Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1749 Rumors

Chapter 1749 Rumors
Six years have passed since I had nowhere to go to climb Xiling Snow Mountain.

Six years is not a short time, but for Murong Yin, these six years are like a snap of the fingers.

In the first three years, she did her best to become the Son of God, and her life was completely occupied by practice. In the next three years, Lin Shubai came to Xiling Snow Mountain more and more times. Once Lin Shubai came, her life passed faster.

When Lin Shubai was by his side, even time seemed to flow faster.

Since the dispute about marriage five years ago, she and Lin Shubai have never mentioned their respective marriages, and at most discussed the marriages of the juniors.

At first, Lin Shubai visited Xiling Snow Mountain occasionally for the reason of teaching her how to deal with state affairs and recuperate old wounds. Later, if she didn’t understand anything about spiritual practice, she would go to her through Fengfa and ask Lin Shubai if she had time to visit. trip.

Later, they each got used to seeing each other on a regular basis, and no one bothered to find a reason. Lin Shubai ran to Xiling Snow Mountain every few days, and she also waited for her to come every few days with great anticipation.

Lin Shubai will bring her novel gadgets down the mountain and news that she can't find out. She will lead Lin Shubai to wander in the Xiling Snow Mountain together, soak in hot springs together, taste natural materials and earthly treasures together, and return home when she is tired. Go to Yunshou Peak and sleep in the same bed.

Murong Yin didn't know what kind of relationship there was between them, and kept trying to avoid thinking about it.

They not only talk about everything like friends, but also treat each other frankly and intimately like sisters.

Anyway, we are all women, so it doesn't matter how close they are.

Murong Yin felt that because Lin Shubai was a few years older than her, maybe he regarded her as a younger sister who needed to be taken care of.

It is impossible for her and her original family to recognize each other again in this life. She has decided not to marry for life, and she is also doomed to have no children or other relatives. Lin Shubai can be said to be her only "relative".

In any case, she couldn't lose Lin Shubai as her "sister".

So she silently maintained her unclear relationship with Lin Shubai, neither saying nor doing much.

She was afraid that if she showed something, she would scare Lin Shubai away.

Fortunately, Lin Shubai didn't ask too much. Every time the day came, he would appear on the mountain path outside the frozen lake, and when he saw her sitting on the rock, he would laugh.

"Waiting for me?"

"No," she would definitely turn her head away, and said calmly, "I'm just looking at the scenery."

Lin Shubai laughed loudly, and didn't expose her, just took her hand and walked back to the cave with her.

If there were no accidents, Murong Yin originally thought that she would be able to spend her life like this.

Of course, as a national teacher and son of God, it is impossible for her to spend all day on the top of the mountain with clouds and wild cranes. Whether it is practicing or dealing with state affairs, there are times when it is extremely hard, but no matter how hard it is, compared to being trapped in the Hou Liao Palace as a caged bird before, Life, these six years are as sweet as honey.

The current life is undoubtedly happy for her, but at night when Lin Shubai is not around, she often wakes up with a start, and always feels that the present time is as if stolen.

Xiling Snow Mountain is peaceful, but the outside world is not peaceful.

She became the national teacher of Hou Liao without any risk, and the world had long believed that Princess Murongyin of Hou Liao was dead, but the longer she served as the national teacher of Hou Liao, the more suspicion of her identity became.

After Emperor Taizu announced at the court meeting that he would hand over the right to host the high-level grand ceremony to Hou Liao, and the mountain ghost would preside over it, this doubt rose to its peak.

And then, that terrible rumor appeared.

According to rumors, the mountain ghost who was the master of the Later Liao Dynasty was actually a woman.

When Fengfa first heard this rumor, Murongyin felt that something was wrong.

This rumor is true.

It's all the more weird because it's true.

Although women's practice was not banned at the time, most families still only valued males. Even if their daughters were talented in cultivation, they would not be given priority to training. Among the high-level practitioners, the number of female cultivators was overwhelmingly small.

Although there are Lin Shubai and Lin Baoyue in the world of cultivation, they have always been regarded as aliens in the Shanhai Continent, and most men still believe that it is impossible for women to cultivate to a high level.

In other words, although it is strange that Hou Liao has a god who does not go down the mountain, normal people would never think of her as a woman.

Lin Shubai is the only one who knows that she is the mountain ghost, except Baihu God.The White Tiger God would not harm her, Lin Shubai didn't even reveal her true identity to her most beloved apprentice, let alone reveal any clues to others.

Then how did this rumor with a nose and an eye come out?

Murong Yin bit her lips tightly.

To this day, when talking about the "coercion" against the Hou Liao Guoshi nine years ago, most practitioners believe that the main pressurers were the Southern Chu Guoshi Ji Mo and the Northern Wei Guoshi Xu Canghai.

After the rumors emerged, it was those two who immediately proposed to re-open the ranking ceremony, and bluntly said that if she still did not participate, they would not recognize the status of the mountain ghost in the Eight Gods, let alone admit that Hou Liao had this national teacher.

The incident became more and more troublesome, forcing Lin Shubai, as a human god, to come forward to deal with the dispute, which led to the following incidents.

The Later Liao Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty were very close, and the rumor that the real body of the mountain ghost was a woman was first spread in the north, so many people took it for granted that this rumor was invented by Xu Canghai and Beihan Pavilion.

At the time, she actually thought so too.

Because she failed to participate in the ranking ceremony, other members of the Eight Gods except Lin Shubai had always doubted her identity, and Ji Mo and Xu Canghai had a natural dislike for her.

The eight gods will also hold regular meetings to discuss some matters in the practice world.

Of course, she only appeared with her voice, but as soon as she made a voice, even if she just echoed casually, Xu Canghai and Ji Mo would definitely oppose her.

It's normal for Jimo to hate her, because she also hates him.

With Lin Shubai, the "ex-husband", they have always looked at each other and hated each other.

But at that time, she didn't know about Xu Canghai's past, and felt that Xu Canghai's disgust towards her was inexplicable.

The only explanation is that she, the sudden emergence of Liao Guoshi, threatened Xu Canghai's status.

As a neighboring country of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the weaker the Later Liao Dynasty was, the greater the power of the Northern Wei Dynasty in the northern practice circle.

Originally, because there was no son of God in the Later Liao Dynasty, many of them had to rely on the Northern Wei Army next door for the defense of the Great Wall. Many domestic practitioners even left the Beihan Pavilion and joined the Northern Wei Guoshi's sect.

After she appeared, the Hou Liao army regained the dominance of the Great Wall in its own country, and more and more Hou Liao people began to practice Fengfa and stopped running outside.

During this period of time, the Eastern Wu gradually faded out of the southern practice world due to the deep sleep of the Azure Dragon God and the decline of the water law. Thus, Ji Mo was able to unify the south and become the de facto overlord of the south.Xu Canghai originally had a chance to become the overlord of the north, but her appearance disrupted the situation in the north.

Xu Canghai lost the chance to compete with Ji Mo.

It can be seen from this that Xu Canghai took advantage of the rumors to trample her, a newly born child of God, to death, which can be said to have sufficient motives and clever means.

At that time, it was too late to find the source of the rumor, so she believed this inference.

In the eight years after the death of Lin Shubai and Lin Baoyue, Xu Canghai also fully demonstrated his wolfish ambitions, Beihan Pavilion did all sorts of bad things.

But not long ago, Murong Yin realized that her original deduction was wrong.

Xu Canghai carried a huge pot on his back.

There was another person who plotted against her at that time.

 The back-to-back man is on stage~
(End of this chapter)

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