Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 146 Water Mage

Chapter 146 Water Mage

In the infinite silence, bursts of cicadas suddenly sounded. Amidst the ear-splitting cicadas, Gui Chen stared at the drops of water suddenly floating in the air, and opened his eyes wide in astonishment.

The woods, which were originally full of flying arrows and the sound of fighting, suddenly became strange.

And all of them seemed to be dragged into a strange space.

It seems that the water drops on every leaf have been transpired.

It seems that everyone's breath is frightened by it.

This feeling always feels a little familiar.

During the difficult breathing, Guichen opened his mouth as if choking out a mouthful of water, and a strong sense of suffocation filled his entire chest, as if his whole body was immersed in deep water.

While suffocating, Gui Chen suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking at the drops of water suddenly covering his side, Gui Chen suddenly understood what happened!
Their sides seemed to be submerged in water!

"This is..." With a hoarse voice, Gui Chen didn't know how to describe it, but the girl beside him immediately gave the answer.


Looking at the water droplets in the air around her, Ying Baoyue was also very shocked.

It looks small, but it is an extremely spectacular scene. It is different from the magnificence of the Lancang seaside. This is another kind of power that moistens everything silently.

In other words, all things are born of water.

There are few things in this world that do not contain water, especially in the humid south.

And at this time, the water in the soil in the leaves in the air floated up and gathered into beads in an instant, just because of one person...

He drew his sword.

The noise of the world does not bother me.

The turbidity is self-existing, and the life is endless.

The cicadas blew away, and in the silence, Gui Chen seemed to hear such a sound. Following the sound, the young man raised his head in a daze, and then saw the figure standing alone on the tree.

On the tall treetops, a boy in black cloth quietly drew out the ordinary-looking long sword at his waist.

Apart from the dark blue scabbard, his sword is unremarkable.

Apart from his steady demeanor, his starting style is unremarkable.

And just when the ordinary boy in civilian clothes raised his hand in an ordinary manner and waved it down silently, the water droplets that were suspended in the air suddenly gathered, and all of them gathered on the dark blue blade of the long sword in the boy's hand.

The water flowed out from the young man's sword, flowing clouds and flowing water cut downwards, like a bright ribbon in the sunlight, sweeping through the jungle with the breath of death!

The leaves touched by the water fell one after another, dotted with blooming flowers among the forest leaves, and the water flow on the young man's sword seemed to be alive, and even the petals attached to it could cut the earth.

The plump and magnificent true essence exploded in the forest, and the next moment.

With a sword, the boy set off the river.

"The first type of water technique."

As the magnificent river fell into the forest, the ordinary taciturn boy spoke in a young voice.

"Falling flowers and flowing water."



"Water mage?"

On the edge of the dense forest on the southern Chu border, stood a man in black soft armor. At this time, the man turned around for the first time when he heard the words of his subordinate who fled in embarrassment and returned to the kneeling ground.

The man narrowed his eyes, "Did you see it clearly? Could it be a fabrication?"

The killer kneeling on the ground had tiny scratches all over his face, and shook his head desperately with fear in his eyes, the terrifying scene just now echoed in his mind.

The water sword in the boy's hand fell, and with a splash, the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, knocking down all the feathered arrows in the air, and the gorgeous sword light that suddenly lit up with the water flow unexpectedly injured more than 20 killers in an instant.

"That boy's swordsmanship is weird, his speed of change is extremely fast, and he has a move that hurts people..." the killer on the ground said with lingering fear.

"Group wounds?" The man in black armor asked playfully, and then looked into the dense forest, "So, you just let that woman escape like this?"

The killer on the ground was shocked and grabbed the ground with his head again.

"Subordinates are incompetent..."

Relying on the swordsmanship of the boy in black, he broke through the assassin's siege, and the former Princess Qin seemed to know the direction of the swordsmanship, relying on the location and cooperating with the boy to direct the crowd to rush out, and they... Let the former Qin princess and others escape again.

"General Lang, it's because of our incompetence..."

More and more killers knelt down to apologize, and the next moment the man called General Lang quietly raised his hand.

All the killers suddenly fell silent.

"That woman is indeed a little weird," General Lang smiled, "After all, hasn't General Lang succeeded before?"

The killers on the ground raised their heads secretly and looked at the man laughing in front of them.

One wave and one wave, the two generals are the two generals that the lord borrowed from the young master, and they are also so-called sledgehammers.

But now the two ox knives are used to kill chickens, but they have hit a wall one after the other.

"It's not all your fault this time," General Lang smiled, "It's because I thought that the explosion in the swamp hurt too many people and it wasn't worthwhile. This time, I gave you a chance to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. I didn't go to the battle myself, which is against you. The meaning of the lord."

Originally, the forest swamp was not suitable for siege by many people, and if too many people were invested, one could shoot one's own people if one was not careful.

The girl took advantage of this before, causing many people to suffer. Afterwards, he reduced the number of people chasing him, but he didn't expect to run into three sixth-ranks.

Hearing the man's words, the other killers were even more frightened, "It's the villains..."

"Hey," General Lang raised his hand, "Don't you just say it, it was the two teenagers who suddenly disrupted the situation that disrupted the plan."

Especially the boy who used the weird swordsmanship.

"Three grades six, it's normal for you to be caught off guard," General Lang stroked his chin and looked at the killer on the ground, "And it's also your bad luck that you will encounter a water mage."

Water Law.

Hearing this word, the older killers on the ground were shocked, but the younger practitioners looked blank.

"General, who is this water magician..."

A young assassin who was closer to General Lang couldn't help asking.

General Lang glanced at him with a half-smile, "Let me ask you, who is the person with the strongest combat ability among practitioners?"

The young killer was startled, then looked at the broken sword in his hand, gritted his teeth and said, "It's a swordsman."

The sword is the head of a hundred soldiers, especially suitable for high-end combat power, so practitioners often use swords.

"Why are swordsmen so powerful?" General Lang continued to ask.

"It's because a swordsman knows swordsmanship," said the young killer.

"That's right," General Lang narrowed his eyes as he watched the young killer, his soft voice made all the killers on the ground shudder.

"After all, killing people is a skill."

The man laughed softly, and then the corner of his mouth closed his smile, "If there is swordsmanship, there will naturally be schools, so how many schools of practice do you know are the largest in the Central Plains?"

A young man said, "I heard that there are three villains!"

"What do you know!" An elderly person laughed out loud, "It's four!"

"That's right, there are four." The black-armoured man's eyes turned cold, "There are four spirits in the sky, and there are four major sword sects on the ground."

"All the methods of practice in the world are born out of the Eight Beast Gods, and the most powerful of the Eight Beast Gods, the four spirits of the sky, derived four schools of swordsmanship."

"Wind, fire, water and thunder, the four major schools."

The blue dragon of water, the red bird of fire, the white tiger of wind, and the basalt of thunder.Each has its own place, each has its own strengths.

General Lang looked at the wet clothes of his subordinates on the ground with cold eyes.

"Water magicians are users of water swordsmanship. But at the same time..."

The man sneered, "He is also the most hopeless swordsman in the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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