Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 175 Speechless

Chapter 175 Speechless
Hearing the woman's sweet voice, the noisy crowd on the official road fell silent, and the boys and girls in the carriage of the National Teacher's Mansion were also stunned for a moment.

What did this person just say?

Coming for a one-person wedding?

Ying Baoyue blinked her eyes. With the normal thinking of a normal person, it was the time of the Southern Chu Primary Ceremony. As a public figure of the Northern Wei Dynasty with a certain influence in the whole continent, under normal circumstances, the most likely thing for this saint is not to come to the Northern Wei Dynasty to participate in the grand ceremony. Are the practitioners of your family a cheerleader?
At least she thought so before.

After all, the Northern Wei and Southern Chu were not neighboring countries, and there was a gap between the Former Qin and the Middle Tang. She didn't remember any close contacts between the Northern Wei and Southern Chu.

But at this time, Ying Baoyue realized that she had underestimated the attraction between boys and girls in non-war years.

What this woman said...

Sure enough, after hearing the friendly explanation from the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the people and practitioners along the official road not only did not answer their doubts, but quickly started whispering after hearing the words.


"Yes, I almost forgot, Nan Chu still has that damn marriage..."

"Didn't it mean that the former Princess Qin didn't know whether to live or die, and she was still tied to Lord Chunhua?"

"It's too bad..."

"But how could the Holy Maiden...could it be..."

Ying Baoyue looked at the expressions on the faces of the people outside the window from disbelief to gradually dejected, and fully suspected that they had already imagined a love-hate drama.

And as the protagonist who was forced into it, she had no choice but to look up at the other protagonist opposite her speechlessly.

However, at this moment, Ying Baoyue found that Ji Jiashu, who was opposite her, was also looking at her.

There was no panic or guilt on the young man's face, but a little surprise.

And... confused?
At this time, the goddess in the eyes of the common people and practitioners spoke again.

Ying Baoyue looked back through the window of the carriage, and saw the figure behind the curtain stretched out his hands and pressed down, as if he waited for the people and other practitioners to discuss enough before continuing to speak generously with a smile.

"The little girl is only representing her father to attend the wedding of Lord Chunhua of Southern Chu. The marriage of the two countries is also the wedding of Lord Chunhua, one of the six sons of the Warring States Period, and the wedding of my old friend. How can I not come to attend?"

The other practitioners nodded subconsciously, leaving aside the princess who was not worthy of Lord Chunhua, although he was not from the royal family, but Lord Chunhua's status as the son of Ji Mo, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, was enough for other god sons to bring their families to attend.

It is natural that the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty attended on behalf of her father.

What's more, from their point of view, as a true female practitioner who has quelled the plague and has always been gentle and generous to tell the world how to behave, she can be regarded as a model for women in the Shanhai Continent. If the saint girl of the Northern Wei Dynasty can attend, no matter what wedding she is, she should be full of glory.

It's just that the "old man"'s statement is really very fascinating.

In the carriage of the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu looked at each other silently for a second.

"What are you two looking at each other?" Chen Zichu looked at the man and woman in the car looking at each other, and felt that the scene was too weird.

"Is he here to attend your wedding?"

Chen Zichu stretched out his hand and waved it between Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu. The others outside the car were going crazy with excitement and guessing. Why did these two parties look like they were looking at each other?
Chen Zichu looked at the two people speechlessly, "Why are you two so surprised?"

It was obvious that his future husband was having trouble with other women, but Chen Zichu saw that the girl in front of him turned her head without any suspicion, looked at him and said, "Should I not be surprised?"

No... you have good reason to be surprised...

It's just...Chen Zichu looked at her like a girl in a fugue, girl, do you lack a sense of crisis?
Chen Zichu didn't know what to say, he had never encountered such a situation in Hua Cong for many years, but he always felt that this girl's reaction was a little strange?
Although this girl has always been terribly calm when things happen, her reaction to such a big event for a woman is also...

Chen Zichu didn't know that Ying Baoyue's reaction was not only because of her calmness, but also because she had no sense of substitution.

A former young commander who had no sense of substitution, followed Chen Zichu's gaze to look at the unexpected young man in front of him.

Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu, and whistled without hesitation.

"What's the matter with you?"

"What's going on?" Ji Jiashu frowned slightly under the attention of everyone.

"What's going on with you and the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty?" Chen Zichu patted him on the shoulder and said meaningfully.

Ji Jiashu frowned, looked at Chen Zichu and said, "If I told you that I only met her twice, would you believe me?"

"I don't believe it," Chen Zichu said bluntly, looking Ji Jiashu up and down, "Who doesn't know that the saint girl of the Northern Wei Dynasty looks friendly, but her eyes are high above the top, and she is an old friend after seeing her twice? And she came to your wedding specially?"

No matter how it sounds, it sounds like a demonstration by a rival in love, okay?Chen Zichu, the number one romantic son of Danyang City, said in his heart.

You can indeed be called an old friend if you have met twice, can't you?

Ying Baoyue blinked.

Doesn't this statement seem reasonable?

But looking at the teenagers who guessed hard, she felt that she should not interrupt.

There must be some entertainment in a young man's life.

"Should we go into town?"

Just when Chen Zichu wanted to continue to press Ji Jiashu, he heard the girl in front of him ask.

Um?This woman is concerned about this?
But Ying Baoyue is indeed more concerned about this, because countless people in front gave up queuing, and at this time there is a lot of space in front of the city gate.Just enough to allow them to enter the city smoothly.

Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Qingyuan, who was the only one who was not interested in those behind, "Do you want to urge the coachman into the city?"

Ji Qingyuan nodded. Under his urging, the troops of the Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion simply went against the crowd and headed for the city gate.

And at this moment, the woman in the luxurious carriage in the distance behind looked at the carriage in front of her that was traveling in a unique direction, her beautiful eyes narrowed.

"I always feel like the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty is looking at us!"

Chen Zichu, who was lying on the car window, was shocked and said excitedly. "Jia Shu, she won't know you're in this carriage, will she?"

Ji Jiashu looked helplessly, but looked at the girl opposite, and was slightly taken aback for the next moment.

Ying Baoyue didn't notice his gaze, but suddenly thought about it.

She leaned out slightly, and took a last look at the two convoys behind.

The Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty was looking at them, at Ji Jiashu?

Perhaps the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty was indeed looking at the carriage at this time, but Ying Baoyue suddenly felt that that gaze was somewhat familiar.

Looking at the Soochow carriage that was also driving forward not far behind, Ying Baoyue was suddenly taken aback.

Just before the Northern Wei Saintess appeared, she noticed a gaze that seemed to be watching Soochow's convoy.

At this time, Ying Baoyue suddenly realized that if that gaze was the saint of the Northern Wei Dynasty, then what she had been looking at before was...

The man with the bronze mask?
Li Ji?

 She looked at him, she looked at him...

(End of this chapter)

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