Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1805

Chapter 1805
"This is the rest of the Anshen Pill."

Murongyin explained, "That is the pill that can stun the beast god. Didn't I say that I refined three pills in total, but only gave Shu Bai one?"

"In this cloth bag are the remaining two pills," she said softly, "I haven't touched them for seven years, so I don't know if the medicine is still effective."

"But anyway, if you can give it a try, I'll give it to you."

Ying Baoyue's whole body stiffened upon hearing this.

"What are you doing for me?"

The elixir that can bring down the gods is so precious, even her master only got one back then, but now Murongyin gave her all the remaining elixir.

This tone is simply explaining the funeral.

The curse has not been completely transferred, has Murong Yin already predicted her own ending?

Ying Baoyue couldn't move her body, couldn't push the pill back, so she could only say hoarsely, "Take it back, I don't need it."

"Just because you don't need it now, doesn't mean you won't need it in the future."

Murongyin smiled slightly, staring at Ying Baoyue's face, "I won't be able to use these two pills anymore, but you are different."

There was a hint of relief and hope in her eyes.

"You will definitely be able to go further in the future."

Starting today, the shackles that have bound Ying Baoyue for a long time will be untied.All she has been lacking is time. Now that she has time, she can improve her realm to her heart's content.

Murongyin has no doubt that Ying Baoyue can become the Son of God again.Although she is a water magician in this life, it is difficult for a water magician to become a heavenly rank, but since she can help Li Ji become a water magician, she should be able to solve this problem by herself.

Ying Baoyue will definitely become stronger, and will face more tests, and may even face the gods directly.At that time, the two pills I made might be able to help her.

It's a pity that I can't see this day.

Looking at the girl with red eye circles in front of her, Murong Yin felt a little regretful.

"It's a pity that I won't be able to see the day when you become a heavenly rank," she looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes, and smiled softly, "The scene of your breakthrough must be very spectacular."

"If you want to see it, let go," Ying Baoyue looked at her, her voice choked up, "It's still too late."

"It's too late," Murong Yin smiled, "Once this ritual is started, it cannot be stopped."

It won't stop until her body absorbs all the curse on Ying Baoyue.

"I'm still a second-ranker." Murong Yin glanced at the dense red marks on her arm, "I'm more attracted to these curses than you."

Most of the curse on Ying Baoyue has been transferred to her, and everything is going smoothly according to her plan, Murongyin can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But the pain in her body also reached its peak. Under the severe pain, Murong Yin heard the sound of her teeth chattering.

Her consciousness gradually blurred, and she even began to hallucinate.


Ying Baoyue's voice seemed to come from the distant sky, Murongyin slightly opened her eyes, and in her blood-red vision, she vaguely saw a familiar figure.

"Shubai, are you back?"

Ying Baoyue, who was anxiously calling for Murongyin, froze completely upon hearing the sound.

Murongyin, who did you see?

"Ah, I'm sorry," Murong Yin rubbed her eyes, the face in front of her eyes became clearer, she managed to recover her sanity, and said with a wry smile, "You and your master really look alike."

In the past half a year of observing her, Murongyin found that Ying Baoyue's body grew closer to Lin Baoyue's original body.

Lin Baoyue was very similar to Lin Shubai in terms of body shape and bone appearance back then. She couldn't see the face clearly for a while because of the severe pain, and she almost mistook the person.

But since even her vision has become blurred, it proves that her time limit is approaching.

Facing the imminent death, Murong Yin found that she didn't have the fear that she expected before, but felt very relaxed and looking forward to it.

"I was wrong just now."

Murongyin looked down at Ying Baoyue's feet and spoke softly.

"Shu Bai, she won't come back anymore."

Her vision blurred again.

On that early morning seven years ago, Lin Shubai took the elixir and marriage letter from her, put them in his arms, and suddenly raised his head to look at her and said.

"Ayin, if I don't come back, our previous vows should be treated as if they don't exist."

Her heart stopped beating, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing," Lin Shubai said with some regret on his face, "Aren't I going to fight? It's normal for things to happen in a war, and I'm just saying something out of habit."

However, she was still terrified and stared at Lin Shubai without speaking.

"Sorry, I didn't say that sentence just now."

Lin Shubai rubbed his head, patted the marriage certificate in his arms and smiled, "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I have even accepted the marriage certificate, so naturally I want to marry you."

"It's getting late, I'm leaving."

After speaking, as if afraid of her asking, Lin Shubai picked up the sword on the stone, looked back at her, and disappeared on the mountain road.

"Lin Shubai!"

She took a step to catch up, but finally stopped in place.

She couldn't go down the mountain, she was used to waiting.Looking at the empty mountain road, she stood where she was, staring blankly at the other person's look before he left. .

That was the first time Lin Shubai looked back at her when he was leaving.

She felt strange and pleasantly surprised at the time, but in retrospect, everything can be traced
That time was their farewell.

"You don't have to feel sorry for me."

Sensing the rapid loss of life in her body, Murongyin raised her head and looked at the girl opposite with red eye circles, "I didn't do this for you, I just wanted to see Shubai too much."

Obviously her body was covered with red marks, but the smile of the woman in front of her was very peaceful and beautiful.

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the person opposite.

"By the way, isn't my current appearance scary?" Murong Yin asked.

Ying Baoyue shook her head.

"That's good," Murong Yin reached out and stroked her hair, "It's a rare wedding, I don't want to scare my bride."


Ying Baoyue was stunned, she suddenly realized something.

The reason why Murong Yin looked different from yesterday was because she put her hair up in a bun.

And on her head is the bun that women wear when they get married.

When she got up early this morning, she carefully dressed, put on the white jade hairpin that Lin Shubai brought her, and dressed up beautifully, ready to meet her bride.

Ying Baoyue's vision blurred.

"Don't cry, you should be happy for me," Murong Yin smiled and said, "Today, I can finally marry your master."

The unfinished wedding seven years ago can finally be realized today.

There is a saying that is a bit difficult to say, Murong Yin actually wants to marry her more than Lin Shubai.

But since Lin Shubai didn't keep his promise and took the first step, then this time, whoever gets married is up to her.

Murong Yin closed her eyes.

This time, it wasn't a hallucination, she really saw the tall woman in black walking from the mountain path, reaching out to her from a distance.

"A Yin!"

Murong Yin stretched out his hand forward.

"You came to pick me up."

When her hand was held, a smile appeared on the corner of Murongyin's mouth, and she breathed out her last breath softly, feeling satisfied.

"Lin Shubai, have you finally come to marry me?"

 pure love

(End of this chapter)

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