Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1516

Chapter 1516
This is an inn located in the north of the city. The location is relatively remote and the place is small, but it is a suitable place for the two of them to rest now.

Although they don't have much time left, they can't go on without resting.


Ying Baoyue nodded, and Li Ji carried her into the inn.

"Guest officer, stay at the tip or live..."

There was no one in the inn, and the waiter saw the visitor warmly greet him, but was frightened by the blood on Ying Baoyue's leg.

"We live in the shop."

Li Ji took out a piece of broken silver from his bosom.

Seeing the other party staring at Ying Baoyue in horror, Li Ji said, "I will find another doctor to see my wife's illness, you don't have to worry."

"Okay," the waiter took the money, "Do you want a room?"

"Two ordinary rooms..." Li Ji said instinctively, but someone pinched his shoulder, and he quickly changed his words, "Just ask for an ordinary room."

For the current situation of the two of them, going to the room is too eye-catching.

It was too doubtful that he wanted two.

"Okay," the shop waiter put the cloth towel on his shoulders and smiled, "The ordinary rooms in this shop are as clean as the previous ones, but smaller."

Li Ji followed the waiter up the stairs, only to realize how small it was.

Except for a bed, there is only a table and a chair, and there is nothing else.

Li Ji felt a little regretful, looked at Xiaoer Dian and was about to say something when someone pinched his shoulder again.

"Okay, that's it," he let out a breath, put Ying Baoyue on the bed, turned around and ordered, "Please bring a bucket of hot water, and some hot porridge."

The shop waiter responded.

"Good Le!"



The hot water and hot porridge arrived soon, Li Ji heaved a sigh of relief, poured the hot water into the tub and turned around.

Ying Baoyue was sitting on the bed with her legs tucked up.

"How's the leg?"

"The wound has scabbed over again," Ying Baoyue lifted up the hem of her skirt, "it was blown by the wind for too long at the city gate just now and it cracked open."

Li Jiding stared at the blood scabs on the wounds on her legs scratched by stones. Without using real energy, these wounds would not heal, and they would open again at some point.

"Do you have a wound on your foot?"

Ying Baoyue shook her head, "Not on your feet."

Li Ji bent down and brought the wooden basin filled with hot water to the front of the bed, "Then you should burn your feet."

"Mm," Ying Baoyue stretched out her frozen blue feet, and was about to dip into the tub, when Li Ji leaned down, and she retracted her feet abruptly.

"what are you doing?"

Li Ji, who was about to squat down in front of the tub, froze for a moment, then raised his head.

The two looked at each other.

It was very quiet in the room.

"I'm sorry," Li Ji stepped aside, regretting why he hadn't thought much about his actions just now.

He looked at the steaming wooden basin, trying to hide it, "I thought it was inconvenient for you to have hands."

Ying Baoyue had frostbite on her hands, and it was indeed inconvenient, but she never expected that Li Ji would squat down and want to wash her feet without saying a word.

Even though he was still so stiff at the city gate, he seemed to have done the movements just now skillfully and naturally many times.

"I see. It's okay, I can do it myself."

Ying Baoyue put her feet into the hot water, and her skin instantly tingled.

Water vapor permeated the small room, and the atmosphere in the room was a bit weird, but she didn't know what to say.

Aware of Ying Baoyue's silence, Li Ji turned his head to one side, "When I was young, people often washed my feet when I was injured."

Probably because the room was too small, just at that moment, he seemed to be back in the tree house in the cloud forest.

"So that's the case," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "Thank you."

Although I was very grateful in my heart, it was quite frightening that the celestial cultivator just squatted down to wash her feet.

She was raised by a human god, and was taken care of by her master back then, but her master is different from other celestial practitioners, and she has never been treated like this by other celestial practitioners.

Tianjie, are you so approachable?
In short, if the scene just now was seen by other people, it is estimated that she would be poked in the back.

Even if it is the lord of a country, it is estimated that there is no such treatment.

"By the way, are you hungry?" In order to get rid of embarrassment, Li Ji quickly changed the topic and picked up the spoon on the table.

Looking at Li Ji who was sitting at the table earnestly spooning porridge, Ying Baoyue's eyes were a little dazed.

Today, they really look like a normal couple.

If it weren't for the sword cocoon on the palm, who would have thought that this person is the king of the practice world who can stand against thousands of troops by himself?

At this moment, Li Ji stared at the hot porridge more seriously than when he was reading the sword manual.

He carefully brought the porridge bowl to the bed, remembering to ask first this time, "Is your hand okay? Do you want me to feed you?"

Then she might not be able to eat it.

Ying Baoyue shook her head, and took the porridge bowl from Li Ji's hand, but her fingers trembled just as she was holding the spoon.

Li Ji caught the falling spoon with his palm, he didn't ask him to feed it again, but just handed the spoon to Ying Baoyue again.

"Thank you."

Ying Baoyue said softly.

He never forced anything she didn't want.

Li Ji shook his head, "Eat it. I'll go out and buy something."

Everyone has times when they don't want to be seen.

He doesn't fit here right now.

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded, "Go early and come back early."



By the time Ying Baoyue drank the porridge by the spoonful and wrapped up her wound, dusk had already fallen.

Li Ji returned to the room with two coarse clothes and some dry food.

At the same time, I brought back a rough map.

The two spread out the map on the table in the room by the dim oil lamp.

"We are here now," Li Ji pointed to the location of Chongquan Town on the map, "I just inquired, even if we set off with the fastest convoy tomorrow morning, it would take seven days to reach the town closest to Xiling Snow Mountain .”

When they set off from the foot of Xueling Mountain, there were only six days left before the high-level ceremony.

The two of them are exhausted, and they must rest tonight, but tomorrow morning, there are only three days left before the deadline.

"Then how about taking this shortcut?" Ying Baoyue pointed to a shortcut through the barren hills on the map, which indicated that only woodcutters could take it.

Li Ji looked dignified.

"According to the caravan that just entered the city, there are also news of high-level practitioners passing by in the north."

"Those eight people are around here."

According to the rumors he heard, Li Ji deduced the course of action of the eight killers.

Those eight people were probably searching all the towns along the direction from Beihai to Xiling Snow Mountain one by one.

He and Ying Baoyue were lucky enough not to meet those eight people because they fell behind.

"Once we cut corners, we'll run into them."

Ying Baoyue fell silent.

When they met those eight people, the two of them had only one dead end.

"There is another way." Li Ji took a deep breath, and he pointed to a town to the north on the map, "Let's get here with the convoy first, and then I will use all my true energy to take you away."

There is a river near this town, close to the water vein. If he explodes his true energy here and goes forward with all his strength, he will be able to reach Xiling Snow Mountain in less than a quarter of an hour.

But at the moment when his real energy erupted, he would be discovered by those eight people.

So it's a gamble.

Bet on him or those eight people, who is faster.

(End of this chapter)

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