Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1568

Chapter 1568
You are looking in the mirror, and the person in the mirror is also looking at you.

Ying Baoyue stared at her face in the lake, knowing that all this was an illusion caused by light and shadow, but she was still inexplicably uneasy.

"Baoyue, is there something wrong?"

Ying Baoyue shook her head, the weirdest thing was that she didn't notice any danger.

Qingluan Peak is not considered cold, and the water in front of it is the most familiar water, and there is no smell of blood around, and I did not see any footprints of practitioners fleeing in a panic in the forest before.

Although there are also footprints walking around, those footprints are accompanied by two and the distance is similar. At first glance, they are walking side by side in the forest with familiar people, and they are probably just lost.

Everything is so normal.

"How about I go down to explore the way first?" Li Ji asked softly, looking at Ying Baoyue's restless face.

Ying Baoyue nodded.

"Let me go down together," Ji Jiashu raised his hand.

"No need," Li Ji shook his head, "It's not necessary, I'll be faster by myself."

Ji Jiashu frowned slightly.

The figure on the lake also frowned.

"Okay," he took a step back and said lightly, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Li Ji focused all his attention on Ying Baoyue, and jumped into the Moon Marsh Lake without thinking too much about it.

Everyone gathered around the lake and watched Li Ji swim back and forth in the lake three or four times, but nothing happened.

"Holding the moon," Li Ji climbed onto the bank wetly, "No problem."

It was indeed no problem, Ying Baoyue stared at the still calm lake no matter how Li Ji slapped her body in front of her, and collected herself.

"Let's go," she took a deep breath, and she couldn't solve any problems by surrounding the lake.

Even if there may be danger ahead, this is exactly what they want to break through.

Everyone looked at each other, the figure on the lake was broken, and a dozen figures jumped into the lake one after another, swimming to the opposite bank.

Ying Baoyue poked her head out of the water and swam forward methodically.

Compared with the North Sea, the water in this lake is warm and calm, and it doesn't take too much effort to swim.

Ji Jiashu, Zhao Guang, Chen Zichu and others also had the experience of crossing the Sea of ​​the Dead in the middle-level ceremony. Everyone was like a fish in water, and they swam to the middle of the lake in a short time.

The center of the lake is the deepest place, Ying Baoyue tensed up and looked around.

Everything around is normal, and everyone is one.

The teenagers moved the lake water with their arms, creating long ripples, which had an unusual beauty.

Ying Baoyue watched all this, and looked up to the front. The water here was blue-green, with a feeling of Jiuzhaigou water. There was a slight bulge in the center of the lake. She took a closer look and found that it was a cave.

There is nothing special about the appearance of a cave in the barrier lake, but Ying Baoyue still waved vigilantly to the people around him, "Everyone, swim over there and bypass here."

The people following her nodded in understanding, and swam a little farther away, bypassing the cave.

Nothing happened.

The cave was left behind by everyone, Ying Baoyue glanced at the complete team behind him out of the corner of his eye, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Is this level just for us to swim?"

Zhao Guang speeded up, swam to Ying Baoyue, and asked with some doubts.

Nothing happened all the time, so he became more courageous, "We won't find the wrong lake, right?"

"It should be impossible," Ying Baoyue looked around at the vast water surface, "There is no lake bigger than this nearby."

"It should be more than that, but maybe we were lucky and caught up with the calm time," Li Ji also swam to the front and looked around.

"Anyway, before going ashore, be careful."

"But aren't we almost there?" Zhao Guang looked at the shore of the lake that was only a hundred feet away. "No wonder there is no one on the lake. Didn't we just swim across?"

The other side of the lake was already within easy reach, and the frightened teenagers all speeded up excitedly along the way.

At this time, she could already see the scene on the shore of the lake. Ying Baoyue raised her head and found many footprints on the other side of the lake. From the steps, it could still be seen that there were no traces of fleeing. It seemed that many practitioners had gone ashore normally.

Is everything because she thinks too much?
Seeing that there were only a dozen feet away from the lake shore, Ying Baoyue slowed down and let the people behind her pass by her eyes.

Ji Jiashu and Li Ji sensed her movement and slowed down, and the three of them just floated in the water.

"Here we go!"

Zhao Guang, who was at the front, reached the shore of the lake and couldn't wait to climb up. He turned around and waved to Li Ji, "Second brother, come up quickly!"

Li Ji finally felt relieved, and exchanged glances with Ying Baoyue Ji Jiashu, and the three of them also turned around and swam to the shore.

It seemed that she was overthinking it.

Ying Baoyue relaxed her tense muscles and turned around in the lake with a smile.

However, at this moment, a burst of crying came from the center of the lake.

Zhao Guang, who was waving happily on the shore, froze his hands in mid-air, and looked at the lake in astonishment, "What's the sound?"

Ying Baoyue and the others also froze, and turned to look at the center of the lake.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

On the silent lake, this crying sound was weird, abrupt, and made one's scalp tingle.

Heart-piercing cries resounded throughout the lake, a sound everyone of them was familiar with.

It's the cry of a baby.

"How is this possible..." Ji Jiashu gasped, the voice was so weird, how could there be a child's voice in such a cold cave?
Ying Baoyue looked in the direction of the sound, and found that the sound came from the depths of the cave they had just bypassed.

The voice was so realistic and heart-piercing, it really seemed like a child was crying loudly, and gradually became hoarse, which made everyone's heart tremble.

"Baoyue, this is not right, hurry up and go ashore!"

Li Ji's scalp exploded, he grabbed Ying Baoyue's shoulder and pushed him to the shore, "This can't be a human!"

Li Ji gritted his teeth. Even adults would not be able to survive in this cold weather. Xiling Snow Mountain is a forbidden place, so how could there be children?
He had heard before that some strange beasts could imitate the voices of children to lure passers-by into the trap.

This situation is definitely a trap!


Ying Baoyue's pupils constricted, and she also knew that it was almost impossible for a child to appear in such a place, but...

However, she is the child who once appeared in such a place.

Ying Baoyue clenched her wrist tightly, unable to speak.

Xiling Snow Mountain and Cloud Forest are all forbidden places that are inaccessible.

More than 20 years ago, she appeared in this kind of place inexplicably.

At that time, in the eyes of Lin Shubai passing by, did she also look like a trap?

"Baoyue, let's go! What are you thinking?"

Ji Jiashu also came back to his senses at this time.The baby's crying sound was indeed unbearable, but Li Ji was right, it was too strange for a baby to appear in this kind of place, and it was impossible for Ying Baoyue's meticulousness not to notice something was wrong.

Ninety-nine out of ten are definitely a trap, and I'm afraid there is less than one out of ten chance of actually having a child.

However, Ying Baoyue froze in the water, as if bound by something, unable to move.

Ji Jiashu looked at her in astonishment, and the baby's cry echoed on the water.

He suddenly felt that this cry was eerie.

 Don't think Sister Yue thinks strangely.To be honest, if there was no difference in Shu Bai's thought 26 years ago, there would be no such story.There is a baby hanging in the deep mountain forest, who would dare to rescue it now?

(End of this chapter)

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