Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1513 Small Town

Chapter 1513 Small Town
The first ray of morning light rose and fell on the man's eyelashes that were covered with frost.

The girl leaning against him didn't have the slightest frost on her body. Throughout the whole night, the cold wind blowing towards her was blocked by a person with his own spine.

Li Ji slightly opened his eyes and looked at the people around him.

"Hold the moon, it's dawn."

"Is it dawn?" Ying Baoyue had an abnormal blush on her face, and opened her eyes slightly. After regaining consciousness, she immediately realized that her throat was burning and her body was weak.

She smiled wryly, "Did I actually catch a cold?"

Because the physique of practitioners is different from that of ordinary people, except for being injured in battle, they hardly get sick. She can't remember how many years she hasn't had a cold.

"You've been burning badly since the second half of the night," Li Ji said solemnly.

It is indeed difficult to be found by other practitioners without using their true energy, but when a practitioner is hunted down, it is difficult to completely use his true energy.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality.

The practitioner's body has already adapted to the protection of the true essence, once the barrier of the true essence is lost, the body will soon be eroded by the evil spirits from the outside world.

It is very difficult for a practitioner who does not move his true energy to survive.

What's more, Ying Baoyue soaked in the frozen lake for almost a whole day yesterday, and suffered from severe cold. If she continues to keep her real energy, her body will not be able to hold on.

"Don't worry," Ying Baoyue's voice was completely hoarse, she raised her sore arm and patted Li Ji's shoulder, "Is my medicine bag here with you?"

Li Ji took out the medicine bag from his arms, and Ying Baoyue took it and took out a small bamboo jar from it.

She poured all the black powder in the bamboo jar into her mouth, and coughed from choking.

"Wait, I'm going to find water..."

Li Ji's voice stopped abruptly.

They were right by the frozen lake, and there was no shortage of water, but in the cold and steep morning, all he could find for her was ice water.

If he drank like this, Ying Baoyue's illness would probably get worse instead.

"It's okay," Ying Baoyue swallowed the powder with difficulty while coughing, "When the sun rises, the water will be warm."

And seeing that the lake has never thawed, you know it is impossible.


At this time, the stomachs of the two were still growling at the same time, and Ying Baoyue and Li Ji looked at each other with subtle expressions.

Without true essence, they really haven't experienced such an ordinary physical reaction for a long time.

"It can't go on like this," Li Ji carefully supported Ying Baoyue's head to help her straighten her body. Leaning against each other for one night, their bodies seemed to be used to this position, and it was difficult to move.

When standing up, Li Ji almost staggered.

"Be careful," Ying Baoyue stretched out his hand to support her, and Li Ji turned to look at her.

Neither of them knew what to say.

In less than a day without using their true energy, both of them have almost seen their most embarrassing moments.

"This won't work," Li Ji coughed, and his eyes fell on Ying Baoyue's chapped lips.

Since yesterday, the two of them have not eaten a grain of rice for almost a day and a night.

Li Ji had observed it last night, and there was no smell of living things around here.

There are no wild animals, and the ice is too thick to fish. If they continue to stay here, they will probably starve to death before freezing to death.

"Do you know where this is?" Li Ji asked.

Ying Baoyue froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered what Teng Snake had said in a panic when he was in the lake.

"Why did you go to Beihai?"

"This seems to be..." She looked at the endless lake not far away, "Beihai."

According to legend, the favorite place of Xuanwu God is the largest lake in the north, Beihai.

"Beihai? Is this the Beihai?" Li Ji was stunned, and the dream of falling into the lake yesterday sounded, his eyes were a little dazed.

"Li Ji?"

Ying Baoyue's voice brought him back to his senses, and he looked around, "Then do you know the way around here?"

Ying Baoyue shook her head. Although she had been to a town near Beihai in her previous life, she had never been to Beihai so close.

The Beast God is territorial. When she first heard that Xuanwu God liked to stay here, she consciously stayed away from it.

When a high-level practitioner gets close to the Beast God, it is likely to cause a violent reaction from the Beast God.At the seaside of Lancang back then, Teng Snake almost swallowed them and his group showed this point.

Li Ji had never been to Beihai before. He stood in the cold wind for a long time, and suddenly his nose moved slightly.

"This is……"

Ying Baoyue had almost lost her sense of smell, but she realized what Li Ji smelled.

"It's the smell of smoke," Li Ji said.

And it's not a few solitary smokes, but the smell of many smokes mixed with the heat.

Where there is smoke, there are people.

"Is there a village near here?" Ying Baoyue and Li Ji looked at each other.

The pair desperately need rest and supplies now, but being human means danger.

"Let's go."

Li Ji took a deep breath and reached out to Ying Baoyue.

They can't just stay in the wild and kill themselves, no matter whether there is a trap or salvation ahead, they have to try it.

"In short, you must not use your true essence unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Hide your identity."

Li Ji covered Ying Baoyue's head with his coat, "Is your mask still there?"

Ying Baoyue nodded, and took out the human skin mask from his bosom.

Fortunately, before the avalanche happened, she took it off while sleeping, and the eight Xirong killers did not see this human leather face.

Ying Baoyue put on the human skin mask, and her appearance changed. She stared at the bronze mask on Li Ji's face, hesitated.

"Your you want to take it off? It's a bit too eye-catching."

Li Ji's mask is probably very familiar to those Xirong killers.

Li Ji was silent for a moment, "If I take it off, I'm afraid it will be more eye-catching."

Although he didn't know what was wrong with his looks, but experience told him that it was best not to show his face in crowded places.

Ying Baoyue choked, so what does this person look like?
"There are a lot of people wearing masks in the northern towns," Li Ji said, "Maybe nothing will happen."

"Wait a minute," Ying Baoyue bent down and pulled out a few handfuls of weeds from the haystack, and quickly wove them into a simple straw hat.

At the same time, she also wove a straw rope.

"Keep your head down," Ying Baoyue waved to Li Ji.

Li Ji didn't understand, so he lowered his head obediently.

Ying Baoyue hastily braided Li Ji's long hair and put it behind his head, and finally put this straw hat on him.

Coupled with the tattered clothes that were tossed and tossed yesterday, most of Li Ji's noble aura was instantly destroyed by her.

"You lower your head a little more, and bend your back a little bit."

Li Ji complied.

"Well, it's alright."

Ying Baoyue nodded in satisfaction.

As long as you don't look carefully, he looks like a down-and-out businessman or a peddler in the city.

"And then, there are these two swords."

Ying Baoyue handed the scabbard and Sunset Sword to Li Ji, and Li Ji and Juque Sword were put into the space magic weapon together.

"Let's go."

Following the direction of the smoke, the two supported each other and left the barren grassland.

When the sun rose completely, the voices in front gradually became louder.

Ying Baoyue raised her head.

A town appeared in front of the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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