Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1483 The Stone Wall

Chapter 1483 The Stone Wall
"Are all the stones used to build the city walls specially selected?"

Ji Ange hugged Ying Baoyue's waist and asked on horseback.

Everyone rode their horses along the city wall all the way to the west, and it didn't take long before they came to the bottom of the city wall and walked west along the Great Wall of Eternal Night.

Along the way, Ji Ange carefully looked at the dark city wall not far away, and found that the bricks and stones of the Great Wall of Eternal Night were different from those in other places.

When she looked at the Great Wall of Eternal Night from a distance, she thought it was eroded by wind and sand, but when she got closer, she found that every stone on the wall was actually black.

From a distance, you can see that there are teams of peasants under the city wall checking the condition of each brick and stone, carrying stones of the same color from a distance like ants,

Wan Liuyun rode on the horse in front without turning his head and said, "These stones are indeed specially taken from other places."

"If you are from Eastern Wu, have you ever heard of a stone called Longlin Rock?"

"I've heard that," Ji Ange's eyes lit up, "The battle stage when His Highness participated in the middle-level ceremony was made of dragon scale rock!"

At that time, she heard from Ji Qingyuan that Longlin Rock was extremely precious and rare. At the beginning, the battle platform in the Southern Chu Primary Ceremony was made of iron blue rock that was weaker than Longlin Rock, because there were no Longlin Rock mines in Nanchu.

Recalling this, Ji Ange was startled. Although the color of the stone in front of her was darker than what she had seen in Soochow, its texture and shape were very similar to the stones on the Soochow battle platform.

"Sister, are these all..."

Ying Baoyue nodded slightly.

"Since the previous dynasty, the stones used to build the Great Wall have stipulated that only Longlin Rock can be used."

"The color of the dragon scale rock will change with the temperature. It will turn blue in warm places and black in cold places, so the stones you see now are black."

Ying Baoyue stared at the stones in front of her that she used to get along day and night. Every summer, the Great Wall of Eternal Night would turn into a blue Great Wall, which was also the favorite color of the officers and soldiers on the city.

Most of the Xirong invasions were in winter, which meant that as soon as the Great Wall started to get dark, their battles would begin.


Ji Ange looked at the seemingly endless Great Wall in front of him, "But didn't elder brother say that the mineral deposits of Longlinyan are very scarce? How can it be enough to build the Great Wall?"

"Most dragon scale rocks are produced in the north, so they are indeed rare in the south," Ying Baoyue said, "It is said that this kind of stone is made from the scales of ancient dragons. Thousands of years ago, most dragons fell. In the north, the dragon scale rock deposits were formed."

In the southern part of the Shanhai Continent, Soochow is the only country that has Longlinyan deposits.

Ying Baoyue didn't believe in the legend of dragon scale fossils at the beginning, but when Emperor Taizu's unification war came to the end, in the battle of the gods, Qinglong God defeated the evil god Baigou, Baigou God disappeared, Xi Rong was completely defeated, Qinglong God also Falling from the sky, most of the god's body fell into a mountain peak.

Later, Emperor Taizu sent people to find new deposits of Longlinyan in that mountain range.

It was only at this point that Ying Baoyue discovered that the Dragon Scale Rock might really have been transformed from dragon scales.

Although Qinglong Shen lost most of his body at that time, he was not dead, and returned to Soochow after shrinking in size.

I heard that dragons also shed their scales from time to time, which probably explains why there are a small number of dragon scale rock deposits in Soochow.

"It's actually the scales of a dragon..."

After listening to Ying Baoyue's story about the past, Ji Ange opened her eyes wide. She looked at the tall Great Wall in front of her in awe. How many giant dragons were transformed into so many stones, and how huge were those dragons?

"However, over the years, the mineral deposits of Dragonscale Rock have become less and less."

Wan Liuyun's voice came from the front.

She looked back at Ying Baoyue, "After all, there are no more dragons in this world."

Ying Baoyue was startled.

Qinglong God and Yinglong God are the only two surviving ancient dragons.

Yinglong God had already become an evil god when he met Soochow, and Qinglong God... It is said that it disappeared because of her.

Ying Baoyue looked at the folks who were responsible for maintenance and repairs under the city wall. The dragon scale rocks they carried were already very small, and the number was not large, only enough to fill some small gaps.

But as she got closer and closer to the city wall, Ying Baoyue found that the stones on the city wall were far more bumpy than she remembered.

But logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case. The Great Wall of Eternal Night was specially built with dragon scale rocks, just to stand forever. She has only been away for nine years, so why is there so much damage to the city wall?

Wan Liuyun noticed Ying Baoyue's gaze, let go of the reins, and their horses walked side by side, she spoke softly.

"I heard from the general on the Great Wall that the aging of the city wall has accelerated since eight years ago."

Eight years ago?
Ying Baoyue was taken aback.

The first thing she thought of was not the date of her own death, she was just a person, not that important, "Could it be because..."

"That's right," Wan Liuyun said, "it almost started when the aura of the Azure Dragon God completely disappeared."

Ying Baoyue's heart tightened.

it is as expected.

Will the rocks transformed from dragon scales disappear with the disappearance of the dragon?

Ji Qingyuan rode up and followed from behind. He heard the conversation between the two people in front of him, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes, "Then, wouldn't it be difficult to repair the damaged city wall?"

Wan Liuyun nodded.

"Then can't you change it to another stone?" Ji Ange asked puzzled.

"Other stones are no different from wood to practitioners," Wan Liuyun said calmly.

Ordinary city walls can only stop ordinary people, but the Great Wall of Eternal Night exists to stop Xirong cavalry and practitioners.

For high-level practitioners, except for Longlin Rock, dealing with other stones is like cutting melons and vegetables.

Although the strength of Dragon Scale Rock has been reduced, it is still the only stone that can stop practitioners.

"If my concubine remembers correctly, Mr. Ji should have seen the scene of the house being split open by a practitioner's sword, right?"

Ji Qingyuan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded silently.

Ji Jiashu heard it from behind, and his expression was a little subtle.

He also fully understood what Wan Liuyun meant. The Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion was originally built with extremely solid stone materials, but it was split in half by Princess Zhaoyang's sword. It can be seen that if the Great Wall of Eternal Night was not made of It was built on Longlin Rock, which is really useless to practitioners.

"But in this case, if the city has a big hole, how can it be repaired?"

Ji Ange frowned and asked.

This is just a very common question, but she did not expect that after she asked this sentence, Wan Liuyun was completely silent.

Wan Liuyun bit his lip tightly, as if he was enduring unbearable pain.

"Sorry, is my question too stupid?" Ji Ange was stunned and said, "Yes, since it was built by Longlinyan, how could such a thing happen..."

"No, it happened."

Wan Liuyun raised his head and looked forward, "Baoyue, we are almost there."

It was only then that Ji Ange noticed that Ying Baoyue hadn't said a word since the beginning.

"elder sister?"

She raised her head and found that Ying Baoyue was staring straight at the city wall ahead, her face turned pale.

"what happened to you?"

Following Ying Baoyue's gaze, she also froze suddenly.

Right in front of everyone, within the boundless black city wall, a touch of red appeared.

It was a touch of bright red, dazzling red, bright red.

Shockingly red.

The black city walls on both sides seemed to have a huge opening, and the red was firmly embedded in the city walls like red jade, blocking the gap.

"Liuyun," Ying Baoyue asked word by word as she could hardly hear any voices in her ears.

"what is that?"

(End of this chapter)

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