Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1726 Rejection

Chapter 1726 Rejection
"Murong Yin."

That was the first time Lin Shubai called her name.

Standing in the long river of memory, Murong Yin still remembered the throbbing in her heart at that moment.

"You made yourself alive."

She will never forget what Lin Shubai said to her for the rest of her life.

"What do you mean by that?"

Looking into Lin Shubai's eyes, she also called this woman's name for the first time.

"Lin Shubai, are you lying to me?"

"You can climb this mountain because of your ability to manipulate the wind," Lin Shubai looked at her seriously, "So I'm not lying to you, you do have other ways of living."

"You don't live by your looks, but by your strength."

Looking at the smiling eyebrows of the woman in black above her head, the girl standing in the frozen lake suddenly burst into tears.

Unlike the tears of humiliation before, this time she finally burst into tears.

I don't know what touched her, at that moment Murongyin forgot all her reserve and scruples, and burst into tears in the arms of this strange woman in black.

She cried so badly that Lin Shubai, who was originally full of confidence, was shocked.

"What's wrong? Is there any pain in your body?"

She shook her head and tightened her arms.

"I am cold."

Some feelings came unexpectedly and unreasonably, but when she realized it, she calmed down.

She didn't want the other party to notice it.

The snow fell silently, and the snowflakes fell on the warm lake.

On the top of the empty mountain, the surroundings are quiet and lonely, and it seems that there are only two of them left in the world.

"Lin Shubai, I'm cold."

She repeated, buried her head in Lin Shubai's arms, and said softly, "Can you hold me tight?"

Lin Shubai said before that when you feel cold, you can hug her.

The woman in black hesitated for a moment and tightened her arms.

She was feeling satisfied when she suddenly heard Lin Shubai touching her head and laughing, "Why do you like acting like a baby like my apprentice?"

There was a thump in her heart.

"Your apprentice?"

"Well," Lin Shubai nodded with a smile on his face, "he is a child as beautiful as the moon."

"Her name is Lin Baoyue, and the name I chose sounds nice, doesn't it?"

Just like a child showing off his treasure, when Lin Baoyue was mentioned, Lin Shubai's eyes lit up.

That was also the first time Murongyin heard the name Lin Baoyue from Lin Shubai.

Although this name is not unfamiliar to her.

"By the way, Baoyue is also here this time, just below the mountain."

"It was she who first noticed your style," Lin Shubai said enthusiastically.

"Do you want to see her?"

The girl curled up in her arms closed her eyes and said calmly.

"I do not want."

Lin Shubai was taken aback for a moment, and the atmosphere between the two suddenly became a little awkward.

But Murong Yin didn't regret saying that.

For some reason, she was at that time.

I really hate Lin Shubai's smile when he mentions Lin Baoyue.



The mountain ghost came back to his senses from the memories of the past, and the narration of the past also stopped.

"By the way," she glanced at Ying Baoyue, who was listening carefully, and said calmly, "Your master has never let you go up to the mountain to meet me. It's not her fault, it's because I don't want to see you."

Ying Baoyue looked at the woman in white in front of her with a delicate expression.

After he asked her to call him his mistress, without waiting for her to ask anything, the mountain ghost took the initiative to tell her about Lin Shubai's rescue of her.

Murongyin's narration was simple and restrained, but Ying Baoyue still faintly heard something unusual from it.

Although I don't know why this person acquiesces that she is Lin Baoyue, but now Ying Baoyue can't find a chance to deny it, so he can only laugh dryly, "So that's the case?"

Fortunately, she thought it was the master who kept preventing her from meeting the mountain ghost, but it turned out that this person didn't want to see her?
Sensing Ying Baoyue's eyes, Shan Gui glanced at her lightly, "Didn't expect that?"

Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "I heard from Master Si Ming that you once wanted to take Princess Zhaoyang as your apprentice."

I don't want to see her and want to take her as an apprentice, isn't this Princess Hou Liao a bit contradictory?
"That's two different things," Shan Gui said indifferently.

Ying Baoyue didn't take the initiative to admit that she was Princess Zhaoyang, and she didn't expose it, "I want to take Princess Zhaoyang as a disciple because there are too few practitioners with wind skills."

"As for you..."

The woman in white turned her eyes to Ying Baoyue and said calmly, "I used to hate you."

Sure enough...

This time, Ying Baoyue was not surprised at all.

"Why? Aren't you surprised?"

The mountain ghost looked at Ying Baoyue, whose expression had not changed, with some curiosity.

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded and said with a wry smile, "I'm used to this."

The mountain ghost frowned, "What are you used to?"

Ying Baoyue looked up at her, and said calmly, "People who like my master probably hate me."

From Ji Mo to Emperor Ying to Xu Canghai to this...

Well, she's really used to it.

However, the beauty in white in front of her felt like a cat whose tail had been scalded.

The mountain ghost suddenly turned his head away, "Who likes her?"

Her chest heaved twice, her voice was still faint, but the speed of her speech suddenly became faster, "Back when I married... no, marrying her was just a temporary expedient measure!"

Is it expedient...

Ying Baoyue silently looked at the inconsistency of the person in front of her, and obediently did not refute.

The mountain ghost also seemed to realize his gaffe, coughed lightly, stroked the skirt of his chest, and hugged Yingyue.

"In short, after your master rescued me from the frozen lake, he lied to the outside world that I had died in Xiling Snow Mountain, and after that, I became a mountain ghost."

Come out of the lake and become the Son of God?

No, is there too much process skipped in the middle?

Even Ying Baoyue was speechless.

Not to mention anything else, when her master went up the mountain to look for Princess Hou Liao, he spent five days looking for her.

Now from Murong Yin's simple narration, it is not difficult to guess that it was not five days of searching, her master should have found Murong Yin on the first day.

What did they do on the mountain for the next four days?
Five days later, her master came out of the mountain alone, announcing that she had searched all the peaks of Xiling Snow Mountain, and confirmed that there were no bones left of Princess Hou Liao, and she had died.

All the troops and immortal officials who were looking for Murongyin withdrew, and her master also left together.

Murongyin should have been left alone on Yunshou Peak, before the mountain ghost was born, and the White Tiger God didn't announce that he had found the Son of God.

How did Murongyin, who had not yet become a heavenly rank at that time, survive in such a harsh environment?
In addition, after clarifying some things, Ying Baoyue finally had the answer to some of the weird behaviors of the master back then.

After Princess Hou Liao escaped marriage and died, her master took a long time to appease the inside and outside, and then quietly went to Xiling Snow Mountain half a year later.

Xiling Snow Mountain is the territory of the Eight Beast Gods. As a human god who can communicate with the Beast Gods, her master doesn't need to go there secretly, let alone take such a long time every time.

But now Ying Baoyue understands that the reason why it has been so long since half a year is that her master is preventing the world from linking the birth of the mountain ghost with the disappearance of Murongyin.

These six months should be the time limit agreed by her master and Murong Yin.

(End of this chapter)

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