Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 184 Killing the Game

Chapter 184 Killing the Game
On the east side of the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, there is a crack running through the whole mansion. This is something that people in Danyang City have tacitly understood.

Even though the National Teacher's Mansion later renovated many walls and roofs along the way, the crack was too long, and unless all the houses on the east side of the National Teacher's Mansion were rebuilt, it would be difficult to erase its traces.In the end, Nan Chu Guoshi, who didn't like breaking ground, gave an order and just let the matter be repaired hastily.

After all, that crack... was cut very neatly at the beginning, and many walls can be pasted with just a layer of plaster.

In this repair method, traces of different colors were left on the countless walls of the Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion.

People of the older generation still know some of the reasons for the past, but in the eyes of the younger generation, they are completely puzzled, and many people even come to watch it as a spectacle.

It's really because the scope of that crack is really too big.Today, just looking at the traces left by the renovation, one can feel the shock of the crack at that time.

You must know that it is not a wall and a house!It went through the entire half of the mansion!All the walls and houses along the way were cut in half!
When Ji Ange was released during Chinese New Year when she was a child, she used to count the traces left by the crack in her spare time, but she was horrified to find that...

The crack actually started from the outermost thick outer wall of the entrance of the National Teacher's Mansion, and passed through thirteen houses, three gardens, four pavilions, six corridors, a stable, even a pond and a bridge, and finally arrived at the back wall.

It was hundreds of feet long, and it continued to the back mountain of the Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion.

It seems that only when the earth shakes and the mountains shake, can the fissure be described by uncanny workmanship.

Ever since Ji Ange could remember, she knew that this rift was terrible, and people in the mansion avoided talking about it, but as she grew up, she found that whenever people in the mansion passed by or talked about that rift, if she and her brother happened to be together .

Then the servant's attitude towards them will suddenly change.

Become respectful and even a little... awed?
What is all this about?
Ji Ange thought it was her delusion at first, but although the location of the huge crack was opposite to the yard they lived in, they would always encounter it several times a year when they were released, which was enough to make her realize that the people's reactions were not accidental.

Yes, there is still a place.

What also puzzled Ji Ange was the location of the crack.

That crack ran through the entire Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion. If it appeared in the middle, then it could just be said that this crack split the Southern Chu National Teacher's Mansion into two halves.

But the strange thing is that this crack is not located in the middle of the National Teacher's Mansion, but on the east side of the central axis of the National Teacher's Mansion.

That is, the right-hand side of the front.

The small courtyard where Ji Ange and Ji Qingyuan lived was to the west of the National Teacher's Mansion.

It can be said that the crack perfectly avoided the residence of her and her brother.

Although Ji Ange has noticed these things are wrong since she was a child, she dare not think in other directions.

The horror of that crack surpassed her imagination, so she didn't even dare to imagine if it was made by human beings.

How could such a huge crack running through the whole mansion be possible for humans?

God knows that when Ji Ange saw this crack when she was a child, her first reaction was... Her father did too many bad things, so her house was struck by lightning.

"A lightning strike from the sky?"

When Ji Ange subconsciously uttered the conjecture she had when she was a child, Ji Qingyuan, who knew the truth, looked at her sister speechlessly, "What are you thinking?"

Everyone kept secrets from her, so why not allow her to guess?

"I think what I think is quite normal," Ji Ange stared at Ji Qingyuan expressionlessly and said, "It's so long that even lightning can't strike it, okay?"

Ji Qingyuan was startled when he heard the words, and then a complicated smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You're right."

Before that young man saw that scene for the first time, he never thought that a person's strength could be so powerful.

Seeing his reaction, Ji Ange's pupils shrank, and she stared into her brother's eyes, "So, it's not Tianlei?"

There was a conjecture in her heart, and her heart ached from the unthinkable conjecture.

"That's right, it's not Ray."

Ji Qingyuan looked into Ji Ange's eyes, looked at the needle and thread tightly clenched in his sister's hands, somehow remembered what the woman said when she asked her to take off her veil, suddenly took a deep breath, and said calmly.

"That's a person."

"Human?" Ji Ange's eyes widened in astonishment, and he said in disbelief.

"who is it?"



how can that be possible?
Ji Ange's heart beat like a drum beating as if struck by lightning.

Ji Qingyuan looked at his younger sister's violently shaking eyes, as if he saw the terrified eyes of the people in the entire National Teacher's Mansion back then, and his heartbeat also became violent for a long time.

Just like when he saw his young sister lying on the ground with bruises all over her face.

Ji Qingyuan looked at Ji Ange and said in a low voice.

"Do you remember being poisoned when you were five years old?"

Ji Ange was taken aback when she heard the words, she didn't remember clearly, she only remembered a vague memory of severe pain all over her body.

"It seems that I don't remember clearly," Ji Qingyuan looked at the confused younger sister and smiled slightly.

But he was nine years old that year, and he remembered it clearly.



That year was the fifth year of the founding of the Qin Empire, and at the same time that there was another medium-scale turmoil on the northern border, Emperor Taizu Emperor Yingdi did not go on a personal conquest, but sent his chief minister Lin Shubai to conquer Xirong again.

At that time, it was a time of ice and snow in the north. Although the Western Army had few troops, due to the weather, the battle situation in the north fell into anxiety for a while.

And at this time, some people in the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion who had been eager to make a move thought they had found an opportunity.

Ji Qingyuan remembered very clearly that it was one afternoon after their father Nanchu Guoshi went to the mountain for retreat every day. His younger sister Ji Ange, who was only five years old at the time, fell to the ground after eating the snacks brought by the nanny.

But Ji Qingyuan remembered more clearly that the snack was originally... given to him.

As soon as he took a bite, he saw his younger sister looking at him with bright eyes, and handed her a piece.

And just this one, almost caused his lifelong regret.

Ji Qingyuan did not tell Ji Ange that it was not only her who was poisoned, but also himself.But at that time, he had realized that he didn't eat much and was still conscious, while Ji Ange, who was only five years old, was covered in bruises at the time, and he was about to die immediately.

It was only later that Ji Qingyuan found out that it was actually a severe pain specifically for practitioners. Ordinary people could not try it out, but low-level practitioners could see the blood seal their throats.If it wasn't for the fact that his and Ji Ange's bloodlines were too strong, beyond the imagination of the poisoner, perhaps nothing would happen.

At that time, the nine-year-old boy hugged his younger sister who was starting to feel cold all over, and felt that the sky was about to collapse.

And at this moment, under the screams of the servants, the wife of the national teacher rushed in with a group of guards. She did nothing but insisted that it was the nanny who poisoned her, and she would kill the nanny on the spot.

In the chaos, Ji Qingyuan hugged his dying sister tightly, feeling helpless and hopeless like never before.

But he didn't expect it, just when he thought no one would come.

Someone came back.



(End of this chapter)

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