Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 154

Chapter 154
When the swords collided and the screams of people rang in the ears of Chen Zichu and the others, and the young girls were galloping bloody and galloping on the wasteland, they didn't know that there were also a group of people galloping on horses in Danyang City, the capital of Southern Chu.

"Hurry up!"

"The commander of the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion is leaving the city!"

"Open the city gate!"

A pair of lightly armored knights whizzed past the street, and pedestrians on the road ran away one after another. People widened their eyes and wondered what happened.

In the territory of Southern Chu, except for the royal family, there is only one place where people can ride horses and gallop in the city.

That is the person from Nanchu Guoshifu.

However, although the Southern Chu State Master has a great status, he does not like extravagance. He has always strictly restrained his subordinates and relatives, and rarely allowed them to run around in the street, unless...

There has been a great emergency.

"In the end what happened?"

"Is there any war situation?"

"Is there anything important that the National Teacher's Office has discovered that you want to tell His Majesty?"

The people in Danyang City speculated a lot, but soon people discovered that this team of knights who were in a hurry did not go to the palace, but to the outside of the city.

When the fog rose on the wilderness outside Jiangling City, the most border town of Southern Chu, the team of knights who rushed out from Danyang City finally arrived at their destination.

In front of you is a peak that rises steeply into the clouds. The mountain peak is full of emerald green and uninhabited. Only on the highest peak can you see a small temple. The ancient temple is located in the clouds and mist on the top of the mountain.

This is where the name of the mountain comes from.

Zihua Mountain is the highest peak outside the capital of Southern Chu.

The lightly armored knights dismounted in front of the mountain. The best horses in Nanchu were exhausted in front of the mountain, but the knights didn't take another look. They all abandoned their horses and went up the mountain on foot under the leadership of an old commander.

All the people drew their swords out of their sheaths, but they walked like flying on the steep mountain road, and their true energy ran wild, startling countless birds.And on the steep cliff, the ape hung on it and looked at the group of people rushing on the mountain road in horror.

These people are all practitioners of the peak human level or even the earth level!
At this time, these practitioners didn't care about alarming the creatures on the mountain. Everyone looked anxious and used their hands and feet. Amidst the singing of monkeys and birds, they just climbed up under the leadership of the old commander, until a huge rock wall appeared in front of everyone. The talent breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing the old commander's "arrival", many people lost their strength and fell to the ground in an instant.

But at this time, other people have no time to care about others. Their mission this time is to get someone to this place as quickly as possible.

Because they're just here to convey a message.

And this news, and the people who need to know this news, deserve their death.

In front of the gigantic rock wall, the exhausted knights looked up.

This is a cliff at the back of Zihua Mountain. The huge cliff is thick and silent, and there are countless stories hidden.

At this time, there is even more unimaginable power.

Some people came to this place for the first time, even if they only felt the huge qi and power through the thick rock wall, practitioners with low realms wanted to shed tears.

Chen Wu, the over fifty-year-old guard leader of the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, walked out of the crowd and looked up at the stone platform engraved with the word "Zihua" on the top of the rock wall. The old man knelt on his knees and knocked his forehead to the ground , pouring all the sounds into the sound.

"Subordinate Chen Wu is guilty, come to plead guilty to Master Guoshi!"

The old man's vicissitudes and sonorous voice echoed in the mountain peaks for a long time.

However, the cliff in front of him was silent. There was a young guard timidly following behind Commander Chen, who spoke in a low voice.

"Uncle Chen, is it really okay for us to disturb Master Guoshi's retreat... or wait for Master Guoshi to leave the retreat..."

"What do you know!" The old commander yelled loudly, "Only the National Teacher can decide such a major matter. If the Second Young Master makes a bigger incident later, we will not be able to explain to the National Teacher!"

"But if I disturb the Master of the State Teacher..." the young man muttered.

"The voices of us ants can't disturb that lord," but Commander Chen just said with a complicated expression when he heard his words.

The gods can hear the voices of all living beings, but they only listen to the ones that he cares a little bit about.

"My lord, it's about the Second Young Master!"

The white-haired old commander paid homage again, and said in shame, "I don't know what to do, so I'm here..."

At this moment, a man's voice suddenly came from the silent cliff.

"What happened to Jiashu?"

The man's voice was not too loud, but coming out of the thick cliff, it was as if the whole mountain was talking. The moment he spoke, all the guards behind the commander rolled down on the ground uncontrollably, throwing themselves to the ground.

Some people don't need any grand pomp.

His very being is the highest mountain.

Hearing this voice, Commander Chen shrank his pupils and lowered his head even lower.

"Second Young Master broke the barrier... walked out of the courtyard..."

"Where did he go?" the man in the rock wall asked lightly.

The man's voice was indistinguishable from anger and emotion, but there was a pressure of not being angry or arrogant.

"Subordinates are incompetent..."

Leader Chen dripped a lot of sweat from his nose, "I didn't stop the Second Young Master. The Second Young Master broke through the guards at the city gate and left the city. My subordinates judged that I couldn't catch up to the Second Young Master, so..."

Commander Chen's voice became smaller and smaller, "Come here and ask the lord what to do..."

Commander Chen really doesn't know what to say. Could it be that he is here to ask how to deal with your son who resisted your order for the first time?
The old man raised his head stealthily and looked at the silent and heavy rock wall. Ji Jiashu was the best son in Southern Chu, and he was also the most obedient son.He was also a father, but at this moment he didn't know what the father in the cave would think when he heard the news.

Looking at the silent rock wall, the sweat dripped from the old man's forehead. No matter what, he was to blame for letting the young master go. As long as the master of the country raised his hand, he would probably...

"Since the person ran away, just find someone to catch him back."

However, the next moment, the man in the rock wall was silent for a moment, and then spoke lightly.

Commander Chen was taken aback when he heard the words, and turned his head to look at his timid subordinates, thinking of the other half of his subordinates who were injured by the young true energy and lay down in the mansion, the old man was sweating profusely.

"My lord, my subordinates are incompetent. We are not good at learning, so we are really no match for the Second Young Master. Do you want to invite the immortal officials to the palace or..."

This is the purpose of Commander Chen and others coming here.

It is impossible for the national teacher to come out to catch his son, but the highest rank guard in the national teacher's mansion is only the fifth rank. Ji Jiashu was able to fight four against one in the same territory when he was 14 years old. When he is serious, no one is his opponent.

If you want to bring that young master back by force, maybe you can only take the handwriting of the national teacher and go to the palace to ask for a fourth-ranked immortal official...

It is too big a matter to use rank four, Commander Chen couldn't make the decision and had to come to his own master.

"My lord, I'm going to the palace..."

Commander Chen asked tentatively, but the man inside the rock wall was silent for a moment, but interrupted his words.

"Need not."

"No need?" The old man was stunned for a moment, but then he heard the man in the cave speak lightly.

"Let Qingyuan go."

who?Qingyuan?Eldest son?All the guards outside the cave were stunned when they heard this.

That cowardly, incompetent, empty-handed, high-ranking, useless person who is treated like air by everyone in the mansion, and even looked down upon by servants?

No one expected that the youngest son's first disobedience, but the man in the cave made such a decision.

Not to mention that the eldest son is only at the seventh rank, even at the fifth rank he cannot be the opponent of the second son, my lord, this is...

However, he ignored the commotion of the guards outside the cave.

The man in the cave spoke quietly.

"Go back to the mansion and send me a message, let the eldest son go out and bring his brother back!"

(End of this chapter)

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