Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1720

Chapter 1720
The mountain ghost lowered his head and laughed.

The man said she was a child, but at that time the woman was only in her early twenties.

She turned her head in a daze, but without seeing anything clearly, she saw a group of red meteors rushing from a distance.

Then there was a splash in the water, and she was hugged tightly by a person including her legs and body.

A tall woman dressed in black was panting heavily, standing on the back of the turtle, looking at her in shock, "Whose family are you a child? Why can't you think about throwing yourself into the water?"

But the next moment, the woman in black came back to her senses and stared blankly at her face.

"Wait, there is no one here, you are..."

Since she was a child, Murong Yin hated people looking at her face.

Regardless of whether the other party is a man or a woman, after the initial surprise, she will always turn into various disgusting emotions.

There is greed, there is jealousy, there is coveting, there is contempt, and there is contempt.

Then she found that this person was staring at her directly. Her first reaction was to lower her head, but the next moment her neck stiffened slightly.

She found that she didn't hate the look in this man's eyes.

"How did you break it here?"

After the initial astonishment, the eyes of the woman in black were immediately attracted by the wound on her forehead.

The woman in black stretched out her hand and touched it, but she turned her head away.

Hei Yi looked at her and sighed, "Whoever you are, come with me."

The woman took her to hide under the big rock, took out a small bamboo jar from her arms, and poured it on the scars on her head, face and exposed hands and feet.

Her feet had already been frozen, and the woman in black looked up at her, "Can I touch you?"

She was startled.

This was probably the first time in her life that someone asked this question.

Because even the maid in the palace, because of her father's order that she must be hidden in the palace, would never ask for her opinion when doing anything to her.

She quietly stared at the woman squatting in front of her, "Can I refuse?"

Although she is a practitioner who has never practiced before, her instinct tells her that this woman is very strong.

Even stronger than any practitioner she has seen from afar.

"of course."

The woman in black looked up at her with a calm expression, "This is your body, so it's up to you to decide."

She froze, looking straight into the eyes of the person in front of her.

Those eyes are very special, like a mirror, incredibly clear.

Combined with the powerful aura of this woman, it is even more incredible.

Because according to Murong Yin's experience, the stronger the practitioner, the deeper and unfathomable his eyes will be, and he cannot easily see through them.

But this woman is different. In her eyes, you can only see yourself.

The original self.

She fixedly stared at these eyes, her heart moved, she closed her eyes and said.

"Then you send me to the lake again."


Noticing that the woman in black squatting in front of her froze, Murong Yin felt the pleasure of revenge.

She faintly sensed that this woman was probably the strongest pursuer her father had found.

She didn't want to commit suicide the moment she came up, it was just because she understood that although the world was big, there was no room for her.

Even if she fled to the ends of the earth, her father, the Xirong people, and the Great Qin Emperor whom her father served would definitely send someone to catch her.

It's just that Murongyin didn't expect that the pursuers would come so fast, so strong, and even...

it will be her.

Looking at the woman in black squatting in front of her with no pretensions, she took a deep breath, "Are you Lin Shubai?"

The woman in black froze, "You know me?"

She lowered her head, glanced at the dark snake pattern on the woman's black clothes out of the corner of her eye, and said calmly, "There is probably no one in this world who doesn't know Da Si Ming."

This woman is too special and easy to recognize.

Hou Liao was not too close to Guiyang, the capital of the Great Qin Dynasty. It was impossible for the news of her escape to reach Emperor Taizu's ears so quickly.

She didn't even remember that she had been on this mountain for a few days, but Lin Shubai probably just got the news not long ago.

Xiling Snow Mountain is a desperate situation in the world. It has helped her stop so many Hou Liao pursuers, but at the foot of the Great Qin State Division, she can easily be stepped on.

There was a sarcastic smile on the corner of her mouth, and she spread her hands and feet against the stone, staring at the woman in front of her who looked a few years older than her, feeling incredible in her heart.

Is this actually a human god?

The gap between people is really big enough.Before seeing this woman, it was really hard for her to imagine that such a woman would follow Emperor Taizu to conquer the north and south, surpass countless practitioners, and become the absolute king of the practice world.

As a woman with a natural rank, she also fantasized about the appearance of the practicing queen far away in Daqin.

There were rumors in the palace that Lin Shubai didn't look like a woman at all, and was taller and rude than a man. Some even said that she had three heads and six arms.

But after seeing them, Murong Yin realized that those rumors were all nonsense.

If she hadn't seen this person in such a cold and uninhabited place, she would definitely have regarded Lin Shubai as a young lady who stayed in the southern boudoir for many years.

In addition to being taller than southern women, Lin Shubai was born extremely beautiful, which did not match the pattern of beast gods on her body with flailing claws.

But the gentler Lin Shubai was, the stronger the irony and rebellion in Murongyin's heart.

"How can the little girl, He De, be able to bother the Grand Master of the Great Qin State?"

Staring into Lin Shubai's eyes, she spoke sarcastically.

She thought that the national teacher who was under one person and above ten thousand people would be angry, or would hold back, but she didn't expect that Lin Shubai just gave a wry smile when he heard the words.

"Don't talk like that."

The woman in black took a deep breath and watched her quietly, "It was my negligence that I failed to detect the Xirong people's plan in advance and prevent your father from letting you get married."


The sneer at the corner of her mouth deepened.

Who wouldn't say such an afterthought?
She has gone through life and death and the warmth and coldness of the world, so she would not naively think that Lin Shubai was born with such a soft and beautiful appearance, that he is really a merciful master.

Lin Shubai was a general before he became the Great Qin State Teacher.

What is a general?

Sending concubines to settle down in the country, I don't know where to use the general.

If Lin Shubai's countless soldiers could die without bloodshed with a woman's body, she didn't believe that Lin Shubai would refuse.

Even if Lin Shubai didn't understand the weight of human life, this person would not be able to reach his current position.

Sadly, even she herself thinks the deal is a good deal.

"Then now, Master Commander is here to tell me that I can go home safely without marriage?"

Murong Yin stared closely at Lin Shubai's eyes, waiting for her to lie to her.

In Lin Shubai's eyes, she is probably just a vain vase, a teenage girl who can be coaxed back by coaxing.

If it wasn't for her tendency to self-destruct, Lin Shubai would have taken her back by force.

As for Lin Shubai's careful treatment of her wounds now, it's just a common method used by the political veterans.

 "Send a concubine to settle down in the country, but I don't know where to use the general." --Tang Li Shanfu "Designation of Princess Chonghui"

  How many princesses and princesses will be remembered in this world?
(End of this chapter)

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