Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1814 Dark Voice

Chapter 1814 Dark Voice
Facing the questioning eyes of his children, Ji Mo remained motionless.


Ji Mo waved the Yue Wang Sword lightly, and the ashes fell in pieces, "Old man, do you think I made that damn thing?"

"Is that enough?" Ji Da shook his head.If Ji Mo hadn't suddenly appeared just now, Ji Ange didn't know what would have happened.No matter how ugly what Ji Mo said, he protected his daughter.

No matter how insane Ji Mo was, he wouldn't be able to create such a thing that would specifically harm his children.

In addition, the black mud just now was full of evil spirits, and it didn't match Ji Mo's own skills.

The reason why Ji Da doubted Ji Mo was that his behavior was too strange.

The black mud just now was obviously aimed at Ji Qingyuan and Ji Ange, but the two of them were not of high level as practitioners. The only special thing was that they were the children of Ji Mo and Lin Shubai.

His son and daughter were being targeted by such a strange thing, but Ji Mo was still as calm as before. He didn't think about capturing them alive at all, and burned the black mud to ashes without hesitation.

Of course, it could not be ruled out that Ji Mo could only do this because the situation was critical at that time, but the way he dealt with the black mud was too ruthless and decisive.

Ji Da suspected that this kind of black mud might be the only way to get rid of it, while Ji Mo knew how to deal with this kind of black mud from the beginning.

That means...

"have you seen."

Ji Da stared at Ji Mo's indifferent eyes, "You've seen this thing before."

Ji Mo's eyes flickered, and he said in silence for a moment, "Yes, I have seen it."

"What the hell is this? Why did you go after Qingyuan and Ange?"

As a soldier who once stayed on the Great Wall of Eternal Night, Ji Da thought that he had seen a lot of evil things, but it was the first time he encountered the creepy black mud just now.

"It's rare to see you so restless." Ji Mo's tone was still calm, "I don't know what it is, just treat it as some kind of living thing."

Living thing?

The hairs on Ji Da's back stand on end, this is simply the worst situation.

There are many wonders in the world, and there are indeed many strange and strange creatures in the boundary of Xiling Snow Mountain.But the black mud just now, he had a vague feeling that it didn't grow on this land.

"That thing...what was it?"

Ji Da's voice was a little dry, "What is it made of?"


Ji Mo repeated quietly, then turned around suddenly, no longer looking at the person behind him.

"Ji Da, before you have enough ability to protect yourself, I advise you not to delve into some things."

Ji Da's heart tightened, but immediately his attitude became tougher, "But at least I need to know why this ghost thing is going towards Qingyuan and An Ge."

"Before leaving, miss, let me protect the young lady and the young master no matter what."

Ji Mo was silent for a moment, then turned and glanced at Ji Ange and Ji Qingyuan.

"Probably because the mothers of these two guys are not normal people."

Ji Qingyuan's eyes widened in astonishment, while Ji Ange was furious. Before the two children could attack, Ji Da quickly pulled up the barrier, enclosing him and Ji Mo alone.

Ji Mo glanced outside, "What's the matter?"

"Speak well," Ji Da stared at the man in red who hadn't seen him for a long time.

After leaving the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, he completely severed his relationship with the Ji family, and no longer called Master Ji Mo.

At this moment, Ji Da looked at Ji Mo as if he were looking at a child making trouble for no reason.

"Is there anything you can't say to the two children well?" He said lightly, "You have to be like this."

"Ji Da," Ji Mo said with cold eyes, "If you think you can teach me a lesson by leaving Ji's house, you take yourself too seriously."

Freezing three feet is not a one-day cold, Ji Da sighed in his heart, and decided to give up easing the messy father-son relationship of the Ji family.

"What's wrong with Miss?"

He calmly said, "Is there anything I don't know?"

Although what Ji Mo said just now was ugly, it cannot be said to be completely wrong.

After all, in various senses, Lin Shubai is indeed not a normal person.

"What is that black mud chasing after?"

Ji Da stared deeply at Ji Mo's back, "Is there something wrong with Miss' blood?"


Ji Mo turned around, frowning rarely, "Why do you suspect blood?"

"After all, you can still provoke that kind of thing after being neutralized by you. I can only suspect that there is something wrong with Miss's bloodline." Ji Da shrugged, "Miss is not like a daughter that the Lin family can raise."

With Lin Shubai's vision and knowledge, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is the princess of a fallen tribe or the daughter of a hermit family. She is not like the concubine of the small family of the Lin family.


Ji Mo didn't know if this person was mocking him or something, so he took a deep breath, "You really want to know?"

Ji Da became nervous.

"Is there really something wrong with Miss' bloodline?"

Ji Mo glanced at him, and suddenly there was some ups and downs in his cold tone.

"Ji Da, have you heard her talk about her hometown?"

Ji Da was taken aback, "Hometown?"

"Isn't it Nan Chu?"

Ji Mo's expression became complicated, "I'm afraid not."

"I am afraid?"

Ji Da was keenly aware that something was wrong, "Wait, didn't the lady tell you all this?"

Why was he not sure about Ji Mo's tone?
"She didn't say that," Ji Mo said flatly, "I overheard it by accident."

Ji Da's expression suddenly became a little subtle.

With Lin Shubai's state and sensitivity, she shouldn't be accidentally overheard, unless it was when she was least prepared.

For example... when talking in sleep.

"Let me put it another way," Ji Mo looked into Ji Da's eyes, "Have you ever heard of a time traveler?"


This is an even more unfamiliar word, and Ji Da asked in confusion, "What does it mean? Does it refer to people from far away?"

"It's far away..." Ji Mo was slightly taken aback, "You can also say that."

Even when he heard it for the first time, he couldn't believe it.

The place where Lin Shubai was born may be further away than anyone can imagine.

"Even if Miss came from far away, what does this have to do with those black mud?" Ji Da frowned.

"Those black muds are looking for one type of person," Ji Mo changed his tone, "No, it should be two types."

"Which two kinds?" Ji Da asked eagerly.

"One is the time traveler I mentioned earlier," Ji Mo said in a deep voice, "the other is the person with the wind ability."

"Wind method?"

Ji Da was taken aback, "Why is it Fengfa?"

"I don't know too well, but according to my speculation, it may be because the wind method is related to the time travel I mentioned earlier." Ji Mo's eyes narrowed.

The wind method is indeed special in the Four Swords School, it is the only method that can travel to extremely distant places, maybe it is because of this that it is related to this "traversal"?
Ji Da was confused when he heard it, and suddenly he was shocked.

"Wait, you said someone with wind skills?"

"Isn't the mountain ghost in danger now?"

"If he was going to be in danger, he would have been in danger," Ji Mo said flatly, "The White Tiger God is by his side, and there are no Xirong people on Xiling Snow Mountain."

indeed so.

Ji Da breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly he pricked up his ears.

"Wait, what's that sound?"

 In the series of plots, there are some things that everyone should be able to figure out
(End of this chapter)

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