Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1717

Chapter 1717
Through the canyon, Ying Baoyue walked alone on the snow.

In front of him were countless boulders scattered in the mountains, like huge screens. Ying Baoyue had seen such stones on Feixian Peak in Huali before, and knew that there was a formation between these boulders.

She walked carefully, her legs were soaked in snow water.

The true energy in her whole body has been exhausted to the extreme, and her muscles and bones are exhausted to the extreme, but Ying Baoyue still managed to support herself and walked forward step by step.

Passing through the last boulder, she saw the lake.

When she climbed the ladder before, she had also faintly seen this lake. There was a icy lake on the top of Yunshou Peak. This was known in advance, but when she really stood by the lake, Ying Baoyue realized how beautiful this icy lake is. .

The fresh water vapor hits the face.

Ying Baoyue stood by the lake blankly.

The crystal clear ice pool is like a huge piece of jasper, located in the center of the mountain, surrounded by peaks, with the same color of water and sky.

It was mid-winter, and the surrounding area was completely white, but the magic is that in addition to most of the frozen ice, there are many hot springs in the ice pool, forming several hot spring belts. The mist, looming in the mountains, is like a fairyland.

In the mist, Ying Baoyue approached this fairyland step by step.

Suddenly, she stared straight ahead, unable to look away.

Just beside the icy lake, there stands a huge stone in the shape of a turtle's back.

On top of the boulder...

Ying Baoyue saw a beautiful woman.

It was a beautiful woman in white clothes sitting on a rock, she was watching the lake quietly, her face was floating in the mist, Ying Baoyue could only see her side face.

But that's enough.

The moment he saw her, everything in the world fell silent.

The woman's face floating in the mist is like a jade, with a peerless appearance and unparalleled brilliance.

She just sat there quietly, wearing only extremely clean white clothes, her black hair was simply draped behind her back without any pearls or jade, and the tail of her hair glowed faintly, her pupils were like cold pools and quiet moons, she concentrated on Gazing at the lake.

Tiny snowflakes landed on her black hair and long eyelashes, and her skin was even more crystal clear than snow.

Ying Baoyue's heart suffocated, and he held his breath for a moment.

She didn't dare to breathe, as if the person in front of her would melt if she breathed heavily.

It is a kind of beauty that is enough to make people lose their souls, so beautiful that it seems that it does not exist in this world.

It is like the snow mountain elf in the legend, and it is also like the beauty of this ice lake that has been condensed for thousands of years.

"You came."

However, at this moment, the unreal-looking woman moved and looked up at her.

Locked by those beautiful eyes, Ying Baoyue couldn't move for a while.

But in the next moment, she suddenly realized that what made her unable to move was not only the beauty of this woman, but also the vast and profound coercion of heaven on her body.

This person is a second-level son of God!
No, Goddess.

"You are……"

Looking at the face that was undoubtedly a woman, Ying Baoyue's eyes widened.

"Speaking of which, that was how many years ago," the woman stood up from the boulder, casually patted the snowflakes on her skirt.

She nimbly jumped onto the shore of the lake, glanced at Ying Baoyue who was stunned, and said lightly, "When your master first saw me, he also looked so dumb."


Ying Baoyue's heart was turbulent, and the hand holding the sword trembled slightly.

She became wary and guarded against this woman, but the woman didn't care. While arranging her dress, she walked up to her and stared into her eyes quietly, "In the eyes of your masters and apprentices, I am Does it look so weird?"

Faced with such a beauty at close range, Ying Baoyue still felt a little overwhelmed, she lowered her eyes slightly, and said softly.

"You are beautiful."


The woman in white repeated as if she didn't hear clearly, "What did you say?"

"I said, you look really good-looking."

Ying Baoyue mustered up the courage to raise her head, looked into the eyes of the woman in front of her, and said seriously.

The girl's eyes were full of sincerity and praise.

The pupils of the woman in white dilated slightly.

She seemed to see another pair of eyes, which were always open and warm, without any of the coveting and malice she had seen growing up.

"As glib as your master."

The woman in white turned her head away and looked away.

"Even if you praise me like that, it won't do any good."

Ying Baoyue was definitely looking at her.

"Are you a mountain ghost? Or are you..."

Looking at the woman in white, Ying Baoyue closed her eyes and spit out the name.

"Murong Yin?"

The woman in white was shocked and looked at her again.

Ying Baoyue stared at her face, her heart beating faster.

This woman, whether she is a mountain ghost or Murongyin, is a shocking secret enough to shake the entire mountain and sea continent.

Although the degree of beauty is not at the same level, from between the eyebrows of this woman in white, one can still vaguely see some similarities with Murong Feilan.

The eldest princess of Hou Liao, Murong Yin.

The eldest daughter of the former King of Hou Liao, Murong Feilan's aunt, refused to marry Xi Rong, and fled to Xiling Snow Mountain alone, and was confirmed to have died in the snow mountain by Lin Shubai, the chief minister. According to legend, Murong Yin is the princess who is known as the most beautiful woman in the mainland.

This is the name of a dead person.

Just a few years after Murongyin disappeared, on the Xiling Snow Mountain, the White Tiger God announced to the world that he had found his son.

After Liao obtained the Tianzong Wizard, the only second-level practitioner in the whole territory appeared.

Da Siming went up the mountain in person and bestowed the title on the new Son of God.

Later Liao Guoshi, titled .

mountain ghost.

But no one in this world would associate Murong Yin with the mountain ghost.

Because Murongyin is a woman, and even more so, a young girl who has no strength to restrain herself and has never practiced before climbing the snow mountain.

It takes at least 30 years for a heavenly cultivator to be born, so how can a woman become a second-ranked child of God in just a few years?
Isn't this even more heaven-defying than Shao Si Ming and Da Si Ming?

So no one would guess like this, and no one dared to doubt the identity of the mountain ghost's hot-blooded boy.

Because, just nine years ago, Chief Secretary Lin Shubai decided to marry him.

The doubts of the mountain ghost about his identity caused by the mountain ghost not going down the mountain for more than ten years disappeared in an instant.

If it hadn't been for the marriage between Shao Siming and the eldest son of the emperor who stole the limelight and the subsequent national mourning, this wedding between the state teachers should have been completed long ago.

How could such a mountain ghost be a woman?

How could it be that she was the little girl who had nowhere to go in order to avoid the marriage contract?
"Who do you say I am?"

The woman in white stood on the snow, quietly looking at Ying Baoyue standing in front of her.

"Why do you dare to guess like this? Is there any reason?"

"There's no reason."

Ying Baoyue looked at her and said softly, "It's just my intuition."

Nine years ago, she was also confused countless times.

What kind of person would make her master commit himself to marry at the expense of breaking his lifelong vow not to marry.

She couldn't figure it out even after thinking about it.

But now, she seems to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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