Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 167 Bet

Chapter 167 Bet
Indeed more than one.

Ji Jiashu looked at the girl in front of him and thought.

How could he have forgotten Ying Xun.

The orphan of the eldest son of Emperor Qin.

But this is not surprising, the young man has a very different identity, and he has almost integrated into Southern Chu.Ji Jiashu knew very well that the Ye family had spared no effort to train that young man in the direction of a Southern Chu nobleman, almost making the Southern Chu people forget his identity.

From the very beginning, no one thought that Ying Xun would turn to the other royal families of the Ying family.

What's more, Ying Xun and Ying Hanri, as the two sons of Qin who once fought for the throne, have a bad relationship, and everyone in the mainland knows it.

However, as Ying Hanri's younger sister, this girl actually wanted Ying Xun to testify?

Where did she get her confidence?

"Girl, you mean Young Master Ying Xun?" The Beidi Sheriff seemed to have thought of this, and said with a sneer, "Young Master Ying can indeed prove it, but that one will really..."

Yet his jeers were not finished.Facing the old man's cynicism, Ji Jiashu saw the girl in front of him speak lightly.

"Since the royal family of the Ying family is in the capital of Southern Chu, everything is true or not, and we will know when I arrive in Danyang."

"Although we haven't seen each other for many years, Mr. Ying should not be so forgetful that he can't recognize me."

The sheriff of Beijun stared at her coldly when he heard the words, "But what if he..."

"No chance," Ying Baoyue just glanced at him, but the North County Sheriff suddenly felt a chill down his back.

"Since there are people in Danyang who can distinguish between the real princess and the fake one, those who prevent me from going to Danyang at this time are truly ill-intentioned."

"You..." The governor of Beijun and the prefect of Jiangling were stunned.

But they still didn't have a chance to speak.

"Since the two adults are so worried, do you want to make a bet with the little girl?"

Ying Baoyue smiled, and suddenly looked at Ji Jiashu, Ji Jiashu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"If I am found to be a fake in Danyang, I will naturally come back here." Ying Baoyue glanced at Ji Jiashu, "When you arrive, ask Mr. Ji to bring my head here."

"What?" Chen Zi, Chu Ji Qingyuan and the others on the side suddenly felt a chill go down their spines when they heard the words.

Does this woman want to be so ruthless?
"But if Ying Xun recognizes me for real," Ying Baoyue looked at the two high-ranking Southern Chu officials who were standing still, and smiled brightly, "Then the two adults are willing to send their heads to Danyang?"

The girl had a sweet smile, but there was a huge gap between her words and murderous looks and her appearance.

It's bone-chilling.

Her expression is very calm, but as long as a practitioner can feel it, she is actually telling the truth.

Unexpectedly, it was from a young girl's words that reminded them of Qin Jun's reputation as a tiger and wolf teacher after a long absence.

In Qin, the head can be exchanged for military merit.

But it wasn't Qin Jun in front of them, it was just a woman. The chill they felt must be an illusion.

But it was the first time that the civil servants who had been officials in the rich Southern Chu, the sheriff of Beijun and the prefect of Jiangling felt chills in their backs for the first time. This woman...

"If you don't dare to gamble," Ying Baoyue's eyes turned cold.

"Then open the city gate."



"What are you thinking that you want to bet with the senior officials of Nanchu?!"

"Still betting with your life?"

After sitting in the carriage for a long time, looking through the window at the gradually closing city gate in the distance, Gui Chen looked at the girl in front of him whose face was still stained with blood, supported his head and opened his mouth.

The girl in front of her turned her head to look out the window and laughed, "I was just joking."

Now that Ji Jiashu has come, the reasons for those officials to keep her are far-fetched. At most, they will intimidate the princess in the deep palace, and they will be tougher than anyone else.

"But those officials won't take it as a joke," a young boy's plain voice came from the opposite side, and Ying Baoyue withdrew his gaze to look at Ji Jiashu, who had a complicated expression on the opposite side.

"That's not a joke," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "I just troubled Mr. Chunhua to testify for me."

this woman...

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath and looked out the window, thinking of the bluish faces of the sheriff of Beijun and the prefect of Jiangling just now, she was speechless.

After the woman finished saying that sentence, the governor of Beijun and the prefect of Jiangling almost walked away, but they didn't respond to the bet and just left a sentence.

"How decent is it for an official to make a bet with a woman!"

But there was a life-gamble argument ahead, and they could no longer insist on the argument of detaining the woman just now. At this time, other guards from the Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion also arrived, and Ji Jiashu took advantage of the opportunity to let Ji Qingyuan take this group with him on the condition that he returned to the mansion obediently. people.

"Do you know that those officials will write up what you said today as a memorial? If Ying Xun didn't testify against you as a princess in Danyang, you might even be sentenced to death for deceiving the emperor?" Ji Jiashu said calmly.

Of course those people would never mention their heads.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Qin people in the carriage changed instantly. Gui Chen didn't expect the matter to be so serious, Gui Li hugged Ying Baoyue suddenly, "Sister..."

Ji Jiashu looked at the girl opposite who seemed to be completely clueless, did she want to show off her tongue or...

"Well, I know." Ying Baoyue smiled and nodded.

Chen Zichu, who was also from Southern Chu, was surprised for a moment, she knew?
"However, if Ying Xun recognized me, then Zhezi would never appear in the case of King Nanchu," Ying Baoyue smiled.

On the contrary, if Ying Xun denies it, she will be in bad luck no matter what.

Although those people do not admit it, this is indeed a gamble.

The loser loses everything.

Regardless of whether there is today's friction or not, if even Ying Xun makes trouble for her, the former Qin princess who has no support at all will die in Danyang no matter what.

Of course, given the relationship between Ying Xun and Ying Hanri, it's hard to say how Ying Xun will treat her.

But there is one thing, even if Ying Baoyue is not clear about it, Lin Baoyue is.

"Ying...cousin," Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu and said with a smile, "it's unlikely that he would intentionally kill someone."

Even if the orange born in Huaibei might be a trifoliate fruit, she still doesn't believe that it will grow into a poisonous fruit.

Ji Jiashu stared at the girl in front of him, feeling a little strange in his heart.It's not that he didn't do anything these days when he was confined at home, and he also understood some of the grievances and hatreds of the Qin royal family.

Among them, the most impressive one is the section where the second emperor Ying Hao and the eldest son Ying Su fought against each other.

This kind of hatred should continue to the next generation, but looking at the girl in front of him, he somehow felt that this girl actually had indescribable trust in Ying Xun.

Ji Jiashu couldn't figure out where this trust came from.

From the moment he saw this girl, everything he expected seemed to go awry.



But Ji Jiashu was not alone in the deviation.

Just as Ji Jiashu and the others left Jiangling City, another boy was also startled by the deviation from his expectations.

Outside Jiangling City, Zhao Guang was standing on a boulder in the wilderness, staring at the letter in his hand, and a fat red pigeon was stepping on his feet.

Finally trampled under his feet the pigeon that hit his face countless times, Zhao Guang's face showed no trace of joy of revenge.

"You've been watching it for a long time," Li Ji, who was standing aside like a stone statue, said lightly, "What exactly did your elder brother say?"

Scared the kid like this.

Zhao Guang stared at the letter in his hand as if he wanted to stare at the thin silk script, but no matter how he looked at it, the seal characters on it did not change at all.

"Crazy, almost crazy." Zhao Guang murmured, looked at Li Ji in a daze, and opened the silk book in his hand.

"Do you see what's written on it?"

Li Ji glanced at it, and his dark eyes were also slightly startled, realizing that Zhao Guang was getting more and more desperate in his reaction.

"It's pretty good, isn't it?" Li Ji glanced at him and said indifferently, "It proves that your elder brother values ​​you a lot."

Zhao Guang smiled instead of anger, as if he heard the biggest joke in his life.

"Didn't I know that Soochow is so short of people?" He smiled weakly and said, "You actually need a spy to be the stepson of the first-level ceremony?"

Zhao Guang looked at the letter passed by his elder brother in his hand, and felt that the letter was a hot potato that made people unable to hold it.

And his elder brother only wrote one thing on it.

That is to let Zhao Guang participate in the Southern Chu Primary Ceremony.

As the stepson of Soochow Wu.



 It's going to be lively.

(End of this chapter)

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