Big Moon Ballad

1724 Genius

1724 Genius
Although she burned those books with the last of her rationality before she passed out, and she shied away after being rescued because she found that there was air in her body and wanted to try it, the matter of Murong Feilan sending the books was not exposed in the end.

But after that, the palace lady confiscated all the benefits in her palace.

The group of people plausibly said, "If His Highness scratches his face, all of us will have to be buried with him."

Not only her face, but her father could not bear a scar on her body, otherwise it would be "slightly flawed in white jade", and she would lose her value.

Her father ordered that anyone who causes scars on the princess will be killed without mercy.

This order made her completely lose her freedom, but thanks to this twisted order, when she made up her mind to self-destruct, this order also helped her escape from the Hou Liao Palace.

She only needs to draw a knife on her body, and the group of Hou Liao soldiers will take a step back.

It was so ironic that it wanted to make people laugh out loud.

However, desperately escaping from a cage, Murongyin found out sadly that she obviously hated her own face the most, but when the opportunity to live without being so disgusting appeared, she didn't want to die anymore, and even used the last thing she had done before... Disdainful of the seductive approach of Israel.

Although I don't know if this method will work for women...

She was very disturbed, so when she heard Lin Shubai praise her for being good-looking, she hated herself and felt lucky at the same time.

Lin Shubai's compliments to her were so sincere and straightforward that they were even a little naive.

Of course, it is impossible for Master Qin to be so simple. It can only be said that her face seems to be very useful.

Murongyin adjusted her expression, and just about to raise her head "very pitifully", when suddenly there was a burst of warmth from the top of her head.

Lin Shubai looked at her and patted her head.

Her palms are warm and her movements are gentle.

Murongyin froze for a moment, this action was like treating an ignorant child.

She suddenly remembered the situation when her brother touched her head when she was a child.

But immediately she was a little unwilling, did Lin Shubai really treat her like a child?
It is impossible for Lin Shubai not to notice that her body is no longer that of a child.

Although his movements were gentle, but the next moment, Lin Shubai put down his hands, and what he said didn't sound like he was treating a child.

Her voice returned to calm, and said lightly.

"Princess Hou Liao, you hug me too tightly."

At this moment, Murong Yin felt that her dignity was completely stripped from her body.

But riding a tiger is hard to get off, she can only grit her teeth and say.

"Do you not like it?"

Lin Shubai didn't answer, Murongyin's body couldn't help shaking, she knew that her dignity would be completely trampled on by this person in the next moment.

After all, it was her own humiliation.

However, the next moment, Lin Shubai's serious voice came from her ear, "I don't hate it."

At this moment Murong Yin thought that her seduction was successful, but she never thought that Lin Shubai stared at the hair on the top of her head and suddenly spoke.

"However, although serving me is not as disgusting as marrying the White Wolf King of Xirong, you don't have to do it either."

There was a loud sound in Murongyin's ear, and she felt that the thoughts in her heart were instantly wiped out.

This person knows everything!

Lin Shubai knew the thoughts in her heart and the calculations she secretly made!

That's right, just now, she made a decision.

Compared with committing herself to the Xirong people, the woman in front of her is obviously less annoying.

So why didn't she choose this guy?
Daqin and Xirong, these are the two largest forces on the Shanhai Continent today.

Her father, Queen Liao, did not dare to fight against the Xirong people, but there is one person on this continent who dares.

That is the strongest cultivator in the mainland today, the number one military general of the Great Qin Dynasty, and Lin Shubai, the chief commander.

But Murongyin didn't expect that Lin Shubai would notice it just as soon as she tried to test it out, and she directly said such a thing.


Murong Yin felt ashamed.

After all, if Lin Shubai was a woman who hated that kind of thing, her actions just now would be no different from the kind of lowly woman who is most looked down upon by decent people.

The self-loathing in her heart almost drowned Murong Yin.

She hugged Lin Shubai and gave a low laugh, vomiting poison.

"Did I disillusion you with Princess Hou Liao?"

"No," Lin Shubai smiled.

"Everyone has their own personality. I never thought about what Princess Hou Liao must look like."

What do you mean?
Murong Yin was taken aback.

What strange words did Lin Shubai say?
She didn't expect this answer, she mustered up the courage to raise her head, and found that Lin Shubai was looking at her with a normal face.

There is no whitewashing, no pretending to be calm, no disgust and contempt, and no heartbreak.

this person……

Murong Yin found that she couldn't see what Lin Shubai was thinking at all.

This man is so weird.

As expected of someone who can become the Great Qin State Teacher.

With my little city, don't think about making wild guesses.

She couldn't figure it out at all.

Murong Yin sighed in her heart, and finally gave up her messy thoughts.

"My lord," she let go of her arms and said calmly, "It was the little girl who offended you just now."

"No," Lin Shubai smiled, "It won't lose a piece of meat after being hugged."

"As long as you stop hugging me with that kind of reason."

Yes, she already knew she was wrong.

Murongyin sighed, turned her head away and said calmly, "Then why do you hug you?"

She just gave up on herself and said casually, but she didn't think about Lin Shubai, but thought about it seriously.

"Like you're cold or something?"

The woman in black looked at her, smiling like a flower, "I'm a fire magician, but it's very warm."

Murong Yin's heart skipped a beat.

She lowered her head slightly, forced herself to divert her thoughts, and spoke woodenly.

"You seem to have said just now that besides getting married, there are other ways for me to live?"

Murongyin found it more appropriate to negotiate directly with Lin Shubai directly.

This person will not be tempted by herself at all. If this goes on, she will be more easily seduced by this person.


Lin Shubai nodded and looked at her with a smile, "Although I disagree with your behavior just now, does it mean that you no longer want to die?"


she said lightly.

Her thought completely made her lose her dignity and nobility.

"Am I mean?"

She looked at Lin Shubai, and couldn't help but mockingly smiled at herself, "I don't want to die now."

She killed her younger brother, and ran here with great fanfare, causing Hou Liao to make a fuss. As a result, at this juncture, she actually started to be afraid of death.

If Lin Shubai had drowned in the frozen lake before Lin Shubai came, maybe there would still be a good story that would rather be broken than whole.

But now, what is she?

a joke?
Standing in the frozen lake, Murongyin saw large water droplets falling into the misty lake surface.

It's raining?
No, she touched her face in a daze and found that she was actually crying.

She didn't cry when she was in such pain before, and she didn't cry when she heard the news of her brother's death.

At this time, she actually cried.

Is it because she finally realized her cowardice and ugliness?

Her eyes were crying, but the corners of her mouth were smiling.

Murong Yin just raised her eyes to look at the woman in black in front of her, "Am I ridiculous?"

"Do not."

However, Lin Shubai shook his head and stared at her seriously, "I am sure of one thing."

"what's up?"

"Don't you realize?"

Lin Shubai looked into her eyes and paused every word.

"You are a genius."

 Seeking life and not death, this is a practitioner.

(End of this chapter)

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