Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1758

Chapter 1758
At this moment, another "Lin Shubai" in the Imperial Prayer Province can keep the Great Qin Emperor in his footsteps.

It even made him not care about the escape of the real Lin Shubai.

The hidden meaning in Lin Shubai's words made Murong Yin break out in a cold sweat.

"You mean to say..."

Lin Shubai lowered his head and stared quietly at the footprints on the ground, "Your Majesty has been very interested in holding the moon recently."

Murong Yin felt even colder, and looked at Lin Shubai in disbelief, "Does he still want to..."

Could it be that Emperor Ying still wants to marry Lin Baoyue as his queen?

Murong Yin was flustered, and when she saw Lin Shubai's silent expression with her head down, she suddenly became angry, and grabbed the woman's arm, "You know that His Majesty has such thoughts, how could you leave her alone in the palace?" inside?"

No matter how powerful Lin Baoyue is as a practitioner, she is only a teenage girl.Emperor Ying is the emperor who is rich all over the world, and the most powerful man in the whole continent, what if...

Murong Yin didn't dare to think about it anymore, she was about to explode with anger, her nails dug deep into Lin Shubai's flesh, and she shouted loudly, "Go back quickly, leave now!"

Lin Shubai stood still, Murongyin gritted his teeth, and a hurricane rose around him.

"A Yin."

At this moment, a warm palm suddenly covered her hand, Lin Shubai raised his head, looked at her with a wry smile, "Don't be so impatient."

When his eyes touched the other's gentle eyebrows, Murongyin suddenly recovered from the rage, and the wind around him calmed down.

She was also in a daze for a while, Lin Shubai cherished Lin Baoyue so much, how could he really see her in danger and ignore it?
"Ayin, you don't have to think so badly about His Majesty," Lin Shubai smiled gently, "At least when it comes to men and women, Your Majesty can be regarded as a gentleman."

This... is pretty much the case.

With Emperor Ying's status, if he really used his power to force him, there would be no woman in this world that he could not get.

But in fact, after so many years, he did not really force a certain woman to marry her.

After he could not stand for more than ten years, maybe he had been waiting, waiting for that person to marry her on his own initiative.

Murong Yin knew very well that the lord who can get Lin Shubai's allegiance naturally has his unique features, and there is a trust between the two that outsiders can't understand.

However, the man who gained Lin Shubai's trust can only be said to be the Emperor Ying of the past, right?
People can change.

A young hero will also grow old one day.

Murong Yin still had lingering worries in her heart.

She stared closely at Lin Shubai's eyes, "Are you really all right?"

"If something really happens, someone is more anxious than me right now," Lin Shubai smiled. "Before I left, His Royal Highness the eldest son had already entered the palace."


Murong Yin's heart suddenly relaxed for the most part.

With his son present, Emperor Ying must have calmed down a lot.

"Besides, even if Ying Su doesn't come, Baoyue will be fine," Lin Shubai said, "Baoyue knows how to deal with His Majesty."

Um?deal with?

"What do you mean?"

"Should it be the nemesis?" Lin Shubai's expression was a little subtle, "Baoyue has not had a good relationship with His Majesty and... Nanchu Guoshi since she was a child, but those two people can't hurt her."

Murongyin was silent for a moment, using Ji Mo as an example, she could suddenly understand.

This deal should refer to making sure, right?

When Lin Baoyue was 15 years old, he slashed the National Teacher's Mansion with a sword, and Ji Mo still had nothing to do with her.In a sense, Lin Baoyue really knows how to get along with those lovers of her master.

"Baoyue must be dragging His Majesty to talk about the array right now. With her here, His Majesty should not have an attack for the time being."

Murong Yin's mood was a bit complicated. I have to say that Lin Shubai's apprentice is really omnipotent.

"What if other people find out that you are not there and attack the Ministry of Prayer?"

"Even so, Baoyue can solve it," Lin Shubai said with a smile, "It's better to say, if those people find out that I have changed to Baoyue, they might be even more afraid."

"I haven't been on the battlefield for some years," Lin Shubai touched his armor, "but Baoyue just got off the battlefield, and his murderous aura is in full swing."

That's true.

In recent years, Princess Zhaoyang has become the new God of War on the Great Wall of Eternal Night. She breaks through the barriers quickly, acts decisively, and her deterrent power among practitioners is no less than that of her master.

Lin Shubai said lightly, "Me and Baoyue, one of us is in the Imperial Prayer Province, which is enough to calm the scene."

Murong Yin was a little shocked.

"Speaking of which, the two of you are really strange." Lin Shubai looked at her with a smile, "You never want to see her, and Baoyue has never seen you, but once an accident happens, why are you more worried about each other than anyone else?"

"Why is she worried about me?" Murong Yin frowned, "Why am I worried about her?"

"Still talking hard," Lin Shubai rolled up his sleeves, revealing bright fingerprints, "You almost cut off my hand just now."

Murong Yin's ears burned, "I was worried about something happening in the palace..."

Her voice stopped abruptly, only because Lin Shubai took her hand again.

"I'm not trying to tease you, A Yin," Lin Shubai said softly, "I'm very happy that you care about her so much."

It's not because Lin Baoyue is Lin Baoyue that she cares about her!

Murong Yin just wanted to refute, but Lin Shubai continued, "I know, even if the person in the palace at this time is not Baoyue but other women, you will be in such a hurry."

"You are in such a hurry because you are a kind-hearted woman."

Lin Shubai looked at her with a smile.

Murongyin was speechless all of a sudden, lowered her head and gritted her teeth, "Even if you compliment me now, it won't do any good."

"It's not a compliment, it's just a fact," Lin Shubai said seriously, "The same goes for Baoyue."

"If it wasn't for Baoyue this time, I wouldn't be able to come here in such a timely manner."

Murongyin was stunned.


It was Lin Baoyue who pushed Lin Shubai out of Efang Palace.

If it is said that she has met Lin Baoyue through Fengfa, knows what she looks like, and secretly regarded her as an opponent for many years, but to Lin Baoyue, the mountain ghost of the master of the Liao Dynasty is a completely strange man.

Lin Baoyue didn't even know that she was a woman, and she didn't know what predicament she was facing.

Under such circumstances, she did not hesitate to push her master out of the door, and faced the officials outside the imperial prayer province and the emperor who had other thoughts about her alone.

Only such Lin Baoyue can pretend to be Lin Shubai without being noticed.

Murong Yin lowered his gaze slightly, "You master and apprentice are really strange people."

Lin Shubai smiled.

"A Yin."

She suddenly clenched her hand, "I have something to trouble you."

"what's up?"

Lin Shubai hesitated for a moment, and said softly, "If one day I'm gone, can you take care of her for me?"

Murong Yin's heart stopped beating, and she suddenly raised her head.

"What do you mean by that?"

She was angry and frightened at the same time, and pushed the person in front of her away vigorously, "What nonsense are you talking about? It sounds like you are going to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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