Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1623 find

Chapter 1623 find
"Zi Chu, what's wrong?"

The sound was not so much coming from under the cracked ice, it was more like coming from Chen Zihan's wind method.

Chen Zihan and Chen Zichu are connected by blood and both are wind magicians. Ying Baoyue guessed that the two of them should have fully realized the connection of hearts and can talk through the air.

After she got in touch with Chen Zihan, Chen Zichu's voice reached her through Chen Zihan.

Chen Zichu's voice rang in her ears at this moment, apart from panic, it was more surprised.

What the hell did he see?
"what is that?"

Chen Zihan's voice also sounded in the air, Ying Baoyue closed his eyes, and a green world vaguely appeared in his heart.

This is the world in front of Chen Zichu?
Ying Baoyue closed her eyes and frowned.

She vaguely saw Chen Zichu standing on a bulge on a crack in the ice. This position was like a platform halfway up the mountain. Although it was narrow, it could barely accommodate one person standing on it.

His position has been pulled down a lot compared to when Li Ji threw the rope before, and Ying Baoyue was relieved to see that he had found a place to stay.

Chen Zichu's position at this time was as deep as dozens of floors, but the abyss under his feet was still dark and he couldn't see the bottom.

It is really hard for Ying Baoyue to imagine how thick this ice layer is, it is as endless as the abyss of hell, if a person really stumbles and falls, he will surely die.

Although Chen Zichu was lucky enough to land on a ledge, but the ledge was too narrow, he could only hold on to the rock wall tightly with one hand, while wielding the heavy sword with the other hand, he kept killing the green hands dancing up from below. .

"Brother, rear right!"

"Brother, left!"

Ying Baoyue heard Chen Zihan's instructions on where to go from Chen Zichu's ears, and suddenly understood why Chen Zichu was able to survive until now.

It turned out that Chen Zihan had been telling him where those green hands were attacking.

Practitioners have stronger physical strength than ordinary people. If they just swing their swords mechanically, each of them can swing their swords thousands of times.The most mind-consuming thing in the battle is actually judging the direction of the sword, but this has already been done for him.

Under Chen Zihan's instructions, although the green hands were still regenerating, Chen Zichu's side gradually became clear, and the green hands became sparse.

"Zi Chu, you have caught it, we will put the rope down to rescue you!"

Ying Baoyue shouted down.

Now that Chen Zichu had gained a firm footing, there was no need to risk another person going down to rescue him. The safest way was to pull him up with a rope.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes and pushed the chest of the man in front of her.

Li Ji glanced at her, let go of his hands and stood up, without saying a word, began to take things out of the magic weapon in his arms.

Ying Baoyue was startled, then lowered his head and smiled.

Although the two almost had a fight just now, he was not angry with her, and knew what she was going to do right away.

Li Ji let out a long breath, poured out a large pile of clothes from his arms, sat cross-legged on the ground, tore those clothes, and began to twist the rope.

There is only one rope in his space magic weapon, but for the needs of life, he put a lot of clothes.

Including the old clothes that he and Ying Baoyue changed in the small town before, in order not to be discovered, he did not throw them away, but kept them all the time.

"Hey, Zhaohua, why are you still hiding women's clothes?"

On the side, Chunyuye folded his hands and watched with cold eyes. He knew that Li Ji had a magic weapon of space, but when he poured out so many clothes in one go, there was actually a skirt inside, with a playful look on his face.

"I didn't even know that you still had such an interest."

For some reason, the skirt looked familiar to him,
Li Ji didn't bother to pay attention to him, picked up the dress from the ground and threw it to Ying Baoyue, "You can get this one."

Ying Baoyue nodded, and reached out to tear the familiar skirt into strips.

"You two..."

The moment the dress fell on Ying Baoyue's head, Chunyuye immediately understood why it looked familiar. It was obviously the clothes he had seen Ying Baoyue wear on the Misty Ridge of the Mu family.

Ying Baoyue's old clothes are stored in Li Ji's arms...

Chunyuye's expression was a little subtle for a moment.

But no one on the snow field cared about his thoughts at this time.

Meng Shi also joined the army of tearing clothes.

Soon, a rope lengthened by strips of various colors hung down from the crack in the ice. Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, and according to the position Chen Zihan let her see, she hung one end of the rope over the bump where Chen Zichu was standing.

"Zi Chu! Catch it!"

Ying Baoyue's voice sounded in his ears, Chen Zichu, who was fighting with green hands, wiped the blood from his face, and raised his head in a daze.

Seeing the rope appearing above his head, his eyes widened.

"Big brother!"

"It's saved!"

Chen Zihan's voice sounded, and Chen Zichu grinned.

He knew that this was a miracle caused by his brother.

If it weren't for Chen Zihan, he wouldn't have survived until now with his whole body bound and his eyes covered, and Ying Baoyue and the others wouldn't have been able to find him at the bottom of such a deep cliff.


Chen Zichu raised his sore arm, split the largest green hand with one hand, and reached out to grab the knot above his head.

Sensing the weight coming from the rope, Ying Baoyue showed joy on his face, exchanged a glance with Li Ji, and was about to pull up hard, but at this moment, Chen Zichu's exclamation came from her ear again.

"here we go again!"

What's here again?

Ying Baoyue suddenly remembered that when Chen Zichu screamed, she seemed to have seen something strange, but after that she didn't see anything unusual in Chen Zihan's field of vision, so she didn't think much about it.

Now that thing appeared again?
"No matter what it is, first pull the person up and talk about it!"

Li Ji didn't want what happened before to happen again, so he immediately pulled the rope with both arms.However, the next moment, Chen Zihan's hesitant voice suddenly came from their ears.

"Mr. Zhaohua, wait, this is..."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, but the thing Chen Zichu saw didn't attack him. Chen Zihan was eager to save his brother and should let them save the person first, but he told Li Ji to stop first?
What did Chen Zihan see?
Ying Baoyue closed her eyes and tried to get in touch with Chen Zihan again.

"Your Highness, that seems to be..."

Chen Zihan's voice wavered.

Ying Baoyue sank into the bottom of her heart, listening to the wind in her ears, a white spot of light gradually emerged in her mind.

The edge of the ice where Chen Zichu was standing was covered with green light due to the blood flowing from his green hands, but just a dozen feet below his feet, a white light suddenly lit up.

Chen Zihan exhaled all the air in his chest, sucked in the cold wind suddenly, and looked down with all his strength.

Then Ying Baoyue saw it.

It was a fungus-like plant that grew on the ice wall. It was as big as a football, plump and round, like a jellyfish and a big white mushroom.

Just at the top of the "mushroom", it is covered with a white water-like canopy, and the brilliance flows on it, and many pictures unexpectedly emerge.

There are many people Ying Baoyue is familiar with, including Ji Jiashu, Xu Yishan, Yeluhua, Song Qian...

The figures flowed like a mirage.

"Your Highness, this is..."

Chen Zihan's wind blew on the ice wall.

Ying Baoyue suddenly understood what it was.

This is the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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