Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 160 Brother and Sister

Chapter 160 Brother and Sister
The streets in Jiangling City on the border of Southern Chu are far less noisy than Danyang City.

However, no matter how noisy the street is, that man can walk out of a quiet and hidden power that is different from others.

And that person himself didn't realize it, and no one in the entire Southern Chu knew what kind of uncut jade was hidden in the National Teacher's Mansion.

The real trapped man, the truly buried genius, was never him.

Standing in front of the Jiangling Prefect's Mansion, Ji Jiashu thought quietly as he looked at the man in black riding a horse from afar.

At the same time, he finally understood the reason why Jiangling prefect dragged them here for a long time in the name of healing.

"That is your elder brother?"

Standing beside Ji Jiashu, Chen Zichu looked at the man in black in the distance, and thought that that was the legendary eldest son of the national teacher, he opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Ji Jiashu glanced at Chen Zichu, not surprised that he would have such a reaction.

Chen Zichu has come to the National Teacher's Mansion countless times, but he has never seen Ji Qingyuan once, and outside the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion...

It is even more impossible to see his big brother.

"I went out for a trip, and I was able to get my eldest brother to go out. I can be regarded as a well-deserved death."

Seeing the man in black riding a horse from a distance, Ji Jiashu couldn't help but said calmly.

"I can't kill you."

The man in black crossed the street, sat on the horse and looked at Ji Jiashu and said indifferently.

Ji Qingyuan's face was a little pale because he hadn't been out for many years, but the man who came galloping quickly didn't have the slightest breath.

"Is that really the case?" Ji Jiashu pointed out with a smile.

Ji Jiashu himself knew how fast he was, and the time when the guards asked his father for instructions should be counted in the middle, but Ji Qingyuan still caught up with him less than half a day after he arrived, which only proved one thing.

That is, Ji Qingyuan's speed may be faster than him.

Only one horse came forward, and the other guards must have been left far behind by his elder brother.

"What the hell are you trying to say, boy?"

Ji Qingyuan slowed down his horse and came to Ji Jiashu and the others.

Looking at his elder brother who probably had no horse riding experience in his notes but was still proficient, Ji Jiashu smiled wryly and was about to speak, but the next moment he saw the veiled snow-white figure behind Ji Qingyuan's horse, Ji Jiashu was startled and hurriedly bowed his head.

"I didn't expect Elder Sister to come too."

No wonder his elder brother was willing to go out for the first time.

But is it possible to walk so fast with only one person... This pair of brothers and sisters are really...

Ji Jiashu secretly raised his head to watch Ji Qingyuan help Ji Ange off the horse, and looked at himself helplessly.

"Okay, if you didn't make this whole trip, why would we need to go out?"

Ji Jiashu raised his head and looked at Ji Qingyuan, "Did the father ask the eldest brother to come?"

"What do you think?" Ji Qingyuan looked at his half-brother leisurely, "Uncle Chen sent word that my father wants me to take you back within three days."

"Then there are still two days," Ji Jiashu smiled, "Brother, do you want to take a walk around here?"

"No, I don't want to be assassinated here. Your sister will be tired if you keep going on like this." Ji Qingyuan looked at Ji Jiashu and said lightly, "I don't know why you ran away from home on a whim, but in order to make An Ge happy tonight. Go back to your own bed, you'd better go back with me quickly."

The goal has been achieved, and Ji Jiashu planned to go back, but he didn't expect his father to be able to catch his weakness so accurately and let this big brother come to take him back.

At this time, it was rare to see Ji Qingyuan outside the National Teacher's Mansion. Looking at his 20-year-old but mature elder brother who didn't care about anything except his younger sister, Ji Jiashu suddenly had an impulse.

"Running away from home means I broke out?" Ji Jiashu looked at Ji Qingyuan who was standing under the horse, and suddenly said, "I heard that elder brother did this when he was young?"

Xu Yishan and Chen Zichu, who were standing on the sidelines watching the excitement, were taken aback when they heard the words, and they couldn't believe it when they saw the young man who was calm and even cold.

Ji Ange, who had just dismounted from the horse, was startled when he heard the words, and looked at his elder brother with his eyes under the veil.

"When I was young, I seemed to be very old."

Ji Qingyuan clenched the reins tightly, and looked helplessly at Ji Jiashu opposite.

That was all from his childhood.

But to be honest, when the guardian of the National Teacher's Mansion rushed into his and Ji Ange's yard and told him that the second son had actually broken out of his own yard, Ji Qingyuan didn't think much of it when he saw the other guards with the sun rising from the west. surprise.

"You ran here from the mansion to pick up that former Qin princess?" Ji Qingyuan looked at Ji Jiashu and asked.

Chen Zichu and Xu Yishan were startled, shocked by the man's insight.

Ji Jiashu said that only he and the two of them knew about this matter.

Both Chen Zichu and Xu Yishan felt that Ji Jiashu's behavior was incomprehensible, so it was hard for anyone to expect it, but this elder brother who was not close to Ji Jiashu understood what he said.

This brother is still the same as before, as if he can read minds...

He didn't say a word, but this person always knew what he was thinking, so Ji Jiashu, who had a smooth journey from childhood to adulthood, only had extremely complicated emotions for this unfathomable elder brother.

"Yes." Ji Jiashu nodded.

"Where is that person? Have you received it?"

Ji Qingyuan frowned and looked at the empty and cold street, "I haven't heard the news of the princess's wedding convoy entering the country. I haven't seen the guard of honor of the former Qin princess all the way. Where is the guard of honor of His Highness?"

Guard of honor?

Chen Zichu choked suddenly when he thought of the girl who rushed out alone with a sword and brought the old and weak women and children.

"What's the matter?" Ji Qingyuan keenly sensed that there was something wrong with his breath, and looked at his younger brother opposite with the same complicated expression.

"Is anyone here yet?"

Originally, it was impossible for the honor guard of the former princess of Qin to arrive so quickly. What is it...

"People are coming." Ji Jiashu said in a somewhat complicated manner.

"Is that so?" Ji Qingyuan was stunned for a rare moment, "That Duke Baoyue..." Mentioning the name of the princess for some reason, Ji Jiashu found that the young man in front of him paused for some reason, and changed his terminology.

"Where is that former Qin princess at this time?"

"It's right here." Chen Zichu couldn't help interjecting, looking at the unmoving young man in front of him, he turned and pointed to the prefect's mansion with the open gate behind him, "She's right here..."

Chen Zichu originally just wanted to attract the attention of this indifferent young man, but he didn't expect that before he finished speaking, the indifferent expression on the face of the young man who seemed to be alone in the world suddenly shattered.

Ji Jiashu suddenly felt something, and suddenly turned to look at the girl who was standing quietly at the door behind them at some point.

And his elder brother, who didn't care about anything since he could remember, suddenly froze into a stone statue the moment he saw her.

Ying Baoyue stood at the threshold, looking at the unfamiliar yet familiar face dismounting from the horse in the distance.

A woman's voice with a smile suddenly sounded in her ear.

"Although most of them are like his dead ghost father, there are still a little bit like me."

(End of this chapter)

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