Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1812 Dark Arrow

Chapter 1812 Dark Arrow
Ji Qingyuan was holding the cloth bag, feeling a little at a loss.

Judging from the weight, this seems to be a book?
Ji Da traveled all the way to bring him a book?
Ji Qingyuan frowned slightly, "Uncle Ji, I remember the last time we met in Soochow, I said that I wanted a sword."

"Ah, I remember that." Ji Da rubbed his nose, "but I haven't found a suitable sword for you yet, not this time."

He glanced at the cloth bag in Ji Qingyuan's hand, "This is not something I gave you, but your father gave you."

Ji Qingyuan's hands trembled, and he almost lost his things, "My father?"

Looking at the crumbling book, Ji Da stretched out his hand to cushion it, "Are you so shocked?"

Ji Qingyuan's reaction was indeed very real, and it was a real failure for Ji Mo to be a father.

"No, I'm just..." Ji Qingyuan's expression was a little subtle, "That person rarely gives me anything."

Ji Mo came to him on his own initiative, and almost nothing good happened.

"I took this thing from the study of the Southern Chu State Teacher on my own initiative, and it wasn't your father who said he would give it to you," Ji Dao said, "If I guess correctly, it should belong to you."

Are you sure it wasn't stolen?

Ji Qingyuan was in a more subtle mood, "Then can I open it?"

"Yes," Ji Da yawned, "Don't worry, if your father wants to kill you, he will also kill me. He will definitely be embarrassed to ask you to go back."

Ji Qingyuan looked at the tattered cloth bag in his hand, could it be some kind of rare treasure inside?
He took a deep breath, opened the cloth bag in his hand, and Ji Ange and Ji Jiashu came over curiously.

However, when they saw the things in the cloth bag, the three of them were stunned.

"This is……"

Ji Qingyuan picked up the worn book in his hand, "Thousand Characters?"

"As you can see," Ji Da shrugged, "it can't be anything else."

"Brother, is this book yours?"

Ji Ange looked at the book in front of her suspiciously. She also used the Thousand-Character Wen to learn to read when she was a child, and she used the book in Ji Qingyuan's study. She remembered that the Thousand-Character Wen in Ji Qingyuan's study didn't look like this.

The Thousand-Character Wen in front of me is far more dilapidated than the one in Ji Qingyuan's study. The biggest difference is that this Thousand-Character Wen is handwritten.

Ji Jiashu was also a little surprised. The thousand-character script he used in his enlightenment was uniformly engraved in Ji's family school, and it was different from the one in front of him.

However, unlike the surprised younger siblings, Ji Qingyuan stared blankly at the book in his hand, and his whole body froze like a stone statue.

"It seems that I guessed right, this book really belongs to you," Ji Dazai looked at him with emotion in his eyes, "You must have been young at the time, right? I didn't expect you to remember it after such a long time. "


Ji Qingyuan slowly opened the title page of the book, quietly looking at the saliva stains and palm prints on it.

"Brother, is this book really yours?"

Ji Ange leaned over, looked curiously at the dirty little handprints on the page, and stretched out his hands to compare, "What is this? The little baby's handprints?"

"I was a baby back then," Ji Da gave Ji Qingyuan a meaningful look, "but now he has grown up."

"Is this..."

Ji Jiashu was startled. He looked at the handwriting on the thousand-character inscription, and slowly opened his eyes wide.

Sensing the change in Ji Jiashu's breath, Ji Ange turned to look at him, "Jiashu, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Jiashu stared at the neat handwriting on the page, and said softly, "This is Dad's handwriting."


Ji Ange was stunned.

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes. The reason why he didn't recognize it immediately was because almost everything written by his father he had seen was running script.

He had never seen his father write such neat block letters.

What happened to be written was not an official document, not a melody, but a thousand-character prose for children to learn how to read.

Ji Jiashu's mood was extremely complicated for a moment, seeing Ji Qingyuan's expression, he understood everything.

This thousand-character text was written by Ji Mo himself, and it was specially written for his eldest son to learn how to read.

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes.

He seemed to see that many years ago, the man who had just become a father was holding a brush in his hand, copying big characters with great patience in the study, and carefully compiling them into a book, holding his babbling son in one hand, and pointing at The big characters on the books taught him how to read.

The child in his arms was not peaceful, he kept struggling in his arms, his saliva dripped on the page, and he pressed his little hand on it. The man looked helpless, but he just took the child's hand away, and continued to teach one by one. Character.

Such a picture is extremely real, yet extremely far away.

Why did it become like that afterward?
It was really hard for Ji Jiashu to imagine that there would be such a past between his cruel father and his elder brother who had no feelings for him.

"Brother, did dad really write this for you?"

Ji Ange couldn't believe it either, and looked at Ji Qingyuan as if he had seen a ghost.

"I do remember that I had such a book when I was young," Ji Qingyuan looked at the pages in his hand, "it just disappeared for some reason."

"I thought the book was lost."

"I haven't lost the book," Ji Da said indifferently, "When I strolled to the National Teacher's Mansion, the National Teacher was still holding it in his hand to read."

Ji Qingyuan slowly raised his head, looking at Ji Da as if he was watching a ghost.

"Don't look at me," Ji Da spread his hands, "I don't know what your father is thinking all day long."

"However, Qingyuan," he changed the subject, "The high-level ceremony is over, what are you going to do next?"

"How to do?"

Ji Qingyuan was taken aback, he hadn't thought about this question before.

"You and An Ge have been out for a long time," Ji Da glanced at the two of them, "How about going home?"

Ji Qingyuan squeezed the book in his hand, he suddenly understood why Ji Da brought him this book.

"If you don't understand some of your father's actions, you might as well ask him yourself." Ji Da's eyes stopped on the book in Ji Qingyuan's hand, "Unlike before, you have grown up."

He glanced at the teenagers around him, and the expressions on the faces of every teenager and girl had changed compared to when they were in Soochow.

Just like saplings that have experienced wind and rain, after this battle, these young people have become more and more tall and straight.


Ji Qingyuan lowered his gaze, "Where are we going next, I have to ask Baoyue first."

In other words, wherever Ying Baoyue goes, he will follow him?

Ji Da smiled wryly, just as he was about to say something, suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly.

On the grass behind Ji Qingyuan, a smear of black mud suddenly oozed out.

The black mud crawled like a living thing, bounced off the ground with a whoosh, and shot at Ji Qingyuan's face.


Ji Da pushed Ji Qingyuan away, but the black mud circled in the air and rushed towards Ji Ange's eyes.

"An songs!"

Ji Dam's eyes were shattered, but at the moment when the Ji family brothers and sisters were attacked, his whole body trembled, and a third name appeared in his mind.

What about hugging the moon?
Is Ying Baoyue alright?
 it has started
(End of this chapter)

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