Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1732

Chapter 1732

Murong Yin was stunned.

"There is only a [-]% chance of you surviving immediately." Lin Shubai looked at her face and said calmly, "But if I'm here, I can increase the chance to [-]%."

Murongyin pursed her lips tightly, this time she did not refuse.

She knew very well that only the Chief Commander Lin Shubai could do this kind of thing that was out of touch with the heavens.

Practitioners need high-level Dharma protectors to break through the realm. Although she is unfortunate, she is also very lucky. For the first time in her life, she has the strongest Dharma protector in the world.

"But even if I intervene, the success rate is only [-]%," Lin Shubai said indifferently, "I am still a human being after all. You violated the law of practice by breaking through the ranks. It is an act against the sky, and you must pay the price."

Murong Yin lowered his gaze, "I understand."

"You don't understand." Lin Shubai looked at her fixedly, "Do you know that even if you succeed this time, you will never be a normal practitioner?"

"The practice of swordsmanship is to build the foundation step by step. Although it is slow, practitioners can gain combat power that matches their realm."

The woman in black looked serious, "But the next thing you have to do is to directly introduce a large amount of heaven and earth vitality into high-level true essence. Even if your tendons can finally hold up, your body will no longer be able to practice swordsmanship." gone."

"Never again?"

Murong Yin's body was a little stiff, "Can't I practice after the realm has been raised?"

"It's not that simple," Lin Shubai said indifferently, "Everything in the world is bound to be lost."

An order that cannot be reversed is one that cannot be reversed.

"Let me make an analogy that you don't understand. Once you succeed in breaking through this time, you will have a lot of real energy in your body, which is equivalent to having a lot of electricity at once."


Murongyin was very confused, isn't she a Wind Sorcerer?

Lin Shubai didn't care if she didn't understand, and continued, "Your body seems to be unable to withstand such a high-power motor. You will practice your sword later. At the moment when you output your true energy, the wire... is equivalent to your meridian. will burn out."

motor?electric wire?power?

Murongyin was dumbfounded, but she understood one thing, that is, once she practiced the sword, her meridians would be broken.

"Is it just that you can't practice swords?"

She bit her lip, "I don't need a sword, can I have other ways of fighting?"

"It's just that you can't use a sword..." Lin Shubai smiled wryly.

"Girl, do you know that if you can't use a sword, you can only hide behind a barrier for the rest of your life, and you can't fight one-on-one with others on the battle stage?"

In the practice system established by Emperor Taizu Emperor Yingdi, the status of all practitioners is determined by real swords and swords on the battle stage.

The younger generation has elementary-level, middle-level and high-level ceremonies, and there are rank battles among the gods. No matter how high your realm is or how deep your essence is, if you want to gain the respect of other practitioners, you have to go to the battle stage.

A practitioner who cannot fight with a real sword is incomplete.

"I understand what you mean."

Murongyin took a deep breath, "But I'm already prepared to never go down the mountain for the rest of my life."

Lin Shubai was taken aback.

"Although I can't fight people, if I have a lot of real energy, can I make people unable to get close to me?"

Lin Shubai paused, nodded in affirmation.

"You should be able to make the most powerful enchantment and wind barrier in the world."

Although there is no ability to attack, the defensive ability will be first-class.

"Just like that, you can't beat other people."

"That's enough," Murong Yin smiled, "Lin Shubai, I don't want to hurt anyone."

Although she has been hurt since birth, she does not want to impose the pain she has suffered on others.

"I don't care about the world as much as you do," Murong Yin said softly, "My practice is only for self-protection after all."

It doesn't matter if she is selfish or timid, at that time she naively thought that she would never want to take the initiative to attack others in her life.

"I understand." Lin Shubai took a deep breath, "Maybe it's good for you."

She muttered to herself, "It's not bad for you to be a mage all your life."


"It's nothing." Lin Shubai raised his head, his expression serious, "but like I said just now, if you want to break through with your brand, you can only start now."

"It's impossible for me to stay on the Xiling Snow Mountain forever," Lin Shubai said calmly, "There are still countless soldiers and immortal officials waiting for my news at the foot of the mountain."

Murong Yin thought for a while and said, "Then why don't you go down the mountain and return to your life first, and then come back to find me?"

"That's impossible," Lin Shubai glanced at her, "At this time, the eyes of the whole world are on me. I said I didn't find you, but I returned after a while. Anyone with a brain can guess that there is something strange in this mountain. .”

"And if you don't break through and follow me down the mountain, you won't last long on this mountain."

Murong Yin's heart tightened, "Then how long can you stay on this mountain?"

Lin Shubai looked at the mountains in the distance, "Up to three days."

"Although Xiling Snow Mountain is huge, it is enough for a human god to find it for three days. If I don't go down the mountain at that time, His Majesty will definitely feel something is wrong."

"I see," she gritted her teeth, "then let's start now."

She suddenly knelt down on one knee, in front of this person.

Lin Shubai was a little stunned, as if he wanted to retreat, but he stood firm again.

Murong Yin knelt in the icy snow, staring at the instep of the person in front of her.

"Great Commander Lin Shubai, Princess Murongyin of the Later Liao Dynasty is here to ask you, please tell me the path of cultivation that leads directly to the heavenly ranks."

"Okay," Lin Shubai looked at her with a complicated expression, bent down, and stretched out his hand to her.

Lin Shubai covered her eyes with his hands, and Murongyin felt a scalding heat flow directly into her body from her temples.

"Close your eyes and do what I say."

Lin Shubai's voice sounded in her ear, she closed her eyes, and repeated the formula Lin Shubai told her.

Then, around her, the wind blew up.



Lin Shubai said that he could only stay on the mountain for three days at most, but he actually stayed for four days.

Those four days, Murongyin felt that they were the longest four days in her life, but also the shortest four days.

For a time, she couldn't distinguish the boundary between her body and the wind, and she felt as if she had turned into crumbs and dust, mixed with the surrounding wind, and was about to disappear into the world like this.

But just when her consciousness was the faintest, she could feel that a fire was always burning around her.

In the darkness and fog, the flame was her only beacon, so that she did not lose herself in the end.

When she couldn't find where her hands and body were, Lin Shubai kept holding her hand.

On the fourth day, after being plundered and plundered countless times, and smashed to pieces countless times, Murong Yin finally regained her consciousness from the strong wind.

In the wind particles, her shattered "body" finally became a whole again.

She slowly opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was Lin Shubai's profile.

The woman in black just lay quietly beside her, her eyes slightly closed, her eyelashes looked like two black butterflies.

She stretched out her hand, wanting to touch the two butterflies, but suddenly felt a bloody smell in her mouth.

Murong Yin's heart suddenly beat violently.

Because she knew it wasn't her blood.

She drank human blood?

(End of this chapter)

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