had already mounted the horse, and seeing the cold eyes of the female officer behind her, Gui Chen's ears suddenly burned, and hurriedly led Gui Li to climb on the horse's back.

Ying Baoyue smiled, and tied the belt that she had untied to heal the sword wound, but just before tying it up, she touched her collarbone and smiled, "It's really..."

No one knew that there was a black-clothed woman in the cave watching the crowd on the ice and grinding their teeth, "I didn't bite anyone!"


Ying Baoyue waved his whip, and under the bright sunlight, the boys and girls galloped away.

Countless ice fog rose.



Young and young horses gallop past on the ice, and two horses are walking listlessly in the dense forest on the border of Southern Chu.

There are two horses, one black and one white, fat and strong at first glance, they are top-notch horses, and there are two teenagers sitting immediately, with long swords on their waists and light clothes, they are also very energetic at first glance.

But the spirit of the horse is not particularly good.

But this statement is limited to the boy riding the white horse.

The expression of the boy riding the black horse can only be described as expressionless.

The black horse boy is not very old, but sitting on the horse's back is as stable as a mountain, and it is as quiet as... this inaccessible mountain forest.

But at this moment, a young man's shrill voice suddenly sounded in the originally quiet mountains and forests of the Southern Chu Kingdom.

"Hey! Xu Yishan!" The boy on the white horse yelled at his companions, "Are you listening to me!"

Chen Zichu wiped off his sweat, looking at this companion who had been on the road with him for almost half a month but had never said a word from the beginning to the end, his head was as big as a bucket.

Xu Yishan heard his scream, turned his head from his horse, and looked at him quietly.

Chen Zichu was extremely sad in his heart, he scolded Ji Jiashu over and over again in his heart, he also scolded the famous dull gourd in this academy over and over again, but looking at the dark blue long sword on Xu Yishan's waist, Nan The eldest son of Chu Da Sima took a deep breath, exhaled and sighed.

"Brother, it's fine if you don't talk all the way, but we have to decide whether to go back or not."

Xu Yishan stared at him without blinking his dark gray eyes, Chen Zichu groaned in his heart and drove the horse closer, reaching out and grabbing the reins of the black horse beside him.

"It's been five days since the news of Princess Qin's whereabouts disappeared, and no one knows where she is. Should we go on?!"

Looking at Xu Yishan who was still silent, Chen Zichu was bitter. On the day when he intercepted the carrier pigeon and learned that the accident happened in the former Qin's wedding convoy, he proposed to Xu Yishan to go home. After all, although he agreed to Ji Jiashu, but now no one Where can I ask him to pick him up?

However, in the face of his proposal, Xu Yishan, the second classmate Ji Jiashu found, refused to cooperate, and just drove the horse in silence to continue walking in the direction of Lancanghai.

Chen Zichu wanted to go back alone, but the border forest in Southern Chu is often haunted by bandits, Xu Yishan's fighting ability is stronger than him, and being with him is far safer than being alone, so he cannot act rashly.

Because of Xu Yishan's silence, another five days passed like this.

Chen Zichu couldn't bear it anymore today, and decided to make it clear to this elm lump.

"Then the former Princess Qin will definitely not be found. Maybe it will be buried in Yunmengze. We should hurry back and let Jiashu Festival's sorrow change. It's serious. Don't worry about it..."

However, just as Chen Zichu was earnestly speaking, the sound of countless feathered arrows piercing the forest suddenly sounded.

"Huh? What's that sound?" Chen Zichu opened his mouth wide and froze on the spot.

However, at the next moment, with the sound of thunder and horseshoes, the silence of the entire mountain forest was suddenly broken, and for a while, it seemed that a large group of people and horses were approaching.

"The former Qin princess you mentioned..."

At this moment Xu Yishan suddenly spoke.

The dull boy on the black horse quietly stretched out a finger and pointed forward.

"Is that the one?"

(End of this chapter)

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