Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 162 Picking the Stars

Chapter 162 Picking the Stars
Looking at the strange girl with blood on her shoulders in front of him, Ji Qingyuan didn't understand why he suddenly remembered that night.

Maybe it's because when he first saw that woman, she was about the same age as the girl in front of him now?

Ji Qingyuan exhaled slightly, but couldn't control his thoughts.

He was eight and she was fourteen the night they first met.

Ji Qingyuan has always known that he has a "sister" like existence.Because since childhood, no one in the family told him secretly that his mother abandoned him and his sister because of the "sister" who had no blood relationship with them.

Obviously they were the mother's biological children, but that strange girl took everything from them and her mother, and even made his mother a sinner for betraying Nanchu.

That young girl is unforgivable, she is very strange... In short, she is like a monster in the bedtime stories the old servant told him.

Probably because he wanted him to hate her.

It's a pity that Ji Qingyuan had heard people around him say that the girl was not normal since he was a child, but in the end he felt that he was not normal either.

Otherwise, with the ambition of a young boy Xiaolang, being instilled in such a way every day, even his own brothers would turn against him.

But I don't know if he heard too much, but Ji Qingyuan didn't feel anything, and he didn't regard that sister as a "witch girl" as those people wished.

If that sister is a witch, what is the mother who protects her?
Also a witch?

What about him and his sister?
The witch's son?Many people in Southern Chu think so.Then why should he believe the words of these people who laughed at him so much, but doubted his mother?

Do those snarky servant girls think he is a three-year-old child?
From those people's poisonous words, no one knew that what Ji Qingyuan felt was not the strangeness of his "sister", but the fear of those people towards her.

It was at that time that Ji Qingyuan discovered that his thoughts were different from those of the teenagers around him.

Maybe he was born an abnormal person too.

That's why when he found a gift next to his pillow for the first time, although no one told him, Ji Qingyuan secretly felt that it might come from his "sister."

The birthday gift next to the pillow has a cool aroma, like forests and lakes.Obviously he had never seen it with his own eyes and only read a few words from the book, but Ji Qingyuan felt so at the time.

And when he really caught that person that he had planned for a long time, what he saw was not a ghost.

In the moonlight, he saw real forests and lakes.

Although the room was dark, she happened to be standing in front of the window.It seems that this person is walking through the window.

She was really a young girl, who looked a few years older than him, but Ji Qingyuan had never doubted her guess before, as if everything was already doomed in the dark.

He had prepared a lot of things to say to her, and he wanted to ask her a lot about his mother.

But the moment he saw her, the young man who had never seen many people since he was a child lost his words in an instant.

Under the moonlight, the girl's eyes were like frozen ice, with a slight morning mist-like coldness, but they were the most crystal clear ice Ji Qingyuan had ever seen.

Clear to the bottom, streamer hidden.

And those clear eyes were staring at him right now.

"You..." The little boy prepared for a long time, but he opened his mouth but couldn't say a word under that gaze, he just felt that he was really stupid.

Under the quiet moonlight, he just stared at her intently. After an unknown amount of time, he saw the girl staring at him in a daze, then smiled helplessly, and looked at his clenched hands.

"Why don't you sleep well?"

The girl's voice was as clear as her eyes, "What do you want me to do."

Looking at the man's calm eyes, Ji Qingyuan remembered that he was annoyed for some reason.

He was submissive in the State Teacher's Mansion and never lost his temper, but at that time he wanted to be willful for the first time in his life.

"Who are you?" He grabbed the clay doll beside the bed, then bent down and dragged out a large box from under the bed, and yanked his other hand away, still holding onto her tightly, "These are the things you gave me." For me? Why never show up?"

Ji Qingyuan stared at the girl in a daze, the practitioner was very strong, her wrist was already red from his grip, but she remained silent, looking at the box, "You kept it here."

"Of course." Ji Qingyuan looked at the pile of things and suddenly lowered his voice, "I only have these."

His younger sister, who is four years younger, will have a gift from him.

And he, only a stranger who has never met, will give him a birthday gift.

"It's not just me," he heard the girl whisper, "Many of them were done by Master...that is, your mother and I did it together."

Ji Qingyuan watched the girl stretch out her hand to him, but the hand rested on his head in vain, and did not drop in the end.

The girl withdrew her hand and looked at him and said, "My name is Lin Baoyue, and I am your mother's apprentice."

"Ji Qingyuan."

He heard her call his name for the first time but before he could respond, the girl looked at his wrist, "You shouldn't have grabbed me, and we shouldn't have met."

"Why?" Ji Qingyuan asked, but the girl in front of him looked at him in surprise.

"I thought someone around you warned you," the girl named Lin Baoyue smiled, and then looked at him, "Why do you want to catch me?"

Did she think he hated her?
Ji Qingyuan didn't know what he was thinking at that time, he was so vicious, he stretched out his other hand and grabbed her tightly, and said viciously, "Today is my birthday."

At the age of eight, he is far more courageous than at the age of 20.

Seeing the girl looking at him unexpectedly, Ji Qingyuan gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't there a saying that the birthday star is the biggest?"

He learned it from elsewhere, but he has no confidence.

He has never been self-willed.

He was never a treasure of his parents, but a worthless piece of trash abandoned by the roadside.

Not to mention a person who has no blood relationship with him.

Ji Qingyuan never thought that he could be regarded as the biggest by others. Seeing the girl startled slightly, he immediately regretted his complacency and took himself too seriously, but the next moment he saw the girl in front of him laugh softly.

"You're right, so little birthday boy, what more do you want?"

Ji Qingyuan was taken aback, and almost couldn't believe his ears. Looking at the girl's serious eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking, so he just grabbed her and said in a daze.


God knows if his head got water when he was a kid.

Ji Qingyuan's eyes dimmed. Although he was stupid when he was a child, he knew why he said that.

At the age of eight, he probably just felt that if he made such an unattainable request, the girl might stay by his side, at least for a while.

Of course, when he finished speaking and saw the woman in front of him startled slightly, he regretted it again.

"I'm just kidding..."

However, before he finished speaking, the girl under the moonlight looked at him with a smile and parted her lips.


Hey?Ji Qingyuan couldn't believe his ears. Before he could react for a moment, his eyes darkened and his body lightened up. The next moment he heard the girl's voice ringing in his ears, "Open your eyes."

The boy opened his eyes, but saw the sky full of stars.

He was already sitting on the roof.

"If you want the stars, maybe your mother can pick them off, but I can't."

The young girl hugged him and sat on the roof, laughing softly.

"But I can show you."

(End of this chapter)

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