Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 156 First Meeting

Chapter 156 First Meeting
There was a crackling sound.

The epee in the girl's hand, which had been cracked on the surface, was finally overwhelmed and broke under the sharp blade in the boy's hand.

At the same time, there was also the bamboo hat on the boy's head.

The next moment, the completely broken blade fell to the boy's face.

"Be careful."

This is the first sentence she said to him.

Of course, it was impossible for the broken sword to hit him, but it broke the frozen air between the two of them.

Ji Jiashu took a step back, staring at the girl's eyes and earrings, slightly startled.

He knew that he and her would meet one day. Although he didn't come to see her, his trip would eventually lead to this result.

But Ji Jiashu didn't expect that he would meet her when they were fighting swords, and the epee in her hand was still broken from his sword.

But not because of his sword energy.

But his bamboo hat was torn apart by her sword energy.

Looking at the epee full of cracks on the ground and the dense scars on the girl's body, it is enough to know how terribly fighting she has gone through.

And she is still alive.

Even without his unnecessary actions, she is still alive.

"You..." Ji Jiashu stared intently at the girl in front of him and didn't know what to say, but saw the girl's pupils shrank and she clenched the broken sword in her hand and looked behind him. Realizing what he had overlooked, he suddenly looked back.

"Mr. Chunhua?"

The man in black armor covered in blood was standing behind the young girl holding a chipped sword, his gaze was as sinister as ice.

Ji Jiashu turned around quietly, with the sword in his chest.Keep everyone behind.

But the next moment, the girl who was blocked by him came out from behind him, holding the broken sword in her hand.

this woman...

However, feeling the extremely cold fighting spirit on her body, even the sword sound in his hand became stronger.

Ji Jiashu was startled, then he stood beside the woman, quietly staring at the man in black armor not far away.

And the next moment, there was a faint thunder in the sky again, and the thunder lingered on the black blade in the young man's hand, rubbing and screaming.

The tall man stared at the black sword in the young man's hand, his body froze for a moment.

"I didn't expect that I would be here..." The man lowered his head and smiled complicatedly, "I met the sword master of the Thunder Sword."

Thunder Sword?
Ying Baoyue was startled, but the next moment, the man in black armor wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned.

"I'm not your opponent, but it's worthwhile to know a secret of Mr. Nanchu Chunhua!"

Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank when he heard the words, but suddenly he saw a man in black armor waving his hand, and a huge blood mist suddenly rose on the wilderness. Seeing the black shadows receding like a tide and a large number of killers in the bloody smell, Ji Jiashu was startled and raised his sword. He wanted to chase, but the next moment a cold hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Thank you, but that's enough, don't chase after poor ones."

Ji Jiashu was startled, and then turned to look at the girl beside him, frowning slightly, "How can we let such a large number of killers enter the country? Not to mention..."

This boy's personality is still so serious.

"What's more, none of your county guards or city gate guards in Nanchu has appeared yet." Ying Baoyue looked at the young man who met for the first time and said indifferently.

Ji Jiashu's shoulders stiffened again, and he calmed down in an instant. He looked at the girl in front of him who was seriously injured but still had extremely clear eyes.

Ying Baoyue glanced at the quiet city of Jiangling not far away, and smiled.

"We fought here for at least an hour, but no one came out of that city."

Originally because of Ji Jiashu's arrival, Chen Zichu, who was relieved and wanted to collapse to the ground, suddenly realized the problem he had overlooked in the fierce fight before.

That's right...

The young man looked at the quiet Jiangling City in the distance. This wasteland is just outside the city. Although it is impossible to open the city gate at will, so many of them are fighting outside the city, even if there is a thick fog, why is there no guard in the city? Out of town to check?

"For the sake of border security, Xu Yishan didn't dare to open the gap easily..." Xu Yishan came swaying with his water-breaking sword, but his words were as stuttering as his voice.

Irony at the same time.

"Really?" Ying Baoyue smiled, not intending to tell the truth in front of the Nanchu people, she drew her sword and walked towards the brothers and sisters of the Gui family and female officer Yao who were stunned not far away.

At this time, the dense fog gradually dissipated, revealing the corpses of countless killers on the ground. Suddenly, the little girl and the female officer came to their senses and screamed loudly when they saw the countless corpses on the ground.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't look."

Ji Jiashu saw that the girl was the most injured, but rushed to the little girl and the woman who looked like a female official immediately.

Even though she was still young, the woman held the younger girl in her arms, covered her eyes and softly coaxed her.

Another boy who looked like the little girl's brother also lost his mind for a short while, but he watched the girl exhale and helped to coax his younger sister, while the only middle-aged guard with a sword left beside him was stroking and looking at the corpses all over the floor The back of the female officer about to vomit.

This strange and even fragile group of people formed a very sharp contrast with the corpses all over the ground.

Under the moonlight shining on the wilderness, the scene in front of him was vividly engraved in Ji Jiashu's pupils.

All evil is revealed under the moonlight.

Looking at his two friends who were exhausted and the corpses all over the wilderness, Ji Jiashu opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

He was a little regretful, but also a little shocked.

He regretted that he hadn't expected so many killers and almost put his friend in danger, but at the same time he was shocked by the scene where just these few people broke through so many killers.

Had she arrived here with just these women and children and just one soldier?

Or are there more guards already...

At this moment, Chen Zichu barely supported himself, walked up to Ji Jiashu and whispered a few words, Ji Jiashu looked at the people in front of him even more shocked.

"Are you serious?" Ji Jiashu looked at her most trusted friend, "Only these few people..."

"I don't know the first half, but at least I can prove the second half."

Chen Zichu looked at the blood-stained girl who was holding the girl, and said softly, "She only has these few people."

and herself.

Of course, Chen Zichu looked at his hands and Xu Yishan who was also watching the woman with a complicated expression not far away.

She has them too.

But they were actually protected by her.

They protect each other, use each other, and support each other, and they have come here.

Chen Zichu rarely had the experience of fighting side by side with others. Originally, Ji Jiashu also asked him to protect this girl, but for some reason, he had the feeling of fighting side by side with this girl for the first time.

That feeling he may never forget.

Maybe the guy who hated the most women couldn't forget it either.

Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu and laughed, and slammed Ji Jiashu on the shoulder, but Ji Jiashu found that his friend's fist was so weak for the first time.

"Zi Chu, you..."

Chen Zichu was in severe pain all over his body, but the smile on the young man's face was incomparably cheerful.

"Jia Shu, I have fulfilled my promise and brought your daughter-in-law back!"

Although he doesn't seem to have done much, no one can stop Chen Zichu from showing off and bragging!
"Are you happy, kid? Hurry up and express it!"

Happy?Ji Jiashu looked like a friend who had changed into a different person, and he thought that the person who opposed this marriage most before seemed to be you...

But at this moment, looking at the girl with a calm expression not far away, he still had one biggest problem that he couldn't solve.

"Zi Chu," Ji Jiashu looked at Chen Zichu and said quietly.

"Do you really know who she is?"

Chen Zichu was taken aback for a moment, the conversation with this girl in the forest before revived in his mind.

No dowry, no marriage convoy, no marriage documents, single-handedly killing the princess of the neighboring country with a sword...

Uh, it seems that this is really the first time I have encountered it.


It really killed her.

This is probably an ancient anecdote...

Seeing Chen Zichu's stunned expression, Ji Jiashu's mouth curled into a wry smile.

The tall and tall young man put his sword into its sheath, turned around quietly, and looked at the girl beside the boulder.

And at the same moment, the girl seemed to feel something, and raised her head at the same time.

The two looked at each other.

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes, looked at the girl in front of him, and bowed.

"I am the second son of the Southern Chu State Master, Ji Jiashu." The young man announced his name in a young voice, "Maybe someone on the mainland is more familiar with my other name."

"I am Lord Chunhua."

He looked at the girl in front of him without blinking, "However, who are you?"

And at this moment, Ying Baoyue had the time to look at the boy carefully for the first time.

When she saw his face clearly, she was slightly taken aback, and suddenly thought of a lot of things.

For example, this nickname.

Words read a gentleman, gentle as jade.The moonlight is like this, the noodles contain spring, and the beauty is unparalleled.

That sentence is very vulgar, but maybe only this sentence can describe him.

The people on Mo are like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

Mr. Chunhua.

Man as his name suggests.

(End of this chapter)

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