Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1764 Wish

Chapter 1764 Wish
At this time, her master's extremely calm voice came from inside the Ganquan Hall.

"Ah Yue."

"I'm here," Ying Baoyue said hastily.

"Your Majesty is feeling a little uncomfortable, and you've already had a toast. Let's go back to the Great Wall to handle your military affairs."

"But, Master..."

Ying Baoyue's voice hesitated, but Emperor Ying's voice did not come from Ganquan Hall, which made her terrified and wondered if her master had hijacked the king.

To be honest, if the master really wanted to rebel, Ying Baoyue wouldn't think it was a big deal, she would just follow along, but she didn't think her master wanted to do this.

"You don't have to worry, I have a measure."

Ying Baoyue understood that Master was implying that she would not do anything violent, but how could she leave this mess behind after such a big battle?
Sensing her hesitation, the voice of the woman in the palace became cold and hard.

"You're just adding to the chaos by staying here. I'll take care of the rest. Go away."

"Master, I..."

She still wanted to say something, but there was a disappointed voice in the hall.

"Now, don't you even listen to me?"

Ying Baoyue's heart trembled, and she was just about to defend herself, but the next moment a strong force rushed out of the hall and hit her waist and abdomen.

After a whirlwind, Ying Baoyue suddenly opened her eyes wide, and found that she was already standing outside the gate of Efang Palace, and the guard guarding the gate was looking at her like a ghost.

Lin Shubai's voice without a trace of emotion came from the empty doorway, "If you don't leave, I will throw you directly back to the Great Wall of Eternal Night."

Hearing her tone, Ying Baoyue knew that she couldn't struggle anymore.

Generally, when Lin Shubai speaks in this tone, it means that this person has made up his mind and will never back down, unless someone can defeat her and force her to back down with violence.

Obviously the Princess Zhaoyang at that time did not have this ability.

Fortunately, the strength shown by Da Si Ming just now made Ying Baoyue clearly see that her master's power is still above everything else in this palace.

Before absolute power is suppressed, no amount of intrigue is futile.

If she stayed here, it might really affect her master's performance.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and bowed to the palace gate.

"Master, then I'll go back to the army first, take care of yourself."

A calm female voice came from the doorway.

"I'll be fine, I'll be fine if you stay here."

With the sound of hoofbeats coming from behind, Ying Baoyue turned her head and found that Hei Feng had come out of the royal stables at some point, pacing behind her with her tail flicking.

"I'll contact you if the matter here is settled, go back and do your own business."

When the master's voice came, Ying Baoyue's heart warmed up.

Heifeng was obviously called by Master.Since her omnipotent master has arranged everything, she can only abide by it.

She returned to the barracks on Black Wind, anxiously waiting for news from Master.

However, just three months later, she did not wait for her master, but Yingsu.

Then, the nightmare that she shared with Ying Su, Ying Hao, and Ying Di happened.

In the end, she lost everything except her master and entered the cloud forest to hide.



"I didn't see the scene when you were given the marriage. I only heard that Shu Bai got very angry?"

The mountain ghost sat by the bed and glanced at Ying Baoyue's face.

"Well," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "The entire Efang Palace was directly sealed off, and the matter became a big mess."

However, that incident happened at the first moon court meeting, and she still doesn't know how her master calmed down the whole situation.

"It seems that you still remember what happened at that time." Shan Gui took a deep look at her, "At that time, did you notice anything unusual about your master?"

Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat.

She suddenly realized that the mountain ghost had deliberately mentioned the marriage gift from Emperor Ying just now.

The mountain ghost wants to test whether she still remembers the past, and then get information about her master from her.

Ying Baoyue's heart was suddenly turbulent.The reason why she tried her best to climb Yunshou Peak was to learn from the mountain ghost why her master died unexpectedly in her previous life.

But at this moment, the mountain ghost was asking her about the strangeness of her master.

Could it be that there is any connection between the two?
"You should know that my wind method can't enter the Efang Palace." The mountain ghost looked at Ying Baoyue's face, not missing the slightest change in her expression, "I've figured out some things, but there are still some key pieces missing. "

Ying Baoyue stiffened all over, "Something?"

"What do you think is the matter?"

Shan Gui stared at her deeply, "You came to me, didn't you just want to know the cause of your own and your master's death?"

Her gaze moved down and landed on Ying Baoyue's left wrist, "By the way, it's for this."

Ying Baoyue had a terrifying feeling that all the secrets in her heart were seen through by this person. Under the insightful gaze of the opposite person, she slowly clenched her fists.

"You are right."

"When I went up the mountain this time, I really wanted to ask Senior for help with two things."

The mountain ghost said lightly.

"Before you ask me, answer my question."

The mountain ghost's voice suddenly became sharp.

"At that time, Shubai, was there any abnormality?"

Ying Baoyue frowned, recalling the past carefully, trying to see if there were any details that she had overlooked.

"Master, she..."

Suddenly, her heart tightened, "Master, she acted too forcefully at that time."

Although Emperor Ying's gift of marriage was sudden, why did her master control everyone in the Ganquan Hall?

Even if it was to prevent the people who were present at the time from leaking the secrets and make it difficult for the emperor to change his words, why did all those people return to their own country safely after that, and they even brought out the rumor that Emperor Ying wanted to marry her?

In addition, in the Ganquan Hall at that time, her master's attitude towards Emperor Ying was also very abnormal.In the past, Emperor Ying made fun of her, although her master was angry, he could always push back without being soft or hard.

But this time, facing Emperor Ying's offer of marriage, her master's first reaction was not to refuse verbally or to go around in an official tone, but to use force immediately.

Even if the master attaches great importance to her, it doesn't seem like a reaction that a national teacher would have, it's like being stressed.


Murong Yin looked out the window, murmured and repeated these words, with a look of tears and smiles on her face.

Ying Baoyue's heart beat faster, "Senior, what do you want to understand?"

The expression on Shan Gui's face disappeared, she turned around and spoke lightly.

"I made a promise with the world that the person who can climb to the top of Yunshou Peak, I will fulfill his wish."

Shan Gui narrowed his eyes, "But I have already agreed, it is one wish, not two."

Ying Baoyue was stunned when he heard the words, and suddenly an ominous premonition floated in his heart.

Could it be that……

"Knowing the cause of your master's death and helping you break the curse, these are two wishes, not one." The mountain ghost pointed two fingers at her, "You can only choose one of them to fulfill."

Do you choose to know how your master died but lose your chance to live, or choose to live without knowing anything?
The expression on Murongyin's face suddenly became as cold as ice, and she quietly looked at Ying Baoyue.

"Choose one, which one do you choose?"

 Don't be angry, the mountain ghost has a reason for doing this

(End of this chapter)

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