Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1747

Chapter 1747
The Great Qin Emperor Yingdi has never had a heir, so he has no legitimate son.If there is no heir, the eldest son is respected.

Ying Su has both ability and morality, and surpasses his younger brother Ying Hao by a large margin in terms of ability and popularity. If there are no accidents, he will undoubtedly be the future master of Daqin Jiangshan.

Daqin is rich all over the world, and the eldest son of the emperor deserves to be the most honorable young man on the Shanhai Continent.

In terms of family background alone, Murong Feilan, as the son of a prince, naturally cannot be compared with the emperor's son.

But when it comes to the marriage with Princess Zhaoyang, there is still suspense about this matter.

Murongyin looked at the back of Da Qin Guoshi who was sitting by the dressing table.

The person who had the greatest influence on Princess Zhaoyang's marriage was not a member of the Daqin royal family, or even Lin Baoyue herself, but the woman who was by her side at this time.

Marriage has always been the order of parents and the words of matchmakers since ancient times.But Lin Baoyue has no parents, and the only person who can decide on her marriage is her master Lin Shubai who raised her.

If it were an ordinary family, if their daughter was favored by the eldest son of the emperor, they would offer their daughter with both hands without even thinking about it, but Lin Baoyue's elder was Lin Shubai.

It has been three years since we first met, and Murong Yin has almost figured out her nature.Lin Shubai is very casual in the position of man-god and national teacher, who needs a lot of cunning and calculation, and often does amazing things. In other words...

Lin Shubai is very defensive.

Murong Yin's heart was a little sour and a little sweet, because she was also Lin Shubai's "short".

Back then, she didn't want to go to Xirong to get married, but Lin Shubai could make her feign death and not go to Xirong to get married. From the standpoint of the national teacher, this move can be said to have no regard for the overall situation.

But Lin Shubai did just that, and even though she spent a lot of effort to deal with the mess afterwards, Murongyin never heard her regret it.

Lin Shubai, a stranger to him, can do this, let alone her apprentice who treats him like a treasure and raises him carefully.

Lin Baoyue was almost raised by Lin Shubai as a daughter, and in a sense, she was even closer than her own daughter.

Since she did not show any tendency to imitate her master and never marry, from the time she was 13 when she was able to get engaged, the world began to speculate on how Princess Zhaoyang's marriage would be arranged.Many people guessed that Lin Shubai would balance the interests of all parties and choose a son-in-law with high position and power, so as to further strengthen the power of the national division with a weak foundation in the DPRK and China.

But Murong Yin knew in her heart that Lin Shubai probably only had one standard for who Lin Baoyue should marry.

That was Lin Baoyue's own wish.

Even if marrying the apprentice to the eldest son of the emperor would bring great benefits, and even if Emperor Ying personally offered the marriage, as long as Lin Baoyue said no, Murongyin believed that Lin Shubai would be able to withstand all the pressure for her, at all costs The price is only to let his apprentice get what he wants.

So... her nephew is not hopeless.

Murong Yin's eyes were slightly deep.

The key to this competition is actually who Lin Baoyue likes.

It is true that the status of the eldest son of the emperor is more noble, but Murong Feilan also has advantages that Ying Su does not have.

Murong Yin groaned.

The eldest son of the emperor and Princess the age gap too big?

When she saw Ying Su in Lin Baoyue's tent before, the reason why she was so surprised was that she never thought that there would be a connection between the two.

Yingsu is at least ten years older than Lin Baoyue, and has a son with his concubine who died young.The eldest son is already there, and the second concubine will inevitably be in an embarrassing situation.If it weren't for his high status, the choice of the second concubine would also be overwhelmed, otherwise the family who really loved their daughter would not marry a girl who had just reached the age of ji.

Murong Feilan is about the same age as Lin Baoyue, he has kept himself clean since he was a child, and he doesn't even have a concubine.

From this point of view, comparing the two, as the mother-in-law, Lin Shubai may be more interested in her nephew.

But the question is, who does Lin Baoyue really like?
His side sank slightly, Lin Shubai left the dressing table and sat on the bed, but he still combed his long hair and did not answer for a long time, Murongyin couldn't help but push her,

"You don't know what your apprentice is thinking, do you?"

Lin Shu stopped with blank hands, looked at her with a helpless smile, "Since when did you become so interested in holding the moon?"

"Where am I interested in her?"

Murongyin took a deep breath, "I'm worried about Feilan, okay?"

Deep love will not last, and wisdom will be hurt.

Murong Yin lowered her gaze, as her only bosom friend in Hou Liao Palace back then, although Murong Feilan looked gentle and polite, and indifferent to everything, she knew in her heart that her nephew was actually very stubborn.

Maybe both of their aunts and nephews are like this.

Murong Yin looked out the window and sighed in her heart.

Just like she can make up her mind not to marry for life, she always feels that Murong Feilan can do similar things.

She had an inexplicable premonition in her heart that if she failed to be with the one she loved, Murong Feilan might not marry for life.

This premonition has also successfully become a reality many years later...

Of course, this is something.

At that time, she didn't know that so many unexpected accidents would happen after Lin Baoyue's marriage, and even changed the pattern of the whole continent.

At that time, she was just curious about who Lin Baoyue had in mind.

In the big tent before, Murong Feilan and Ying Su's thoughts towards Lin Baoyue were clearly revealed, but Lin Baoyue's thoughts were invisible to others.

After becoming the Son of God, the five senses became sharper, and Murong Yin could easily perceive the emotions of the people around him through the flow of breath, changes in breathing, etc., but Lin Baoyue was impeccable, and could not easily detect the changes in emotions.

That girl was concentrating on doing her own thing in the big tent from the beginning to the end, treating Ying Su and Murong Feilan with the same generosity and decency, in her eyes...

Murong Yin could not see the slightest hint of love.

Keep calm and keep calm.

This was her first impression of Lin Baoyue.

She even felt that Lin Baoyue was not like a fire mage, but like a water mage that had almost disappeared on this continent.

However, it doesn't feel as cold as a water mage, magical and contradictory.

"Looking at your reaction, have you used the wind method to spy on Baoyue's mind before?" Lin Shubai glanced at her.

Murongyin's body was a little stiff, "I just used the wind to circle around the periphery twice, but didn't get close."

"Why?" She pursed her lips tightly, "This is not allowed?"

Although he was unwilling, Murongyin knew that Lin Baoyue was Lin Shubai's backlash.

If she really did not know how to probe at will, Lin Shubai might not turn against her because of his apprentice.

Of course, she didn't approach at that time, not just because she was worried about angering Lin Shubai.

"It's not forbidden," Lin Shubai laughed, "You didn't come close, maybe it's just because you are jealous of me?"

"You should have noticed it, right?"

Master Daqin rolled his eyes and said firmly.

"If you get closer, you will be discovered by Baoyue."

Murong Yin's face darkened slightly, but she still nodded her head, "En."

Lin Baoyue seemed to be sitting there quietly, but her vigilance was extraordinary, and she even seemed to have the ability to control the wind.Her own style of wind was obviously spinning three feet away, but Murongyin felt frightened every time Lin Baoyue raised her head, and instinctively felt that the other party seemed to have discovered something.

She tried to guess Lin Baoyue's mind through the wind method, but failed.

"That's why I came to ask you!"

Murongyin became annoyed, and pushed Lin Shubai's shoulder violently, "Do you know? Or are you unwilling to tell? Tell me!"

"This is..."

Lin Shubai stabilized his figure and pondered for a while.

"If you ask me who Baoyue really likes, I can only say..."

Murong Yin pricked up his ears.

Lin Shubai took a deep breath and said softly, "She likes me."


Murong Yin almost fell off the bed.

 Curiosity killed the cat (laughs)

(End of this chapter)

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