Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1761 Getting Married

Chapter 1761 Getting Married
Obviously it was such a scene worthy of crying, but Murong Yin didn't cry this time.

If she were crying, she would not be able to see clearly the person in front of her.

"Okay," she touched the jade hairpin on her head, held the hand of the person in front of her, and said solemnly, "You can marry me with confidence."

At this moment, she made up her mind.

"Lin Shubai."

She said seriously, "Although I am the weakest of the eight gods now, one day, I will definitely be able to protect you and the people around you."

"I've said it all, don't have such a big burden," Lin Shubai stood up holding her hand.

"You are already very strong in my heart, and you are a well-deserved first national teacher."

Murong Yin narrowed her eyes, "Better than other national teachers?"

In fact, what she wants to ask more is, is she stronger than Ji Mo?

But she also knew that mentioning Ji Mo on this day was purely to embarrass herself, so she changed the way of asking.

"Each of us has our own strengths, and it cannot be judged purely by who is stronger," Lin Shubai said softly, "The eight gods each have their own strengths, which is a good thing."

"In the face of ferocious beasts and natural disasters, human beings are extremely vulnerable. Only by standing together and weeding our hands can we survive."

"I have always hoped that one day, all the Sons of God can unite to resist our common enemy instead of fighting each other."

This is the desire of man and god.

Murong Yin's heart was severely shocked, and she said in a daze, "I..."

Can she realize this wish with Lin Shubai?

She wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry too much, I understand what you want to say," Lin Shubai smiled, and stroked her head, "Silly girl, I'm still here, I won't let anything happen to the practice world, I will definitely Make it better."

Yes, they still have a lot of time and can realize countless wishes together.

Murong Yin believes that Lin Shubai's words will definitely come true, and she will definitely see the day when Lin Shubai gets what he wants.

Seeing the joy on her face, Lin Shubai also laughed.

"Today is our great joy, let's not talk about this, come."

Lin Shubai took her by the hand and walked to the back of the turtle. The two beast gods on the stone immediately sat up and looked at them with complicated expressions.

"By the way, your family is in the north, and mine is in the south. Where shall we worship when we bow down to the high hall?"

Lin Shubai knelt down beside her and asked suddenly.

"Compared to Xiling Snow Mountain, the location of Hou Liao Palace is still southerly." Murongyin took a deep breath, "Let's worship south together."

"Okay," Lin Shubai nodded with a smile.

Murongyin lowered her head, feeling a little moved in her heart.

In fact, they are all people with little ties to their families, but at such a moment, they all mentioned their own families.This is the value of the other party, and it is the value of this wedding.

This is a silent and special wedding.

There are no flowers and candles, no wedding clothes, no spectators, no relatives and friends.

But two gods participated.

"Worship heaven and earth."

Kneeling in the icy snow, Murong Yin and the woman beside him bowed deeply to the boundless sky above and the two gods sitting on the stone.

"Two thanks to the high hall."

Lin Shubai glanced at her, and the two turned around tacitly, and bowed to the south.

"Happy husband and wife."

Lin Shubai hesitated suddenly, "Although it's a little late now, do I need to wear a hijab or a fan?"

"I couldn't find the hijab for a while, but I still have the handkerchief."

Murongyin chuckled, she couldn't imagine Lin Shubai wearing a handkerchief.

"No need," she smiled, "That's all, I want to see your face clearly."

Lin Shubai was startled, turned his body to her, and nodded.

"it is good."

At the last moment, Murong Yin's mood suddenly became extremely calm.

She quietly watched the woman who used to bow her head to the Great Qin Emperor bent down to her, and she also bowed her head and bowed down.

The heads of the two touched lightly.

After worshiping, they got up, and the two of them reached out to pick up the gourd tied with the red thread, and drank it down in one gulp.

The cold snow water is refreshing, more intoxicating than fine wine.

From this moment on, Lin Shubai was her wife.

No matter what other people thought, no matter whether Lin Shubai took it seriously or not, Murong Yin raised her head and stared at the burning lights on the turtle back stone.

All her life, she would think so.



"Later, we succeeded in worshiping the Eight Beast Gods, and the White Tiger God announced it to the world through divine revelation."

In the cave, the mountain ghost said flatly to Ying Baoyue, "You will know everything after that."

"When Emperor Daqin found out about this time, he called what I did with your master that day into an engagement."

Ying Baoyue looked at the woman in white sitting by the window with extremely complicated emotions.

She really knew everything about it.

At that time, she was standing on the observatory of the Imperial Prayer Province, and she also saw that grand revelation.

But at that time, she didn't know that such a solemn ceremony had been held between her master and the mountain ghost, let alone that they had already agreed to a lifetime.

Just because according to Daqin's official records, before her death, the relationship between her master and the master Shangui of the Later Liao Kingdom was just a successful engagement.

Shan Gui is only her master's fiancé in name, not her real husband.

Why a good formal marriage turned into an engagement, I have to mention one person.

That is the Great Qin Emperor.

As soon as the news came out that the national teachers of Hou Liao and Da Qin were going to get married, it immediately shocked the entire continent.

Immediately after her master returned from Xiling Snow Mountain, he reported to Emperor Ying at the court meeting that he and the mountain ghost had held a wedding.

The dignified national teacher got married so first and then played, which naturally caused dissatisfaction among many ministers.But with the testimony of the gods, her master took out a letter written by her biological father, proving that she and the mountain ghost did not decide for life privately, and barely stopped everyone's mouths.

The ministers stopped attacking Da Si Ming, but one person raised objections to the matter.

On the grounds that the two are of high authority, intermarriage between national teachers is not a child's play, and a grand national wedding needs to be re-organized, Emperor Ying only admits that the two are engaged, and does not admit that the two national teachers are real husband and wife.

Things suddenly became complicated.

The emperor's reasons are high-sounding and cannot be said to be problematic.

But fortunately, even an engagement is enough to stop those rumors outside.

Emperor Ying didn't mention a single word about his future succession, he just insisted that the National Teacher's Grand Marriage must be held at the National Marriage, otherwise it would be inappropriate.Her master had no choice but to follow his arrangement, but insisted that she should decide the date and place of the wedding.

After a "friendly discussion" with the ceremonial officer sent by Emperor Ying, the official wedding date of Da Si Ming and Shan Gui was set in four months.

"At that time, the rumors had been dispelled. Your master said that he would try to set the wedding venue at Xiling Snow Mountain. In short, it would allow me to prevaricate this national wedding without going down the mountain. If she couldn't, she would delay the wedding."

The mountain ghost glanced at Ying Baoyue.

"But then, we didn't have to delay the wedding any longer."

Ying Baoyue smiled wryly.

That's true.

Just three months later, one month before the official wedding of Da Siming and Shan Gui, that incident happened.

When her master was not yet married...

She is getting married.

(End of this chapter)

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